Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Dittoelysian_fields said:i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!
elysian_fields said:i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!
emma peel said:you all must, must, must read "waiting" by ha jin. if you've ever been in a relationship that involves sacrifices of doubtful benefit, unrewarded patience, or earnest promises that conveniently evaporate, read this book. whatta tearjerker!
each moment that i wait feels like a year, an eternity. each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. through each moment i can see infinite moments lined up, waiting. why has he gone where i cannot follow?
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) and Wuthering Height (Emily Brontë), give me a unhappy love story and I'll cry my heart out.
Those two are also my favourite books.
kan-i-ta said:Anna Karenina made me cry for an whole night, and I just bought an copy of Wuthering Hights, if it made you cry, Toulouse Monroe, there is no doubt I will like it to!
i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!