The World of Nicole (please put all Richie news here)

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She's not she's not she's not!!! :clap::bounce::buzz::mowhawk::boxer::king::magic:
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Who wants to trade a month or two in jail vs. a lifetime of a kid? (that is if she's just getting pregnant to stay out)
^^ Hmm, good point but we don't know her.

In that photo with Joel, WHAT'S WITH HIS HAIR? :rofl:
LOL, don't throw parties yet kids, a columnist talk to a "close source" not the parties themselves.
Its funny because one day you read "close friends" said she is pregnant and the day after some other "close friends" say she is not pregnant ...
A car matching her car's description was seen entering the highway in the wrong direction. She wasn't pulled over or caught by the police going in the wrong direction. That part of the story couldn't possibly be used in court against her and aren't part of her charges. At least she has that going for her.

I'm not sure if I believe she is pregnant or not. Can't decide
Normally I'd say it was probably total crap, and I still mostly think that, but those Celebrity Babylon pics combind with everything else make me wonder. Joel is supposed to have publically denied it at a concert, but plenty do that and it turns out later they were just waiting until it became glaringly obvious because its none of fan's beeswax.

I'd have expected a denial or at least a myspace rant by now, but maybe she's just playing up to the publicity, esp. with the big billowy dress etc.

what's nicole's myspace? can someone give me the link?
After all this speculation, I wonder if her manager just told her to wear baggy clothes to generate some media attention.
How can anyone say she's not pregnant after seeing this picture?

^ B/C there are plenty of people who look like that who aren't pregnant...
It's not a very big belly, it could just be bloat.
I am very tiny too, and I know that when I am bloated, I could easily look like that. :lol: I am not sure either way, but I know that there is not enough concrete evidence for me to positive 100% that she is pregnant.
I am very tiny too, and I know that when I am bloated
True, but she's been bloated for quite a while now...
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^ But it's so hard to tell for sure...
she has been wearing loose clothes and hasn't even been photographed as much as usual.
The last time she wore something form fitting...
( the high waisted short I think- about 2 wks ago)...
she didn't look pregnant, or even bloated, to me.
I hope shes not pregnant.
She doesnt seem like the type that can take care of a baby.
It seems she cant even take care of herself.
Disaster waiting to happen.
It says on IMDB that she's confirmed she is pregnant and has said her baby's due in late 2007 but nowhere else says that. If that was true, she'd have to be 3 months gone anyway and she looks far too tiny for that.
Apparently, someone with too much time on their hands decided to see what her baby might look like. :shock::shock::shock:

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