Thrift Scores




Eduard Dressler trousers made of Cerruti wool - £3.00
Wool and cashmere dark blue blazer by Corneliani - £9.99
White P.S. Paul Smith shirt with floral reverse on double cuffs - £8.00
Boss Hugo Boss bi-fabric shirt - £8.00
Unknwon brand beautifully detailed cotton jacket - £5.75
Yves Saint Laurent silk sunflower tie - £1.00
Violet silk tie by Hermes - £1.00
Weird Victorian flower vase with devil child and pig - £5.00

Total: £41.74
I thrift pretty much all the time, not because I can't afford new but because buying amazing and often unworn clothing for 90% off retail price spoils you. Look around to find the best thrift stores...if you can find a Goodwill in or near a wealthy neighborhood where rich old ladies donate their best stuff then camp out there! And some stores are better at marking up designer wares, try to find a place where they don't know their Payless from Prada. And go the day after a big store-wide sale...those 50% off sales are the way for a thrift store to get rid of the crap that is clogging up their shelves. The day after they will refill the shelves and your chances of finding something great is that much more likely. That being said 50% off sales are pretty great too, who knows what kinds of things have remained unsold...
^ i agree with the going after the 50 percent off days. Mondays are also good days to go, as most of the ones I go to don't stock on the weekend. I loove that pig vase crying diamonds, and your hermes tie is gorgeous:)
my sis is going to New York. last time she went she said that thrift shops were not cheap, and a dress could easily cost 400$, anybody can reference this amazingly cheap shops around there?
so lucky. I bought a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes very very similar to that and paid like 50 times the price. JEALOUS!
All of this from a thrift store:

Silk Button up top - $ 8


Military Green Pants - $ 8


Oversized high waited shorts with Big pleats - $4


Oversized button up - $4


Oversized nautical jumper with anchor buttons $ 4


Black and white, spat like shoes $ 10


Green Military Jacket $8

All my own photos.
^WOW those are some great thrift deals!
I need to get myself to thrift stores way more often. Here, there is only really charity or vintage stores. I saw a gorgeous long knitted wool MaxMara dress and wish I got it, it was only £4.00.

Straw Hat $3


Canvas Bag I decorated with sex pistol and beatles pins - FREE


Pins werent free


Brown Lace ups - $30



White Nautical Maxi Dress - $5


Brown Floral Mini Dress - $5


Calvin Klein High Waisted Denim Shorts - $15


Red Floral Dress - $4
couture.gab, nice stuff. I especially like the straw hat, the floral dresses and the black and white shoes...
Cocoly, those glasses are fun fun fun..

I have a weakness for printed loose shirts - which aren't hard to find in thrift stores ^_^
I have recently picked these up.
I'm normally not into animal print, and I didn't own anything prior to these two buys.
But I simply love the colour combo of the brown/red/purple one and the print on the black/grey one is so discreet that I don't mind.
Thrifting in Vancouver is like.. shopping at Barney's x Saks x Selfridges x whatever else high end department stores. It is insane, and people here don't really know any brand names. Gap and Banana Republic Products are always priced higher than products like Burberry or Issey Miyake or Christian Dior.

Found these yesterday at my local Value Village



Burberry Classic Trench coat in my size - $49 CDN



Burberry Navy Trench coat in my size as well - $12 CDN



Burberry Windbreaker in this mustard-ish green color - $8 CDN


(all images taken by me)
^ i am soo jealous! i always hear people finding buberry trenches for so cheap and ive been wanting them for so long. everytime i find something designer its always like 10 sizes to big
found so many more things, ill post pictures soon im just in a hurry for work :(
I missed out on a v cool sluoching leahter shoulder bag, i might go back and get it if its still there...

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