The PRADA Phone by LG (KE850)

Ha - at last a report on what it is actually like to use: a friend of mine got one at the weekend and she loves the design but HATES using it - she says the touch screen is a real pain and keeps doing things that she hasn't asked it to, or it just gets it wrong. She is going to take it BACK!!!!!
yes that's the problem with touchscreen, "you" keep doing stuff you don't wish to do just because you accidently brush upon it.. it's definately not something for people who wish to also use with their phones while in a hurry which is most ppl

thanks for the report =)
But there is a screen lock button on the side.

Im gonna get mine next week, or the week after that.
i have the prada phone and i love it! He is easy nothing wrong with it! Just love it
Im in the USA and I know that they arent going to be released here but where can I get them online for a decent price besides ebay.
im really thinkin about getting it just for how it looks, i love the im all black and serious thing about it, but i heard a LOT of negative reveiws about LG phones in general, and i only change my phone once every year or two (yes, i still use my razr -_- ) therfore i need something with high quality, hmm something that lives long, u know?
u think i should get it??
love the design, it's so slick.
but damn, i dont have enough money to get one of these :lol: i dont need all those features anyways
Vanilla I would get it. I was considering the iphone since they had a price drop but ive been obessed with the Prada phone an with the allure of it not being sold in America just makes me want it more.
i have this phone and i love it, i got it on contract so it didnt cost me any thing which is actually really sad it means any one can go get one but o well i still love it but im not sure how much i love it, i could just sell it on ebay for £500 hmmm
I got it as a present - so I'm using it, but the menu is confusing, I allways have had Nokia.
I think it has a very basic interface. I'm sure you'll get used to it in less than a day or something.

OMG mines FULL of scratches...
i'm a bit nervous about mine (i got it because i didnt really have to pay that much for it with my plan) i hope it works alright and i can manage it, it sounds silly but i've had such simple phones for ages because i never really needed a nice once since i travel and have to have two. whats it like with texting? i seem to text more these days and hope it will be nice and easy to use.
^^^Not easy - if you in a car or if you have long nails!
thanks for the heads up! hopefully since i no longer drive where i'm living and havent got long nails that will help a bit! thanks again for the quick reply!
Please be patient with the texting on this phone! When I didn't have a full touchscreen phone I can text when walking or driving and not look at the cellphone since I've memorized the keys. This phone is the complete opposite. hhehehe. Its really great though since everyone seems to love how it looks.

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