The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

But a remake... So lazy, so very American. I just don't get it. This way European cinema will always stay small because American cinema will just remake the whole thing and ruin it the same time. It's a big insult to Noomi Rapace, her co-stars and the crew who worked on the Swedish movie.

I'm sorry but this is a bit ridiculous. The movie is an adaptation of a BOOK. Anyone from any country can adapt the book --assuming they buy the rights. It does no disservice to whatever country or actors made the first movie adapation.

Perhaps the Swedish version could have been sold in the US if they had been willing to invest the money to promote it the way US filmakers often do with their films overseas. You can't make a movie, not promote it abroad, then complain when no one outside your country sees it. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was a blockbuster in the US even with subtitles because it was properly promoted.

I've seen the subtitled Swedish version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and although it was good, I look forward to seeing the American version and watching in English. I think the story can withstand more than one interpretation.
It' s on my waiting to watch movie list. But, everyone is so enthousiastic, so I am going to watch it.
Atleast it's not Kristen Stewart or Carey Mulligan. Going to thank some higher power for that.

But a remake... So lazy, so very American. I just don't get it. This way European cinema will always stay small because American cinema will just remake the whole thing and ruin it the same time. It's a big insult to Noomi Rapace, her co-stars and the crew who worked on the Swedish movie.

or they could do a voice over:shock::ninja::lol: :rofl: how weird would that be.
To me it's just weird to make a remake of a movie that is pretty new and also not that bad, it just doesn't make sense. It seems to me that the only reason why they're doing it is because it's Swedish:ninja:
^^ I agree. The movie isn't even old. I just don't believe in the whole Hollywood thing to just remake something that was succesful in Europe. And why not hire the actors who played the roles before and know it?

Voice-overs are awful. :lol:
^^ I agree. The movie isn't even old. I just don't believe in the whole Hollywood thing to just remake something that was succesful in Europe. And why not hire the actors who played the roles before and know it?

Voice-overs are awful. :lol:
I know, ppl are so lazy, they want to watch movies in their own language:lol:
I just love how so many people are hating on a movie that hasn't even begun filming. As far as I know, the author died before the Swedish films were even though of, so it's not like the already existing films can claim they are the best/only acceptable versions. Who is to say the the American adaptation (the proper word is adaptation, not remake since they're not basing this on or re-making the film, they're basing it on a adapting the book) wont be far better then the Swedish version? It's not about laziness. The American public loved Inglorious Basterds, a film that is full of subtitles. The Passion of the Christ, a film spoken in not a word of English, was a massive hit in America. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon was a hit as well. Maybe it's about a chance to take an interesting book with great, already iconic characters and make it into the best version it can be. David Fincher has made some excellent movies. Fight Club, Zodiac, Seven...the guy can make a thriller. They've assembled a first-rate cast. They probably have a sizable budget, which means that the production value will be top notch. A great thing about a good story is that different people can tell it different ways. Imagine if your favorite story as a kid was each time told the EXACT same way. Wouldn't you want different people to put their own spin on it? Why can't films be the same? I wouldn't mind if there was a Swedish re-adaptation of some American movie. I literally cannot fathom why people are so upset about this. It's not too extreme here on tFS, but some people seem genuinely offended that Hollywood is making their own film version of the book.

By the logic I see in this thread, Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies should never have been made, and are, in fact, remakes of the animated version of the book that already existed.
^ITA. Don't forget Amelie was a big hit with subtitles as well. The whole "Americans won't watch a subtitled movie" is based on ignorance.

The woman who played Lisbeth in the Swedish version was fantastic though. Her performance will be hard to top. I'm curious to see the new version if only to compare the performers.
Agree with King of Versailles and loladonna.

How is it lazy making an adaptation of quite a complicated book, trying to please fans and be just as good, if not better, than an already popular adaptation? It isn't even lazy to make a movie, even a bad one.
I think it's funny how ppl feel the need to defende American movies or what not. I think a lot of ppl don't see the point of re-making or making an adaption of a book when there already is a pretty good movie out there...
I think it's funny how ppl feel the need to defende American movies or what not. I think a lot of ppl don't see the point of re-making or making an adaption of a book when there already is a pretty good movie out there...

Maybe we are defensive because you insulted American moviegoers and filmakers calling them "lazy"?

It is possible to make a point without being rude.
"So lazy, so very American"

"I'm curious.... if they'll be any good or too American"

That might be why people are getting a little defensive. :p

If we were going around saying things like "Oh, I don't want to watch the existing version, I'm afraid it'll be just too Swedish", wouldn't that be considered a little rude? Not a big deal, but come on.
Marion Cotillard once said about the making of Bel Ami with Robert Pattinson: ''Why make an American movie if the whole story is French?''

I'm just going to quote Lainey because she sums it up for me:
Of course Hollywood wants a shot at it. Of course Hollywood wants to remake it. F-cking arrogant, non? Because North Americans don’t think it’s a proper movie unless it’s in English. So they’ll cast English speaking actors and send them to Sweden to make the SAME FILM. Because we’re too lazy to read subtitles? Because George Clooney and Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt need to play Mikael Blomkvist before he really counts? Because Twi-Hards think Kristen Stewart is the perfect Lisbeth?

There already IS a perfect Lisbeth. Her name is Noomi Rapace. And she reportedly delivers an asskicker of a performance praised universally. This is Noomi when she’s not being Lisbeth. Trippy, non?

Go see the Swedish movies. That’s how they were intended.


Now gladly they picked someone unknown and the director seems to want to make a genuine good movie but Lainey sums it up for me.
1. They're not making THE SAME FILM. They're making a different adaption of the same book.

2. North Americans don't think the Swedish version is a proper movie? Yeah, that must be true. I mean, it's one of the most rented films on Netflix, alot of people seemed to like it, she's absolutely right. Us stupid north Americans just don't know films exist outside of Hollywood.
I'm not saying she's right, I'm just saying that that is how I feel about the whole Hollywood remake. ;)
By Lainey's account the many worldwide adaptations of British classics like Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre should never have occurred. There should only be one British version:)
I understand why some people are mad that they're remaking the films, especially so soon after the Swedish versions were released;
however, as a HUGE fan of the book series, I was somewhat disappointed with the Swedish film (I've only see the first one so far).

It was great and Noomi Rapace is perfect, but I feel like the filmmakers sacrificed a lot of the storyline and
some of the minor/major characters (e.g. Berger, Cecilia, etc) that make the book as great and intriguing as it is.
Cutting out Mikael's various relationships took away a big part of who he is. I also think the Swedish films weren't
as risque as they should be considering how graphic and disturbing the novels are.

So, I'm excited to see what a director like David Fincher (who's not afraid to take risks) does with the series.
Plus, Fincher is basing his version of the trilogy on the books alone, which means it could be very different from the Swedish versions.

The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the actors speaking with Swedish accents, because that could
potentially backfire and I'm also not excited about Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. :unsure:
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if the people behind the original adaptation were clever enough they would've distributed this film properly and i dont think we would have this discussion.i've never read the book or saw the swedish adaptation so i'm totally open to this.judging by the synopsis i've read online, the story isn't 'Swedish' enough therefore making it easy for it to be adapted by anybody i suppose, think infernal affairs and the departed, if done right you might have two films you'll enjoy.:D i must admit though it's depressing to see how xenophobic fellow tfsers can be.
Agree with both of the posts above me.
People just like hating Americans and American things just like women love to hate women.

KINGofVERSAILLES was referring to how incorrect and rude Lainey's post is, and how wrong she and her followers can be.
I've read all three books, but I have not seen the movie yet!

Hollywood remakes everything at some point. Maybe it would have a broader audience if the movie were in English. That said, I don't see what the big deal is about it being in Swedish with English and other language subtitles.

I imagine that the so called "Hollywood" versions of the movies would be very different from the Swedish ones. From the casting, to the director, the budget, the set, everything...

I will see both versions of the movies. Them being different is not a bad thing.
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I certainly hope the new version doesn't have people doing Swedish accents. If they are going to reboot why not keep the premise and bring the setting to New York or something?

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