Salesgirl who didnt recognize Naomi Campbell!

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ccdelta said:
No you can not get an amen! It has been apparent for years just how much Naomi Campbell has contributed to this world in the forms of charitable service. She has worked for the Nelson Mandela Children's Fund for years, supported ALTHA, Fidel Castro's Cuban Children's Fund, raised funds with the Dalai Lama for UNESCO, was the 1st face for the Fashion Targets Breast Cancer campaign and most recently held a hug charity fashion show and donated the proceeds to Hurricaine Katrina victims. She has also participatd in numerous charity functions to support AIDS relief!

And in your ignorance you ask what has she done. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Naomi Campbell has also bust the doors wide open for thousands of models of color to be welcomed in the world of fashion! She was the first model of color to appear on Time magazine, British Vogue and French Vogue. She continues to dominate in the worlds of fashion and modeling because she is the best at what she does. She is not washed up in fact! She is also a human being and being a black woman faces issues in the media that other models who have done so much worse get accolades for (ie. Kate Moss who has done drugs with her child being present and she is still working!)

Oprah also faced the same discrimination at a shop in Europe where she was not recognized and they denied her admittance into a shop. And Oprah was pissed! So Naomi's response was that of a human woman with feelings! Stop believing all the hype and every stupid thing that someone puts out in the media about someone that you do not know! I can go on and on but I will stop there...

Can I get an Amen to that?

AMEN!!!!:D :flower: it was very ignorant to say Naomi Campbell didn't do anything for the fashion world especially for women of color
OMIFAN9 said:
I have to say that’s absurd esepcially coming from someone who's never met her:lol::huh:. Just as there are those who have that kinda mentality,its 25x more that will say the opposite. You don't have tons of friends(from Nelson Mandela to Quincy Jones to Turlington) and work an unprecedented 20 successful years straight in this business by being even half as bitchy as some would like to think. Its just commonsense,but hey there are haters in the world thus the display on this thread.

If you'd seen "Unzipped" you wouldn't be so sure about that.
Nemova said:
If you'd seen "Unzipped" you wouldn't be so sure about that.

Yeah,I've seen it. I wonder have you:huh:,your comment says otherwise. You must be thinking of another model or two in that film,no names(I wont name). My comment stands,makes commonsense all personal things aside.
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I don't care if Naomi Campbell is the most famous super model, or does charitable work, or blah blah whatever. There are 6.6 billion people in the world, if some random person doesn't recognize Naomi Campbell one day then too bad for Naomi Campbell. :rolleyes:
Well in that case that same could be said of Oprah and lots of stars. I don't see why people make a big deal of it. Some people just don't know/pay attention to a certain/or every entertainment genre and it's stars. Big deal,they all have fans respectively. I mean the same thing happen with me & Colin Farell 3 years ago when I was at work:doh:.
OMIFAN9 said:
Well in that case that same could be said of Oprah and lots of stars. I don't see why people make a big deal of it. Some people just don't know/pay attention to a certain/or every entertainment genre and it's stars. Big deal,they all have fans respectively. I mean the same thing happen with me & Colin Farell 3 years ago when I was at work:doh:.

I think it's understandable. I think these celebrities become almost fantastical to people. By the majority of us they're usually never seen in person, sometimes I wonder if they even exist. It's not like you were expecting to see Colin Farell that day 3 years ago, anymore then you were expecting to see God, or Santa Claus! :flower:
OMIFAN9 said:
Yeah,I've seen it. I wonder have you:huh:,your comment says otherwise. You must be thinking of another model or two in that film,no names(I wont name). My comment stands,makes commonsense all personal things aside.

Well honey, if I mentioned it then I certainly did, right? :rolleyes: Maybe YOU don't remember the part when she throws a tantrum because Linda Evangelista or whatever other model used supposedly comfier shoes than hers. She yelled at Mizrahi for en eternity until he gave up. I wouldn't call a person like that an angel.
Oh for goodness sake.

That wasn't Naomi, that was Linda. And as obnoxious as she was, she was just joking.
ShanaLucas said:
Oh for goodness sake.

That wasn't Naomi, that was Linda. And as obnoxious as she was, she was just joking.

Yes IT WAS Naomi, and I stand by that. I remember it very clearly because that was the day when I realised that Ms. Campbell wasn't the sweetest person in the world.
You think she's nice, but her reputation says otherwise

From Blissfully Clueless (taken from NY Press' list of the 50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers of 2006, which btw includes Mr. Mizrahi):

33. Naomi Campbell (Supermodel)
It’s as if Naomi Campbell has spent her entire career trying to exact revenge for Linda Evangelista butchering her last name in the 1995 documentary about Isaac Mizrahi, Unzipped. Now that she’s become a first-name-only boldface, her last name seems superfluous. But her life story continues to unspool as if John Candy’s Planes, Trains and Automobiles character was replaced by a five-foot-nine-and-a-half, gorgeous but psychotic woman. Whether hurling courtesy phones at minimum-wage employees long before the Gladiator thought of it, pushing assistants out of moving vehicles or attacking airline passengers years before al-Qaeda, La Campbell has always been ahead of her time. But if that’s not enough of a story, try her 1995 “novel,” Swan. This 359-page dog-pile has the nerve to introduce a nefarious snuff-film impresario on page 335. It’s enough to make one tell Judith Krantz she can take Manhattan, as long as she takes Naomi with her. But perhaps dancing is more your speed. How about 1995’s disco disc Babywoman, which was huge—in Japan? Poor Naomi, the fur was flying when she was caught in Milan working the runway in mink after her debut as a PETA spokesmodel. Even wax Naomi at London’s Madame Tussaud’s required her own velvet rope after visitors repeatedly molested her. Actually we love the naughty Naomi; you’re on this list because 2005 was an endless litany of excuses for bad behavior. Whether in the House of Lords or on the house of Tyra, this year has been a nonstop whine-a-thon from the 36-year-old. Reported drug use, crazed stalker, the Dalai Lama: You already have a mountain named after you outside Madrid: La Maliciosa. It’s a swift drop after you’ve reached the Valley of the Dolls.
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Nemova said:
Yes IT WAS Naomi, and I stand by that. I remember it very clearly because that was the day when I realised that Ms. Campbell wasn't the sweetest person in the world.

It seems you're set on hating,even when people who really pay attention to these models disagree with you. I'VE SEEN THIS FILM MANY TIMES, AND AGAIN IT WASN'T HER! AND IF SHE DID SOMETHING I WOULD SAY IT,BUT IT WASN'T HER! IT WAS LINDA,KATE & YASMEEN BEING WIERD/DIFFICULT! I mean its obvious you can't speak of being sweet or not by your posts yourself(including that stupid NY article you probably live by). Get over it! Sad such hate exists in this world and in the press. Shes done so much good and for others,more than any of us will likely ever do,including these crazy,money chasing writers. Such crazy stories,why don't people write about more important things.
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OMIFAN9 said:
It seems you're set on hating,even when people who really pay attention to these models disagree with you. I'VE SEEN THIS FILM MANY TIMES, AND AGAIN IT WASN'T HER! AND IF SHE DID SOMETHING I WOULD SAY IT,BUT IT WASN'T HER! IT WAS LINDA,KATE & YASMEEN BEING WIERD/DIFFICULT! I mean its obvious you can't speak of being sweet or not by your posts yourself(including that stupid NY article you probably live by). Get over it! Sad such hate exists in this world and in the press.

Okay honey, you seem to be having some serious case of amnesia here, but whatever makes you happy, I just don't give a rat's ***.
Nemova said:
I just don't give a rat's ***.

Yeah,its obvious you don't know/care what you're talking about so just give up. It doesn't matter to me. Shana,I and whomever has seen that film will tell you the same thing. But yet you continue to hate,so think what you want. Check the facts first! Wrong model,wrong sense of hate/judgement.
Anyway...getting back to the topic at hand...

This is an odd situation and it's difficult for me to accept this story at face value. Normally, doesn't a store clerk ask for a 2nd form of ID if there is any question or doubt?:unsure:
ShanaLucas said:
Anyway...getting back to the topic at hand...

This is an odd situation and it's difficult for me to accept this story at face value. Normally, doesn't a store clerk ask for a 2nd form of ID if there is any question or doubt?:unsure:

No,not all of them. Besides,its a store clerk,not a scientist:rolleyes:,no offense. She could've just been tired. Like I said a similiar thing happened to me,luckily Colin didn't buy anything from me,we just talked...but I was still clueless to who he was.
OMIFAN9 said:
Yeah,its obvious you don't know/care what you're talking about so just give up. It doesn't matter to me. Shana,I and whomever has seen that film will tell you the same thing. But yet you continue to hate,so think what you want. Check the facts first! Wrong model,wrong sense of hate/judgement.

Linda Evangelista complains about wearing flats while Naomi is in heels (she even "jokes" about Mizrahi having a problem with white women). Then, Naomi complains that she always wears heels and wants to wear flats or something to that effect. They start a cat fight and Isaac Mizrahi finally gives it up to the two divas.

And no, I don't hate Naomi because Naomi isn't part of my life so she's not worthy of my sentiments (good or bad). Maybe you should be worried about loving this woman so much, I mean, does she pay your bills or something?
Nemova said:
Linda Evangelista complains about wearing flats while Naomi is in heels (she even "jokes" about Mizrahi having a problem with white women). Then, Naomi complains that she always wears heels and wants to wear flats or something to that effect. They start a cat fight and Isaac Mizrahi finally gives it up to the two divas.

Thats absurd! I have this movie okay,it never happened,let it go. And for the record I don't/nor should anyone worry about anything with anyone dealing with LOVE/Likeness b/c it's not a crime,only HATE and ignorance is and should be worried about!
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This WHOLE thread soley concentrates on BICKERING and Flaming!

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