Books that have made you cry

Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom... I'm so surprised nobody had mentioned this yet. It's a true story of Mitch's conversations, every tuesday, with his old college professor. They discuss life lessons and beautiful things. It's amazing... I bought a copy for my English teacher and got him hooked too.

Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marriler
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

These two are the only ones that makes me cry.
stargirl52 - i mentioned it and i thought like you it was amazing. have you seen the film? its quite good made me cry too :(
Oh, I didn't even know there was a film! I'll have a look for it next time I'm at the video shop.

The Diary of a Young Girl at th end cuz it made me think of how many ppl suffered at WW2 I cried like for half an hour, also Chinese Cinderella, that's such a touchy book - I reccomend to everyone.
^me too!!!!!!!!!
atm i am reading sophie's choice and i have a feeling that this is gonna be a tear jerker!
I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult.
Charlotte's Web for sure!
and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Goodnight Mr.Tom
Charlottes Web
I think Black Beauty may have made me cry...
this was all when I was 12 or younger, I can't think of any books that have made me cry since, although I'm sure there's been some...
shoe_addict said:
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marriler
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

These two are the only ones that makes me cry.
I loved Daughter of the Forest. Did you read the other books in the trilogy?
^ oh me too! I read it a few years ago, it's such a beautiful book :heart:

I can't remember that many right now, but I did cry after reading Harry Potter 5 & 6 and I can already predict I will bawl for weeks after the last book comes out because it will be over :cry:

I think I cried while reading Sire Gaby du Lac, not sure though. There must have been others... I'll come back when I remember :rolleyes:
not much for tears,
but a book that really got to me when i was a child is
Pable Coelho - The Alchemist
now i just seem to read and just move on.
Of Mice And Men - John Steinback
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling
Where The Red Fern Grows made me cry when I was younger, too, this thread completely reminded me. :cry:
Where the Red Fern Grows- Wow..we read that in 5th grade and the whole class was crying

A Child Called It - I absolutely recommend this heartwrenching

Harry Potter 5 - God, I'm grateful I wasn't the only one! lol
i shed buckets of tears when reading tuesdays with morrie....i also cried reading the 5 people you meet in heaven by the same author
Native Son by Richard Wright

Black Beauty (I was obsessed with horses as a kid)

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