I don't think there's anything wrong with Joel per se; but they have only been dating a couple of months. And yes it's nice that they're in love, but having a baby is really, really hard. It seems romantic, and it is in a way but a baby is a huge strain on a couple. Even if a couple are "so in love", many don't survive it because it's especially difficult if your relationship has never been tested, and people assume it's going to be a piece of cake and bring them closer together. It's a real test to the relationship, especially if they have only been together a short while and the relationship hasn't really had any ups and downs that inevitably come when the couple has been together for awhile.
And I didn't mean that the fact that she has never worked would impact on her mothering skills, I meant that she has never worked for anything. I mean come on- she scored The Simple Life because Nicky Hilton refused. She got a record deal because of who her father is. She became famous and a style icon by hiring a stylist and being photographed clubbing and shopping in nice, expensive outfits. So I guess what I mean is that everything has really just come easy to her, and a baby is definately not something that is easy and you can take care of without doing any work.