Books that have made you cry

A lot of books have made me cry but Bastard out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison was something incredible. That book is so good, but at the same time gut-wrenching.
i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!
HaHa! Yes...Harry Potter 5 def. made me lose a few tears.

I consider any Holocuast book to be heart-wrenching.
elysian_fields said:
i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!
only a few books have ever made me cry and these are them:

Where The Red Fern Grows - read it in the 5th grade with my mom and it took us forever to read, what with having to do grocery-runs for more tissue boxes every 5 seconds.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - good but sad..

The Diary of Anne Frank - heartbreaking.
elysian_fields said:
i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!

Same here! I remember sitting in the middle of my room while it was raining outside and reading the last 30 pages sobbing. :cry:
night- by eli weisel:cry:
the diary of anna frank:cry:
these books are so sad ... prepare to see the floodgates open:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) and Wuthering Height (Emily Brontë), give me a unhappy love story and I'll cry my heart out.
Those two are also my favourite books.
you all must, must, must read "waiting" by ha jin. if you've ever been in a relationship that involves sacrifices of doubtful benefit, unrewarded patience, or earnest promises that conveniently evaporate, read this book. whatta tearjerker!
emma peel said:
you all must, must, must read "waiting" by ha jin. if you've ever been in a relationship that involves sacrifices of doubtful benefit, unrewarded patience, or earnest promises that conveniently evaporate, read this book. whatta tearjerker!

i'll be hunting that one down at the closest kinokuniya :flower:

i have to agree with everyone on the time traveler's wife- i'm not usually one who cries reading books, but this one got me really bad...

each moment that i wait feels like a year, an eternity. each moment is as slow and transparent as glass. through each moment i can see infinite moments lined up, waiting. why has he gone where i cannot follow?

you can see i was hooked from the very first page :cry:
I'm sure this has been said a million times, but The Lovely Bones made me bawl like a baby when i read it :cry: It's a beautiful book :flower:
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interesting thread! What made me cry-
-The Lovely Bones, like everyone said :(
-Rebel Angels :innocent:
- The latest Harry Potter book didnt make me cry, but it made me very sad.
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy) and Wuthering Height (Emily Brontë), give me a unhappy love story and I'll cry my heart out.
Those two are also my favourite books.

Anna Karenina made me cry for an whole night, and I just bought an copy of Wuthering Hights, if it made you cry, Toulouse Monroe, there is no doubt I will like it to!
kan-i-ta said:
Anna Karenina made me cry for an whole night, and I just bought an copy of Wuthering Hights, if it made you cry, Toulouse Monroe, there is no doubt I will like it to!

O, I'm sure you'll love it!

A bit dark but oh, so passionate!:wub:

For the perfect enjoyment read it with Wuthering Heights from Kate Bush playing in the background.:D
i'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet, The Time Traveler's Wife. i was sobbing by the end of it. such a beautiful story!

Oh my god, that was such a good book and so damn sad.

And, despite all of it's flaws, Magic's Pawn. I just read it for the second time and, yes, it made me cry again.
I think there's only one book that made me cry. It's Le Grand Meaulnes, by Alain Fournier. I'm not sure but I think the english title is The Wanderer.
It's also my favorite book. :heart:

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