The Last Movie You Saw?

The Preppie Connection.

Based on an actual event… With a story of a bunch of spoiled, smug, rich, privileged Ivy Leaguers being challenging enough to grasp the attention of the audience in 2016, they seem to go beyond the call of duty to depict what a bunch of vile kids these people are— including the lead's desperate need to fit in. If I’m somehow meant to feel empathetic towards him, or even root for him as an underdog in anyway, the director and the actor failed beyond miserably, and I couldn’t wait until he got busted.

And The Jesus & The Mary Chain’s “Just Like Honey” was released in 1985— not in 1984, of which the story takes place. Sheesh, Google and Wiki are free, filmmakers.
^ In Gods & Monsters, some of the kitchenware was anachronistic--not made for decades after the movie took place. :rolleye:
^^^ Music is so so so much more important to me and takes me out of a film when its year origin of is misplaced than kitchenware from the future, babe LOL And I wouldn’t know kitchenware from the 1950s verses ones form the 1990s, sadly…

I remember watching Argo and towards the end, they showed a shelf of toys in the son’s bedroom. There was an Ewok action figure— from a movie that didn’t come out until 1983, a year after the incidents of Argo. If they’re going to zero-in on something so time-specific and a part of pop culture history as Star Wars, in a feature film, they really should fact-check to maintain a sense of the correct timeline.

Anyway, I’d really like to watch Gods And Monsters again, so thanks for the reminder… It’s the only film that Branden Frazer is decent in.
^ I found it quite jarring :P I believe it was Pyrex Autumn Harvest, which wasn't produced until 1979-86--hardly the 1950s! Very funny that your song and toy are both one year off ;) True though, Star Wars is major. I thought there were people to check these things ... perhaps especially important for 20th century stuff that many people are aware of.
Chastity bites. So bad it's funny.
The nightmare. Good documentary but kind of repetitive.
Freaks of nature. Bizarre, good idea but it all ends like a mess.
Batman V Superman

I didn't hate the film, it was just a bit all over the place.
Welcome to the dollhouse (1995) - have never seen it, was very pleased with it!
Welcome to the dollhouse (1995) - have never seen it, was very pleased with it!

“Wait!... Do you want some noodles…?” LOL

The little girl is so awkward, annoying and desperate— but still fascinating to me. It’s too bad the actress never was quite able to grow into any other interesting role, or develop a unique presence— like Christina Ricci.
Batman vs. Superman. Not into it.
Ava's possession. Not much a horror movie but it was interesting.

There’s something magical about American deserts to me that just draws me in when they’re a feature player in a story. But I had no idea stupid Marky Mark was in this. Gross. But Garrett Hedlund is reason enough to get through this— if only because Garrett with blond, longer, messy LA-surfer hair and a scruffy beard and crashing his cars, looks and acts just like a guy I went out with. Suffering fools come to mind.

There is no incentive at all to sit through this clunker of a film noir-wannabe— unless you’re like me, and only want to see Garrett because he reminds you of someone. The philosophical, name-dropping of literary immortals by Oscar Isaac’s Al Pacino-wannabe character is so… dry. I don’t get the Oscar-hype…. Maybe because so many film-geeks have such a mancrush on him, but I find him completely bland, and smirking isn’t charming to me. Jerky characters, forced “The Actors Studio” dialogue, and Marky Mark wearing Uggs are enough warning signs to avoid this mess.

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