just purchased an over-sized calender which i'm in the process of filling out to mark down Value Village 50% off sale days so i can be sure to be off on that day

i'm actually not joking.
Any fellow VV junkies remember all of the 50% sale dates through out the year? i shop pretty much exclusively at VV so i'm clueless as to correlating typical mall holiday/sale dates.
Just shopped the MLK "pre-sale" on Sunday for card members and got some rad stuff. It's free to sign-up and you get the best selection unlike non-club card members who shop the next day when it's all picked over.
Often times I'll fall in love with something that's not my size but if it's a relatively well-known brand I'm able to track it down on eBay.
While I don't go out of my way to find designer labels but if I love it, I will of course snap it up. I try not to buy anything just because of a designer label but will avoid certain brands like target, old navy etc that everyone and their second cousins have seen or worn.
Unless of course it's obviously vintage Old Navy, GAP, Express. I'm sure GAP Express shoppers etc have noticed the season/year dates on the white fabric content labels? If it's not dated then it's most likely uber vintage GAP etc.
The best Seattle area Value Villages are Ballard, Lake City.
or further south I love the VV in Burien, Kent, Puyallup and Tacoma.