The Fashion Thief

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well I think that is indicative of his desire to clearly display wealth (leaving the Fendi sticker on the pair of glasses he stole) as opposed to his desire to dress well. And yes, criminals can benefit from their crimes (see OJ's book deals), but they can be sued in a civil case for damages or for compensation. I don't think if he does profit off of this it will reform him in any way, at all. If anything, it encourages his actions suggesting that while he might have served a prison sentence, he got what he wanted in the end. Why would he reform?
That explains all the tack logo article of clothing, he wanted to show off his wealth. This won't benefit him at all, good luck getting a job anywhere buddy!
This boy is very disturbing and exhibits characteristics of being a sociopath.
  1. Glibness/superficial charm
  2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
  3. Pathological lying
  4. Cunning/manipulative
  5. Lack of remorse or guilt
  6. Shallow
  7. Callous/lack of empathy
  8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
I was disgusted when I read that article. This boy obviously thinks clothing himself head to toe in brand-name clothes automatically makes him "better" than everyone else.

He doesn't truly appreciate fashion - not the influence, history, inspiration, quality, design of fashion. What he does appreciate is the NAME, the LOGO emblazoned on a product. He'd probably buy stickers if they were in the shape of the Chanel logo.

I have zero sympathy for him. He's clearly intelligent, but his intelligence is warped. I don't think any amount of time in a state jail will change him.
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Oh God, every time I see someone wearing those monogram-covered sneakers I gag a little in my head. Such a grand waste of money. It's clearly not the aesthetic aspect of fashion he's into. He needs to realize appearing wealthy doesn't mean he's better or more respected than anyone else.
We analyzed this profile in one of my journalism classes at's a really fascinating portrait of youth, especially during these troubled economic times. I'm glad you started this thread, it's a great story.
I read this a couple of weeks ago and found it so disturbing. For someone who works in and really loves fashion, it really made me think "is this what it's all come to?"

I completely agree with what eternitygoddess has said.
This article was fascinating. Thanks so much for posting it. He definitely has some kind of disorder. I felt sorry for him at the beginning but by the end of it, it was just hopeless. You can't really call him disgusting because no sane person would keep on doing what he is doing.

It also saddened me a little - that this is what it comes down to. The bar is set so high for some kids who put all their self worth into brand names and wanting to be fashionable.
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He (well the person claims to be him which sounds believable) posted this reply to the nymag article:

This is Kevahn Kemar Thorpe, I was just released from Sing Sing earlier today 3/30/09. I plan all investing all of my potential into something productive and profitable in the long run. I am however finished high school (age 16 and was skipped). I do not suffer from any esteem issues thus, my malice for shoplifting derived from me wanting to be best dressed and stand out from others, I simotaneously fell in love with the chic fashion I "indulged" myself with. The writer of the article Jessica Lustig did however fabricated a few topics metioned in the article, and she also hypobolized factual statements. I am mentioning this in case anyone misconstrued what the article was conveying. I feel somewhat botherd about what the article contained because the writer basically exploited me to thus cynically promote her image. My mother did recommend that I disaaprove with the publications of the article, I should have taken heed to her advice. Aside from that, I plan on enrolling into college shortlt, minoring in Literature and Majoring in Political Science, attaing my undergraduate degree. I will then soon after earn a MA in law. I am aspiring on becoming a renowned Corporate Attorney (what a small Parody lol). It would be excellent if I can temporarily work as a fashion consultant. I recently turned 18 years old Feb. 13th while incarcerated, I am still virtually young and potent. I have the charisma to pursue anything I put my mind to, and I am taking my release as an immense opportunity.
Any Inquiry contact me on my myspace
p.s. Liberation is one of the greatest gifts in life
I'm sorry but he's pathetic, good luck to him and all his future endeavors.
This whole thing is just pathetic. If that reply is his (which is questionable) then horrible grammar and incorrect word usage too - like he's trying to sound intelligent and failing. And you get a JD in law, not an MA.
He's a label wh*re. A lot of kids including adults feel like expensive clothing completes them. Stealing and spending time in prison isn't worth it such a waste.
That reply to the nymag article makes him sound like a child who desperately wants to be taken seriously. I highly doubt anything was fabricated, this kid was arrogant and still seems full of himself. Good luck getting your undergraduate degree in any school worth its salt with that horrific criminal background.
have you seen this guy's myspace?
the subtexts go from 'damn i look good' to 'model agencies re hitting me up about this pic' or 'prada wants me to be the face of their eyewear campaign'.
Not only is he delusional (Prada hardly ever use black men for their campaign, let alone thiefs of their brand) but a megalomaniac and kleptomaniac.
I feel sorry for him. Great style is not attained by buying the tackiest, label-wh*ring outfits but by being able to turn something cheap into something chic, as I'm sure you'll all agree on.
hmm I still think the guy has some mental problems...
he says he hasnt got any self-esteem problems but in the end of his letter he says: "I have the charisma to pursue anything I put my mind to..."
he's clearly delusional... I think its just sad...
yeah i think its sad too. i dont think he has mental issues nor he is a criminal. i just think he really doesnt know what the heck he is doing. is clear that he is not afraid to jail but not because he belongs there but because he knows hes going out of there and can go "shopping" again. i think thats how he sees it, like going shopping. i feel for him because i imagine how he must be feeling going from a low class neighborhood to barneys and how they make him feel so important. he said so himself, that its not the clothes but how people treat them when hes wearing those clothes. i think it is really sad not because hes being in jail so many times but because he really feels that way. and too bad its the way the society works.
lol, what an idiot. he clearly got a mental problem, i mean, landing in Juvi several times, going out and shoplifting AGAIN?

and what is it with him and patent Prada shoes?????

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