The Books That Changed Your Life

"The God of Small Things" by Arundhati Roy, read it many years ago but will never forget it, you really have to get to end of this one and it will just break your heart, i love love love it.
^^ Thank you for the rec! :smile: I'll make sure to check it out.
The Bible
Wuthering Heights
Mrs Dalloway
Tender is the night
Belle du Seigneur by Albert cohen
Le livre de ma mère by Albert Cohen
The burnt child by Stig Dagerman
Le père Goriot Balzac
Le Rouge et le Noir Stendhal
All Cocteau's writings

I love The Little Prince by [SIZE=-1]by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.. a must for anyone.. much like The Alchemist...and with gorgeous pictures.
I love The Little Prince by [SIZE=-1]by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.. a must for anyone.. much like The Alchemist...and with gorgeous pictures.

The Little Prince, in my opinion, is far superior than The Alchemist :flower:
Once in a House on Fire- Andrea Ashworth
A touching story of a girl's struggle to make something of herself against all odds.
Jack London: "Martin Eden"(Please, could someone give me the last paragraph in english?)
Ernest Hemingway:"Farewell to the arms"
Adolfo Bioy Casares:"La invención de Morel"
Patrick Süskind : "Perfume"
Marcel Proust: "Du côté de chez Swann"
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Today I have such a different opinion about waiting and love.

I have heard nothing but wonderful things about this book.

A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown was great. Gritty, but soooo rewarding.
^oOoOo. I'm reading his "The Alchemist" right now.

Anyone can recommend a good "finding yourself" book?

Ajahn Chah’s Everything Arises, Everything Falls Away

There is no need to find yourself after you realize there is no self to find!

As for a book that changed my life: A Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde read at age nine

I’m such a bibliophile I could prattle on all day about lofty subjects and writers…but to quote from Dorian Gray: beauty ends where an intelligent expression begins.

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
I could never explain to you why, but i understood so much of what he was saying + the fact that it was truth made it so much more to me.

Sybil: The True Story of a Woman Possessed by Sixteen Separate Personalities
It solidified what i wanted to do as a career.
The Virgin Suicides would be one of my choices too, along with It's Kind of a Funny Story (sort of young adult but it speaks of something important in an easy way - sarcasm)
It's pretty unknown (probably because it's from an Austrian author) but Maramba by Paula Köhlmeier really touched my heart! It's sensational - really. Though I think that it's one of those books which are only nice if they're read in the original language...

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