Sigur Ros

the band released an EP in Japan a couple of days ago with their new single 'saeglopur'... whilst i don't endorse 'stealing' music, especially not from a band this good, it isn't available to buy on amazon or anything yet, so until then, it's available here:

it's very complicated though! when the page opens it will look like an advertising page. however, there is a countdown that starts running in the right hand corner, starting from about a minute. around 10-20 seconds before the end another advertising window pops up in front of it, move it out of the way or shut it down and then click on the download link.

it's a .rar file, a zip file, which means you'll need winrar to open it, and then they are m4a files which i think only work in itunes! it's very very worth it though, listening to it now and it's beautiful. belowen, a lot of people saying the new tracks are in the vein of 'ba ba ti ki di do' so you should like it a lot :)

make sure you buy it afterwards though!
mazzystar said:
belowen, a lot of people saying the new tracks are in the vein of 'ba ba ti ki di do' so you should like it a lot :)

Excellent, I'll check it out, thanks! :heart:
i love them. amazing in concert too. its such an experience seeing them live
they dont even use words half the time but their music is so powerful. and jonsi's voice, i dont know how he does that with his voice is amazing.

their videos too. the one from ( ) with the school kids and the one for Vidrar vel til loftarasa (sorry, i dont have a keyboard that can type it correctly). totally amazing

i also loved how staralflur was used in life aquatic. its such a beautiful song. ny batteri is great too. ive read rough translations of it, and it has amazing imagery

anyway, i havent yet gotten into takk. i havent really had the opportunity to sit down with it yet and really listen. i know its been out a while, and ive had it forever.
They're one of the greatest bands ever! I hear that their live performances are utterly amazing. I would love to see them live someday.

My favorite album is still "Agaetis Byrjun", but I think that all their albums are worth buying. My current favorite song is "Hoppipolla".

Mazzystar, thanks for the links! :flower:
I'm obsessed with this band...especially "Vidrar vel til loftarasa" (the accompanying video is breathtaking) and "Svefn-g-englar", also "The nothing song" always brings me to tears...
the VAKA (aka Untitled #1) video is the most greatest piece of 6 minute
film EVER

they're the only reason i went to Coachella to begin with, did anyone else
see them there? amazing as always, though i wished they had played at night :(
kiddokiddo said:
I'm obsessed with this band...especially "Vidrar vel til loftarasa" (the accompanying video is breathtaking) and "Svefn-g-englar", also "The nothing song" always brings me to tears...

The video for viðrar is really GREAT! It´s how I was introduced to sigur rós, one of my friends is in the video playing soccer! :lol: He has the uniform hidden in his house somewhere....:ninja:
() Tracks 1 and 8 make me want to be a better person.

I hate all of you, who got to see them in concert ;_;
My friend and I have made Olsen Olsen our theme song.
For personal reasons :rofl:
skinny_boho said:
:blush: :heart: them
A boy lent me their first cd and it's simply A-M-A-Z-I-N-G :o

is that Von? i don't think i've heard it.

i'm listening to Ágætis Byrjun right now :^)
Here in Reykjavík they just played a big free concert in this park miklatún. I just got back from it and it was pretty amazing! ^_^ Afterwards they were just standing by a fence as everyone walked by and no one even seemed to bother them. I thought that was pretty cute. At the concert there were many babies and small children, and even dogs! This one toddler looked at me all flabbergasted for about 2 mins, then tried to feed me a dorito he thought was in his hand, but had already eaten. :lol:
I love em LOVE EM!!!!!!!
I saw them live in February with my best friend and we both started to cry! It was so amazing.......never will forget that night.
I have sen them in Olympia in Paris, it was great!!!
just like Even!!!
I always love their videos thye just go off on a little story of they own, i usually like music with words but i love these guys.
I haven't bought any of they cds but i might now ;)
Here in Reykjavík they just played a big free concert in this park miklatún. I just got back from it and it was pretty amazing! ^_^ Afterwards they were just standing by a fence as everyone walked by and no one even seemed to bother them. I thought that was pretty cute. At the concert there were many babies and small children, and even dogs! This one toddler looked at me all flabbergasted for about 2 mins, then tried to feed me a dorito he thought was in his hand, but had already eaten. :lol:

I was there too, they were amazing. :heart:

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