Silvia Venturini Fendi - Designer, Creative Director of Fendi

How much LVMH own of Fendi? all?...

Well, if she is tough and her way of work is like modern slavery is difficult....maybe that's why MG said no,thank you...

I've had no idea it was a difficult house...the pr's are annoying but who cares? hahaha
fully, i believe
very difficult to work there, but also to get hired in first place..
I was pointing out in a boringnotcom post praising Silvia post Karl's collection that these were actually designed by Alessia Pellarini and Silvia works more like a stylist / editor rather than a conventional designer and some random account with blank profile and no posts came at me saying that "Alessia no longer works at Fendi and Silvia is a hard worker"...come on now!
We know Alessia left due to beef with Kim (him showing up in Rome only once per season did not help at all in building trust in the team) and Silvia does not spend 12+ hours per day in the design office.
I really hope that wasn't Delfina in disguise defending the Mamma (Baguette)

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