Have you tried Threadz on U St?
I finally was brave enough to thread my upper lip. I had concerns about bumps, how would the hair regrow etc b/c of ppl I've seen who tried various facial hair removal techniques.
I love the look and for me it actually doesn't grow back too quickly, I go once a month. But I will say its painful...not unbearable but my eyes definitely water and my hands are clenched throughout, and this is from a girl who has a navel piercing, cartilige and tragus piercings. I'm not overly sensitive but neither am I an android.
It hurts a bit but the results are so worth it.
If you are undecided research find a good threader and DO IT you will LOVE IT
I love Threads on U, St. But I must say the best threader is Sonya, the owner. I only go to her. I have had the other girls do it and I end up in getting cut or my eyebrows are obviously "off" looking. To me, its hurts less than waxing.