Sex and the City/And Just Like That... (HBO Series)

As a long-time fan of the original show, I've been watching the reboot with an open mind (after that second movie there's only one way to go), and I'm pretty sure I would have given up 20 minutes in if I'd never watched the original.

Funny enough, I loved the Miranda/Che/Carrie scene, it harked back to a few of the show's early seasons (think Natasha falling down the stairs and breaking a tooth), mixing awkwardness and physical discomfort. Maybe it's my nostalgia talking (season 3 is my personal favourite and that's a hill I'm ready to die on), but I thought with the latest episode the show has found its stride...sort of.
That's the key to this show: you just have to have an open mind about it, and accept the fact that it's simply a different show now. It even says so in the title! I think if you try too hard to connect this show to that, you'll probably be disappointed.

What I didn't like was how age-inappropriate that Miranda/Che/Carrie scene was. I could imagine that scene taking place in s3 (a personal fave of mine, too), but now that the characters are fully grown women in their 50s...fuggedabout it.

And seriously...only NOW do they want to make Miranda a lesbian?

And seriously...only NOW do they want to make Miranda a lesbian?

Ikr? All those S1/S2 dungarees for nothing! And that cute lawyer colleague was leagues ahead of Che, who I think is competing for the most insufferable character on the reboot (quite a feat considering Miranda's newfound Karen alter ego and Charlotte being...herself).
After decades of criticism about lack of diversity and such on the show, it's understandable they tried to course-correct or present something that reflects New York currently, but they've just done it in the most cringe-worthy, tone-deaf, transparent way imaginable. I think they just thought "audiences love these existing characters, let's create very obvious counterparts for each of them but cast a WoC and people will love them too and we'll get clapped on the back for being diverse!" but it just doesn't entirely work.

On a positive note, here's some things I like about the new show:
- Seema is a great addition, I'd love to see her be more integrated into the core friend group.
- Big's death. I like him as a character, but from a narrative standpoint he'd run his course and obviously now with the Noth accusations...
- Miranda evolving. Exploring her sexuality, going back to school, and being unhappy with her life all seem believable to me and true to character. Her reflecting and taking serious stock of her life as she ages seems on-brand and I think is relatable. Nixon is delivering excellent work, but the writing just isn't there yet.... I like the effort/ideas, though.
-The idea of Carrie doing a podcast is a great one, I think. Could've been handled far better, though. They should be using it as a clear framing device for the episodes, the way her columns were in the original series.
Cynthia Nixon commented on a recent post from that Instagram account, so I hope it's safe to assume she's seen the reactions. As a star, producer, and now director of the series, I hope she takes it to heart and if we get a season 2 (I have to believe we will, even though the reactions are mixed at best, *a ton* of people are watching the show) appropriate changes are made.
It's absolutely tragic and cringe and kind of fun to watch for that very reason. The woke crap is so ridiculous and shoe-horned. It's not endearing. What I find to be kind of shocking is that this show seems to be deadset on thoroughly embarrassing these women - the characters and actresses.

My biggest hang up, though, is do they really expect us to forget about the huge stink Miranda made in the first movie about Steve cheating on her and how heartbroken and hurt she then have her cheat on him and expect sympathy and understanding from her friends and us, the viewers? F*ck that.
Well the past few minutes of the last episode showed more promise than most of the rest of the episodes put together. Really hope this show gets renewed for a second season, now.

The whole "they" mitzvah ordeal was an utter disgrace, though. Also why is Mario Cantone getting nearly as much screentime as the ladies?
Potentially the hottest mess show of all time. And was so fun to hate watch.

Hari Nef in the finale was ridiculous and Hari is an absolutely terrible actress. The way people act now is so that whole quirky schtick is so bad.
Here for Aidan and Aidan alone. Also, that very sexy man in bed who tossed his phone, I don't know who that is but I am here for him too.
Saw someone on twitter say they can't get over the fact that each of them have their own emotional support woman of color :loudlycrying::tearsofjoy:
^ awful but true. I love Sarita Choudhury's character, though, and she integrates more naturally into the show than the other new characters, who all feel like they were written by an AI with a diversity quota.
Was not planning to watch cause I cringed enough in S1 but just watched the trailer for season 2 and spotted Bobby Lee aka. 'every day for a summer' :tearsofjoy:.. so I may actually watch but.. why is there? it's all so random, so many characters to validate this show.
There’s been reports online that Kim Catrall will return as Samantha Jones for a very VERY brief period during season two:

Official trailer for season two:

I’m late to this party & just finished watching And Just Like That & although it had crinchey moments I did enjoy it.
My biggest issue was it had no heart & it was big on humiliation of characters ~ I just don’t like that. It felt at times that the writers were a bunch of 30yr olds writing for characters that are in their 50s.
Also Carrie’s wardrobe was fabulous but no smart & independent 50 yr old would dress like Miranda or Charlotte & especially not on the NYC subway.
My favourite moments where the Gucci pant suit & the orange Valentino ~ so fabulous :sparklingheart: Also the line “You’re not progressive enough” made me laugh out loud !
Lastly no one cares about the children ~ please less of these boring characters.
Anyone else watch the first two new episodes yet? I also know I'm going to keep watching because... I am who I am. But it's not pretty so far.
^ I have watched the first 2 episodes & I have found it runs the gauntlet from ick to basis in a New York minute but I too am like you and will watch because of who I am ~ what can I say :womanshrugging:
But the fashion is amazing especially SJP & Nicole Ari Parker :lightblueheart:
Seeing Gary Dourdin was a bonus & I wish they would make Carrie’s love interest someone from the 80’s or 90’s like James Spader or Grant Show the fans would love it.
AJLT renewed for a third season:

…which reminds me I need to start watching the second!

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