The Pete Doherty News Thread (please put all Pete news here)

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oh god seriously... i really, really wish he would explain himself now.
it's like the time with that girl and he was just kidding around with a needle
ok, but what does he mean, and why now? why the irony, you know what i mean? it's too unsubtle and sounds a bit pointless... or maybe i'm missing something...?
anyway, i think that, unfortunately, pete isn't the kind of person who can get away with something like that. i still think he should explain, for the sake of his image. he's seeming more ignorant than ironic.
i want to belive its irony. i have no idea why he did that, but im not even sure if he knows why...
I don't really think that he means any harm, but why do it? Irony or you pointed out *ana* he never gets away with anything, the media loves to see him F**uck things up.
well i think he is maybe thinkin "ok i was drunk and stupid, at least now he can give an interview and with the money buy drugs"
heres the video

it kicks off at about 2.40

he starts with hit the road jack, i still dont understand how he got to nazi anthem....maybe he just doesnt know german that well ...
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Singer Pete Doherty has apologised after being asked to leave a stage in Germany for performing a verse of the national anthem with Nazi connotations. Doherty, 30, was booed after singing "Deutschland, Deutschland ueber alles" at a concert in Munich on Saturday that was broadcast live on Bavarian radio.
A spokesperson for the singer said he was "unaware of the controversy" about the anthem's rarely used first verse.
"He deeply apologises if he has caused any offence," he said.
The first verse of Germany's national anthem - which translates as "Germany, Germany above everything" - has been ignored since the fall of the Third Reich.
The third verse - which begins "Unity and justice and liberty for the German fatherland" - has been used since East and West Germany unified in 1990.
Public radio station Bayerischer Rundfunk stopped broadcasting from the on3 music festival when Doherty began his version of the anthem.
Video footage of the incident shows him incorporating the song with an eccentric rendition of 'Hit the Road Jack'.
Onlookers can be heard reacting angrily to the refrain, which was dropped after World War II.
According to local reports, the Babyshambles star performed five more songs before being ushered from the stage.
In a letter printed on the on3 website, Doherty's manager Adrian Hunter said the singer had "wanted to celebrate his appearance in Munich by assimilating and integrating with the crowd".
"Pete himself is from Jewish descent and has fought against racism and fascism with numerous organisations," the letter said.
"This is a subject he feels very strongly about."
i think he didn't do it on the article says he's doing all this stuff against racism.. like this concert thing in london every year so i think it was just a stupid mistake or something...
i think everyone knew he probably was unaware of the nazi meaning actually, he'd never dare do that if he knew it (i think)... as i said, it sounded pointless, there was no reason for suddenly wanting to cause such controversy (or, in his case, more controversy:rolleyes:). i confess i'm glad it was pure ignorance rather than some kind of irony.
I love him hes such a mess thank god there still people like him to entertain us
i was at the concert in cologne yesterday and it was really amazing. i also really liked adam ficek, love his songs
Thank goodness he apologised. I love this guy but I really wish he'd stop making silly mistakes
German police arrest Doherty
07/12/2009 - 13:18:50

Pete Doherty has been arrested in Germany for smashing the back window of a car.

The Babyshambles frontman was taken into custody for throwing a pint glass at a car – believed to be parked at the time – outside of the bar Trinkteufel (Drink Devil) in Berlin shortly before 7am on Saturday morning.

According to German newspaper Bild, Pete had been thrown out of another bar a short while earlier, and upon arriving at Trinkteufel had been asking staff where he could buy some drugs.

A bartender said: "I almost threw them out too. He was drinking shots and constantly asking where to get cocaine."

Pete was taken to a police station not far from Checkpoint Charlie – the best known crossing point between East and West Germany when the country was separated after World War II - where he spent the next three hours. He was booked for property damage and released.

Pete recently finished a tour of Germany during which he attracted controversy by singing the banned first verse of the German national anthem, which begins "Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles”, at a Munich music festival.

The first two verses of the song have been outlawed since the end of World War II because of its use during the Nazi regime by Adolf Hitler and its reference to racial superiority.

Pete Doherty has always wanted to write a “Barry White-style hit”

Pete Doherty has always wanted to write a “Barry White-style hit”

Pete Doherty has always wanted to write a “Barry White-style hit”.

The troubled Babyshambles rocker is always striving to write an epic pop song and believes he has finally achieved his ambition with a new track called ‘After He’.

He told NME magazine: “It’s a f***ing belter. It hasn’t really got a title but we’re calling it ‘After He’ for now.

“Well Mik Whitnall, years ago, when we first started writing together, he took me aside and said, ‘Look, if we’re really going to bother with this we’re going to have to come up with a ‘My Way’ or something. Like a f**k off big Frank Sinatra or Barry White style, one-off, big hit.

“I’ve been trying and I’ve had a couple that have come close. ‘Albion’ was good. I felt that was quite big, but this could be the one.”

The singer also spoke about how embarrassed he was when he met one of his heroes, former The Smiths guitarist Johnny Marr.

He recalled: “I felt like a right t**t. I said to him, ‘I feel like a k**b asking you this, but can you play ‘Jeane’ for us.’ ”
:doh:Pete Doherty has been rearrested at Gloucester Crown Court this morning (December 21) for drug possession, moments after being spared jail for driving offences.

Doherty was initially ordered to pay £2,050 in fines and banned from driving for 18 months, relating to an incident in June, after which officers escorted him to a police station across the road from the court.

However, reports that the county force then arrested Doherty again, this time on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance.

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