The World of Nicole (please put all Richie news here)

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no matter the facts i also wish her the best. again my gut feeling tells me she is smarter than many on the hollywood circuit. she seems to have one of the most grounded parents around. i trust in him and the way he raised her "real "values...
...well sort of :innocent:
Wow, yeah, people are being mean about this! She's always seemed like a good person to me, but by her own admssion, she's a "problem child". Hopefully a baby would give her an impetus for change and really change her priorities in life. A baby can often do that to people. And both Nicole and Joel had parents who abandoned them, so I highly doubt they'll just hand over the baby and forget about it.
^ The more and more I think of it I think she isn't as well....
but I guess only time will tell!
^ My boobs are bigger than last week too--- but all I did was gain a bit of weight....
I'm not pregnant!
And it could just be a padded or push up bra.
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^ True, but Nicole has never had a bit of a tummy or any breasts during her long "super-thin phase". And for a push up bra to work like that, you at least need a bit of a chest. And look at the side view, they are obviously coming from her chest. I've never seen anyone experience that sort of "breast bloating" (lol), even when on their period.
I heard E news saying it was true. I call total bs about Nicole and Madden baby being planned and them wanting to start a family. And FYI Nicole many pregnant are send to jail. I say sound like a cold heart b!tch. But she is one stupid girl. :angry:
^ None of us do (or so I believe). I could call her "one smart girl" and we wouldn't know if it's true or not.

With that being said, I'm really intrigued by that most recent photo. I suppose we'll know for sure with time.
curisosity is killing that brown dress she cretainly looks like she is!
Ah! I want to know so badly! i don't know why I want to know but I really, really do. I think she's great either way. And who knows I think Nicole may have potential to be a really great mom.
If she is pregnant, I hope she is taking very good care of herself and that she is able to carry the baby to term. I would be very curious to see some of her maternity wear! She is so teeny tiny that she could probably just get away with wearing bigger clothes though. I have a feeling that she is going to keep us all guessing for a while.

Maybe she had some kind of weird friendship pact with Paris?
Nicole: "Hey, Paris- if you don't want the paps to catch you in jail after your roots are showing and your fake and bake tan has faded, I will pretend to be knocked up. That should distract them for a bit."
Paris: "That's hot. Do it, biyatch."
Are these pics new? The baby bump is REALLY visible on these pics..
edit *old pics sorry*

But yeah I saw the pics of her in the brown dress and it's really convincing.
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I don't think there's anything wrong with Joel per se; but they have only been dating a couple of months. And yes it's nice that they're in love, but having a baby is really, really hard. It seems romantic, and it is in a way but a baby is a huge strain on a couple. Even if a couple are "so in love", many don't survive it because it's especially difficult if your relationship has never been tested, and people assume it's going to be a piece of cake and bring them closer together. It's a real test to the relationship, especially if they have only been together a short while and the relationship hasn't really had any ups and downs that inevitably come when the couple has been together for awhile.

And I didn't mean that the fact that she has never worked would impact on her mothering skills, I meant that she has never worked for anything. I mean come on- she scored The Simple Life because Nicky Hilton refused. She got a record deal because of who her father is. She became famous and a style icon by hiring a stylist and being photographed clubbing and shopping in nice, expensive outfits. So I guess what I mean is that everything has really just come easy to her, and a baby is definately not something that is easy and you can take care of without doing any work.
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