Sexual Misconduct Allegations in the Fashion Industry

^ Geez ... Elaine, he's just not that into you.

I think it's inevitable that there will be stories that 'don't belong,' and I don't think they discredit the movement. I think they point to more people (often women) needing good boundaries, and the need we as a society have to sort bad experiences from abusive experiences.

Also, with regard to the French petition ... it's typical here in the US to have annual sexual harassment training at work. Different companies' policies are quite similar in my experience. There are special rules when there's a reporting relationship, but otherwise, I've never seen a policy that says you can't approach someone. What they do say is you need to take no for an answer. What I've observed both at and away from work is men taking great offense when they're told no. A lot of men really need to grow up and realize that they're not everyone's flavor ... no one is. If you don't respect a woman's saying no, you just don't respect women ... is how I see it. I'm just mystified that a lot of men feel this is something they have a right to get angry about, particularly when you bend over backwards to be polite about it.

I hope this would encourage more male models to reveal their experience with Bruce Weber and Mario Testino and other people in the industry who haven’t been exposed. It is super disturbing to see that so many people within the industry, probably knowing how those people have been abusing their power for decades, still try to cover up their wrongdoings or remain silent on this issue. What’s more ironic is that Naomi Campbell, who’s been actively trying to ‘fix’ the problems in the industry, liked a recent post on Bruce Weber’s instagram even after that NYT story came out.

Here we go again with this “PERSONALLY I never had a bad experience in my [insert number of years here] of working with them so everyone else who did can shut their big mouths!” point of view.

Not surprised to see Testino favorite Gigi stay silent, to be real. Obviously, I believe she should speak out, but the general public has no idea about either the assault stories and/or Gigi & Testino’s work, which, although should prompt her to speak out & publicize the issue further, will probably be a reason for her to stay silent. (She didn’t publicly speak out about that Buddha cookie situation until Chinese VS fans spammed her IG to ban her from China, right?)
Yeah, no doubt that the Testino situation is really gonna show who actually can put their money where their mouth is and who just supports industry change when it benefits them.

Mario is INCREDIBLY popular and high profile. He has worked with almost everyone under the sun and is fashion royalty. I don't think many people close to him are gonna speak out.

However, does this mean that Mario is not gonna be able to work as a photographer anymore? Because if so, then most people will probably just never mention him again if they don't have to (like say, for a job).
Pretty surprised at Gigi, who I never cared for, but constantly style herself as this 'woke' SJW.***
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speaking of gigi, let's also establish that i'm not standing up for her at all. i think she did a really shameful thing. i actually can't stand her and the same can be said for bella (who you were actually probably thinking of, she's the more 'activist' of the two) and kendall.

while i certainly hope the recent allegations surrounding weber and testino will lead to significant changes in the modeling industry, i doubt it.

the reason why people 'care' about what's happening in hollywood is because big wigs came out and said something, which gave an air of legitimacy for the lower profile actresses who were the first to speak out.... angelina jolie and gwyneth paltrow speaking to the nyt about their weinstein experiences, for instance. despite people's 'mixed' feelings about these actresses, you can't deny their success (both have won oscars for instance). what's the equivalent in the modeling industry? a (garbage) us vogue cover? oscars beat us vogue covers in terms of 'prestige' all day every day.

furthermore, who's the angelina and gwyneth of the modeling industry in terms of your average person thinking they've worked hard for what they've accomplished? can you say kendall, gigi and bella have vogue covers, top campaigns based on merit or that they've accomplished what they have based on desperate attempts by the industry to stay current and relevant? sure you have older models (naomi and kate) but kendall, bella and gigi are the faces of the industry at this time. and are totally ill-equipped to do any organizing (such as time's up) that would give the issues that impact men and women models in the industry the press and attention they deserve. i mean, can you imagine those 3 sitting down for an in-depth interview about these issues? :lol::lol::lol: cameron russell doesn't have the profile of the unholy trinity and there are no high profile/famous male models who could do this either...

this is really bad. 'sjws' are often the ones advocating for positive change but people in the modeling industry don't care about what 'sjws' say because they advocate for equality on a variety of issues and the industry isn't changing their racist, sexist attitudes and practices any time soon (if ever) so the industry isn't looking to partner with these activists to create change. anna wintour doesn't have any moral authority because of her own weinstein connection and how clueless she is regarding issues of race, gender (last august's gigi/zayn cover, anyone?), size. based on the aforementioned, the modeling industry is in dire straits in terms of lasting, positive change occurring as a result of these allegations, and it's no ones fault but their own. industry watchers also play a role in this (including folks on this site) but that's a whole other conversation...:innocent:
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That was me.

To those questioning the legitimacy of the accusations, believe me when I tell you, they are very real and that these two are just the tip of the iceberg.

People should know that this issue goes far deeper than just the creative, it also runs deep into the corporate structure of these brands as well. Those stories are even more horrible, because I have heard of ways in which those men misbehave and then try to cover it up.

The models who aren't coming forward are still afraid to do so from fear of being reprimanded. Do you think someone like Anna enjoys having to sever ties with her friend, Mario? The answer is most likely no! Should a currently relevant, working, model come forward with damning accusations, they're likely to be banned from working with Conde Nast as well, because they're the ones who took down a close "friend."

Just know this, these situations are part of a larger web. Agents i bed with corporate guys who are in bed with creatives who work with publications.

This is what makes me cringe more. From my personal experience on set, I've seen more harassment from designers and stylists than from anyone else. Some agents too. And agents "tipping" models on ways to behave at parties next to designers and corporate guys. All tied up with a few "helping mechanisms" provided by the agents.

I know a male model that bedded a male stylist because "he promised me he would show me to X designer in Paris". These stories are far from rare.

I am seriously afraid of disappointment regarding my favourite photographers, like Lindbergh and Roversi. I'm happy that I'm yet to hear anything bad about them.

Also, am I the only one that is finding a tremendous coincidence that truly "woke" models like Guinevere Van Seenus have only worked once or twice with Testino in the 90s and that's it? Always asked why many important models were almost absent from his portfolio.
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Also, am I the only one that is finding a tremendous coincidence that truly "woke" models like Guinevere Van Seenus have only worked once or twice with Testino in the 90s and that's it? Always asked why many important models were almost absent from his portfolio.

Testino has bad taste maybe as well?

I can't believe anyone would defend him or Bruce at this point. Neither have been thrown in jail, Mario I'm sure won't even face a lawsuit at all.

These two men were far more rich and powerful than any two men needed to be. This industry needs a reckoning. The ones who trade sex for jobs, the ones who ruin careers for sport, who abuse for sport, damn, even just the ones who aren't nice and thoughtful to those around them. Social media is evil but if we can use it for good, and get rid of these people, let's do that please. It seems to be working.
the reason why people 'care' about what's happening in hollywood is because big wigs came out and said something, which gave an air of legitimacy for the lower profile actresses who were the first to speak out.... angelina jolie and gwyneth paltrow speaking to the nyt about their weinstein experiences, for instance. despite people's 'mixed' feelings about these actresses, you can't deny their success (both have won oscars for instance). what's the equivalent in the modeling industry? a (garbage) us vogue cover? oscars beat us vogue covers in terms of 'prestige' all day every day...

Won't even bother to respond to the first paragraph. It's just your usual type of flamey superfan chatter which make me go Zzzzz. I'll send that bit straight to Coventry.

Actually in agreement with with most of the rest of your post, except the theory that the likes of Angelina and Gwyneth gave an 'air of legitimacy' to the previous accusers which is not only brazenly inaccurate but also insulting. If you actually bothered to check the facts instead of just skimming you'd have found that Weinstein's first accusers gained considerable media traction, responses from both ends and industry heavyweights such as Streep/Dench prior to Paltrow and Jolie's reveal.

Hollywood and the fashion industry are apples and oranges. Male models are not that well-known to begin with, not even all that much within the industry either. Gandy, O'pry, Kortajarena is about the closest equivalent I can get to Angelina/Gwyneth, but them stepping forward today won't add weight to the issue because of their (little known) prestige. It's immensely brave of these guys to come forward like this because many probably never heard of them before.
lol. you're the last one who can say anything derisive about gigi hadid seeing as you've said kerry washington looked too 'urban' on an elle mag cover and said naomie harris' faux locks hair style doesn't 'work' for her... you have said multiple 'off-color' things on these forums, the previously mentioned are just 2 examples. and i'll just leave it at that.

speaking of gigi, let's also establish that i'm not standing up for her at all. i think she did a really shameful thing. i actually can't stand her and the same can be said for bella (who you were actually probably thinking of, she's the more 'activist' of the two) and kendall.

while i certainly hope the recent allegations surrounding weber and testino will lead to significant changes in the modeling industry, i doubt it.

the reason why people 'care' about what's happening in hollywood is because big wigs came out and said something, which gave an air of legitimacy for the lower profile actresses who were the first to speak out.... angelina jolie and gwyneth paltrow speaking to the nyt about their weinstein experiences, for instance. despite people's 'mixed' feelings about these actresses, you can't deny their success (both have won oscars for instance). what's the equivalent in the modeling industry? a (garbage) us vogue cover? oscars beat us vogue covers in terms of 'prestige' all day every day.

furthermore, who's the angelina and gwyneth of the modeling industry in terms of your average person thinking they've worked hard for what they've accomplished? can you say kendall, gigi and bella have vogue covers, top campaigns based on merit or that they've accomplished what they have based on desperate attempts by the industry to stay current and relevant? sure you have older models (naomi and kate) but kendall, bella and gigi are the faces of the industry at this time. and are totally ill-equipped to do any organizing (such as time's up) that would give the issues that impact men and women models in the industry the press and attention they deserve. i mean, can you imagine those 3 sitting down for an in-depth interview about these issues? :lol::lol::lol: cameron russell doesn't have the profile of the unholy trinity and there are no high profile/famous male models who could do this either...

this is really bad. 'sjws' are often the ones advocating for positive change but people in the modeling industry don't care about what 'sjws' say because they advocate for equality on a variety of issues and the industry isn't changing their racist, sexist attitudes and practices any time soon (if ever) so the industry isn't looking to partner with these activists to create change. anna wintour doesn't have any moral authority because of her own weinstein connection and how clueless she is regarding issues of race, gender (last august's gigi/zayn cover, anyone?), size. based on the aforementioned, the modeling industry is in dire straits in terms of lasting, positive change occurring as a result of these allegations, and it's no ones fault but their own. industry watchers also play a role in this (including folks on this site) but that's a whole other conversation...:innocent:

You seem to be suggesting that the changes in Hollywood and the changes that are happening in the modeling industry (and they are happening - the photographers that have been mentioned here have all lost work as result of the new climate) are the result of industry stars getting on board with the movement.

I don't agree with that assessment. I think the changes are reflective of broader cultural changes paired with the incredible amount of transparency (for better and for worse) that we have today due to social media.

Brands and magazines know that if they work with these people who have been outed as predators, they will face backlash from the public. This kind of backlash can ultimately hurt sales, and these brands and magazines are obviously in business to sell products. So backlash is not something they take lightly.

The #MeToo movement gathered steam largely because people on Twitter got on board and shared their experiences. And it doing so, it became clear that predatory behavior is a widespread problem.

So I would argue that the movement is being driven by the public at large, which now has a powerful platform thanks to social media. When stars voice their support it certainly helps, but stars aren't the driving force behind this new change.

The last time there was this much of a cultural shift was probably at the end of the 1950s, leading into all the big civil rights advancements that happened in the 1960s. I'm very excited to see where we go from here.
That was me.

Sorry, I could not remember your name (or even in which thread that was stated) :doh:

I am shocked that some names haven't been published about and I know they're probably shaking in their boots. A Goliath story rings a bell! :wink:

I am probably way off (hopefully!) but Goliath makes me think of David which makes me think of David Bellemere, especially because of his recent shoot with Sara Sampaio for Lui magazine for which she is suing them for because they kept making her take her clothes off and published nudity (apparently she did not want nudity) ... Please say it's not David Bellemere and that my imagination is running wild?
These darlings of the fashion industry will be given a short time out before being fully embraced again. I mean, isn't Galliano all but forgiven for his outbursts, when at the time, people said his career was over. The fashion industry has a short memory

Let's also not mention the double standard where male victims don't have as much weight and social media outcry as female victims.
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These darlings of the fashion industry will be given a short time out before being fully embraced again. I mean, isn't Galliano all but forgiven for his outbursts, when at the time, people said his career was over. The fashion industry has a short memory.

I would argue that a drunk rant by an addict, albeit a criminal act in France and incredibly offensive to an entire group of people with a painful history, is not nearly on the same level as someone who has been sexually harassing those with less power for decades. I'd like to believe that times are changing and that the harassers will be held accountable for their deliberate actions.
Hollywood and the fashion industry are apples and oranges. Male models are not that well-known to begin with, not even all that much within the industry either. Gandy, O'pry, Kortajarena is about the closest equivalent I can get to Angelina/Gwyneth, but them stepping forward today won't add weight to the issue because of their (little known) prestige. It's immensely brave of these guys to come forward like this because many probably never heard of them before.

Many people defer to celebrities or "known" names to accept something as legitimate (sad but true). Garrett Neff disgusted me on Instagram with his post on Bruce Weber, stating that "some model no one has ever heard of" made up a story for financial gain. Talk about reinforcing the stereotype that models are stupid.
Interview with James Scully

PP: Some are calling this fashion’s #MeToo — comparing this investigation and complaints lodged against Terry Richardson to those surrounding Harvey Weinstein. If that logic follows, it would mean that these men are just the tip of the iceberg. Is that accurate?

JS: If fashion is going to have this moment — which, there are so many people who don’t want it to, and others who think it needs to — it is the tip of the iceberg. There are many people out there still, whether they’re hairdressers, stylists, other photographers, and there are some marquee old-school names that are part of this whole thing.

PP: I’ve heard you mention stylists and casting directors — but none of those people have been named yet in a public setting. Do you think that something that’s coming?

JS: I do. And it will. A lot of those people are so young that a lot of them came into this business only knowing this kind of behavior. Because of the Charter, they’re all being watched now. They can’t pull what they used to, because they will get caught. That was one of the great things about the charters — you break the rules, you publicly get fired. On my side of the business, that’s a positive. On the photography side, that’s a whole other thing — the good thing is that Condé Nast owns a billion magazines, so for them to do what they did yesterday, that speaks volumes. And now all of the people who work for them, a new breed of photographers will come in knowing a different behavior.
JS: I do. And it will. A lot of those people are so young that a lot of them came into this business only knowing this kind of behavior. Because of the Charter, they’re all being watched now. They can’t pull what they used to, because they will get caught. That was one of the great things about the charters — you break the rules, you publicly get fired. On my side of the business, that’s a positive. On the photography side, that’s a whole other thing — the good thing is that Condé Nast owns a billion magazines, so for them to do what they did yesterday, that speaks volumes. And now all of the people who work for them, a new breed of photographers will come in knowing a different behavior.

Amen to that.
I would argue that a drunk rant by an addict, albeit a criminal act in France and incredibly offensive to an entire group of people with a painful history, is not nearly on the same level as someone who has been sexually harassing those with less power for decades. I'd like to believe that times are changing and that the harassers will be held accountable for their deliberate actions.

Completely agree, and I have the same hope. Galliano's was more a victimless crime, whereas these situations are anything but ... these people have all caused real damage.
You seem to be suggesting that the changes in Hollywood and the changes that are happening in the modeling industry (and they are happening - the photographers that have been mentioned here have all lost work as result of the new climate) are the result of industry stars getting on board with the movement.

I don't agree with that assessment. I think the changes are reflective of broader cultural changes paired with the incredible amount of transparency (for better and for worse) that we have today due to social media.

Brands and magazines know that if they work with these people who have been outed as predators, they will face backlash from the public. This kind of backlash can ultimately hurt sales, and these brands and magazines are obviously in business to sell products. So backlash is not something they take lightly.

The #MeToo movement gathered steam largely because people on Twitter got on board and shared their experiences. And it doing so, it became clear that predatory behavior is a widespread problem.

So I would argue that the movement is being driven by the public at large, which now has a powerful platform thanks to social media. When stars voice their support it certainly helps, but stars aren't the driving force behind this new change.

The last time there was this much of a cultural shift was probably at the end of the 1950s, leading into all the big civil rights advancements that happened in the 1960s. I'm very excited to see where we go from here.

Can't give you karma right now, but thank you for this lovely hopeful thought :heart:
Many people defer to celebrities or "known" names to accept something as legitimate (sad but true). Garrett Neff disgusted me on Instagram with his post on Bruce Weber, stating that "some model no one has ever heard of" made up a story for financial gain. Talk about reinforcing the stereotype that models are stupid.

If he was referring to the guy who specifically said he quit his modeling career before it gained any traction because of the abuse he experienced ... perhaps Neff could explain to me how we could have heard of him under those circumstances :rolleyes:
And what about the guys who made all these photographers wanted
I mean many of them says this was terrific but I am sure many of them let them use their bodies for personal use and photographic use and they were well paid I think and maybe enjoyed and maybe they are now very famous thanks to Weber and Testino cameras and bodies.

I said as photographer in my small town I have see depredators all the time to flirt with models and queens because here are beautiful people and I am very disgusted with them I was always looking for art or something beautiful to take in my models but assistants, productors and bosses always wanted flirt with my models or in a session I was carried to take photos some guys but muy gay producer wanted get them naked to excite them or they always were trying to touch man models bulges that was disgusting because there were other personal intereseses and as photographer I felt used for that and of course I lost many contracts because they noticed I didnt share their desires.

I talking about man models about girl models they told me many histories about other photographers who were inapropiate with hers It happens here in small city in Peru and happens in Paris Chateaus and it is sad that photographic art go into this.

It is sad for Testino and Bruce I admire them a lot but I could see many stories behind their horny photos it is impossible dont get horny when you are working with a precious model nmaking a sexy story that has to be credible but if you are professional thats nothing but I think how lonely are that old men making a beautiful world of precious people they go to bed alone but that are repressed stories that dont justify the use of people for their repressed sexuality.

I am sad for models if they say the truth because when you are in that world you are young and full of dreams and the ilussion of a picture is everything in your life so how you fight with so millonarie and famous people if your life depends of these depredators.

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