I rewatched Alien after many, many years.
Still the best one of the
Alien franchise. At once so simple and so rich.
Irreversible again.
I remember when this film first came out and all the buzz that surrounded it. I also remember seeing it a year or so later after its theatrical release. I was in my early-20s then.
Nearly 15 years later, and having watched it again, I feel the same shock and awe— but immediately also understand the social and political context that gives this story a much more horrific, doomed sensibility far and beyond the tragic event that I first accepted it as then. (The only other film I can recall that has such an effect on me in terms of the catalyst is the gang-r*pe scene in
Casualties of War.)
It would be interesting to see the kids coming of age now that view social politics so idealistically (OMG— you said the N-word 30 year ago so you must be branded as a racist for the rest of your life now), and as simply back and white rather than complex shades of grey, would think of the character Marcus and his actions… Likely immediately to dismiss him as a "privileged white straight man" who shows his bigoted, racist and homophobic true nature for his blatant disdain for the way he treated the Asian cab driver, the transvestite prostitute who is a POC, and the gay men in the fetish club. There’s no defending his unleashed, psychotic hate on all the people he comes across because of the event that just transpired. There’s a lot to despise of him. But as the story unfolds, the viewer may also begins to slowly understand, and even forgive Marcus’ toxic fury. Or would they— in 2017…? It’s one of those beyond horrific events that I would never wish to experience— or wish anyone to experience in order to answer that question.
And Monica Belucci hits you like thunder and lightning with her mesmerizing performance. I am so glad she never made a bid to be a Hollywood star. She is so much more talented than that.
(I decided to check out some Youtube reviews for this after watching the film, and sadly, there are people that seem to enjoy it for the explicit graphic violence: One woman reviewing this even mentioned how she loved the face-bashing scene… I guess there’s no difference between brave, masterful storytelling/ filmmaking and any given trashy, throwaway zombie-killing spree to some people.)