Selena Gomez (April 2010 - February 2012)

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she has her own clothing line? seriously what the heck?????? i get that she is pretty and can wear nice clothes and can read lines off a script, therefore she is marketable. but hearing that she has a clothing line...and other 16 year old kids having clothing lines. there is no integrity in the entertainment industry...i dont get how anybody who has become "famous" via the disney assembly-line factory can just pick up a microphone and call themselves a singer. similarly, any nutcracker with a recognizable name can just one day decide they want more they are gonna make a clothing line. and talk about how much they have loved fashion all their life.. "i would dress up in my moms old clothes when i was 6...ive always just lovvved fashion".....everybody does that at 6!!!!!

its like if a lawyer, with a LAW DEGREE, decided he was gonna go save lives by calling himself a doctor. nobody would allow him to do this. and yet here we are letting "actors" (if they can even be called that...despite having no schooling whatsoever) "design" clothes...but the worst part is, they dont design the clothes. they just front the label. and they dont ever get educated on their craft...because these days you can get tons of money by milking out poor quality products that the masses will appreciate. because the masses are equally inane.

so help me god.
she has her own clothing line? seriously what the heck?????? i get that she is pretty and can wear nice clothes and can read lines off a script, therefore she is marketable. but hearing that she has a clothing line...and other 16 year old kids having clothing lines. there is no integrity in the entertainment industry...i dont get how anybody who has become "famous" via the disney assembly-line factory can just pick up a microphone and call themselves a singer. similarly, any nutcracker with a recognizable name can just one day decide they want more they are gonna make a clothing line. and talk about how much they have loved fashion all their life.. "i would dress up in my moms old clothes when i was 6...ive always just lovvved fashion".....everybody does that at 6!!!!!

its like if a lawyer, with a LAW DEGREE, decided he was gonna go save lives by calling himself a doctor. nobody would allow him to do this. and yet here we are letting "actors" (if they can even be called that...despite having no schooling whatsoever) "design" clothes...but the worst part is, they dont design the clothes. they just front the label. and they dont ever get educated on their craft...because these days you can get tons of money by milking out poor quality products that the masses will appreciate. because the masses are equally inane.

so help me god.

She's 18.:D
She's 18.:D

haha oh my bad. i sound so angry in that last post....i know life is not fair. i see people who are putting themselves through school by having multiple jobs. even taking care of families while doing this. all so that they can make a living...provide for the future...contribute to society. and unfortunately, how much they get in return doesn't even compare to the level of sacrifice and dedication they've put in. in contrast, the entertainment industry...especially the younger crowd...gets reimbursed exponentially, for what exactly?? i agree that these kids too have worked hard (to some degree). but its more like 70% the efforts of their "team of people" who are marketing them, campaigning to get more jobs, doing damage control whenever necessary. and it kind of makes me a little sick to my stomach to think about how society puts these teens (who are mere puppets of an industry that exploits impressionable preteens) on a pedestal, calling them "talented" and worthy of all this praise. what a confused message the media is sending to kids. singing some random lines that somebody else wrote...about being in love in high school...then acting in some TV show that requires no stretch of skill whatsoever. then calling yourself a "triple threat"...this is not talent...this is quantity > quality. when credit is due, i will most definitely give it. i don't think all entertainers are in the same category that i am criticizing right now. obviously the world needs entertainment...but not every piece of trash on the street should be allowed to dress up in a gold jacket and call it self "valuable".

ahh, i didn't mean to start this kind of moral/ethical conversation in Selena Gomez's thread, of all threads...hahaha. okay lets talk fashion some more.
The k-mart pics are very .... junior style which fits I guess cause that's her demographic! But it seems like a departure from her norm style.
Selena Gomez - Evening of Southern Style presented by the St Bernard Project

I don't really like the dress, but the shoes are nice, I just don't think they really suit her.
Also is she wearing hair extensions? I find hair extensions tacky, or at least very long ones.
What the hell did they DO to her? The first three pictures don't even look like a human being anymore.

I seriously do NOT know what's wrong with magazines these days. Someone as naturally beautiful as Selena (and it can be seen in pap pics all the time that she definitely has good skin and is a natural beauty), is being photoshopped into a weird looking face. Magazines seem to have way too much money so they constantly pay their employees to make beautiful people look ugly ... so weird.
The first 3 pictures are horrible. They airbrushed her to death.

#460 As for Selena having her own clothing line being sold at K-Mart, I am not at all surprised. Hilary Duff also had her own clothing and make up line when she was Selena's age. Do people not remember, "Stuff by Hilary Duff". Anyway, I think it is part of Disney's marketing scheme. When the actor/actress' are at the point where their show is no longer filming new episodes, they squeeze the last bit of advertising out of them they can while they are still popular. It has been done before. Selena is 18 now, she won't be with Disney much longer.
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Selena is the cutest! It will be interesting to see where her career goes.
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