I wish I knew the sense behind magazine pricing, it seems there aren't any universal rules, and it doesn't appear to be tied into exchange rates or distance travelled from country of origin (or else Vogue Australia would cost me the same as Vogue Nippon, for example).
And I can't imagine that the notion of pricing your magazine as a premium product works that well these days, because consumers are prioritising their spending on essentials, magazines appear to be superthin, and the general impression is that you can get everything from the internet.
Yet there are times when the price of a magazine has come down; Paris Vogue was £5.50 for years, but then went down - and stayed down - to just under a fiver.
A US Vogue retailing at £6 will ensure I'll buy March and September for sure, but probably not any other issue unless the content really ties in with my personal tastes. Even if I have the money to buy a thousand issues, there'll be no casual purchases at that price.