UK Vogue February 2023 : Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoe Ghertner

Awful. The colours are the only redeeming feature - every other element is an eyesore. May not help matters that I've never rated Priyanka Chopra whatsoever but that hair is atrocious - looks like rats tails and dry as sticks. Horrid and unflattering angels from Zoe Ghertner too. Ugh!
This reminds me of those photos of actresses back in the early 1910's, but not in a good way. Agree with @vogue28, the color palette is nice and saves it, but overall, this cover is a disaster.
not sure what emotion is she trying to convey here? strength? perseverance? she looks a bit sad lost and confused.
Ghastly! And it had a lot of potential too. The shades of yellow are not offensive and will brighten up the newsstand, but the hair distracts from everything.

Why is she on the cover anyway?
Their layout is absolutely terrible. The fonts are hard to read, so small and there's no contrast... The way the photograph is cropped is also a huge no to me. Never thought I'd say that but Vogue as a title is definitely disposable.
I think I’m the only one who likes the cover! Maybe I’m just charmed by all the yellow, but it’s so bright and springy that I can’t help but enjoy this (even if it has its faults).

Have to agree about Vogue UK’s layout though, it’s always a bit of a let down, especially the inside. Nothing will ever compare to the Carine + Fabien era of Vogue Paris in terms of magazine design for me though… often imitated but never duplicated.

I do also agree that the cropping is a little off. I’d like Priyanka a little more central and a touch higher in the frame with the logo behind her head. But, I’m still a fan of this overall - it feels fresh and unexpected.
Yikes, that's a nasty looking cover.

I think if you're gonna as bold as yellow for a cover (which coincidentally, I remember from my designing days, it's the hardest colour to shift. Apparently psychologically people are very averse to it and find it unapproachable) this was categorically not the way to have done it. The hair is awful, I hate that she's off centre and not square on to camera too, if it was going to be this kind of shot.
I guess someone was too busy jumping for Nick Knight this month. Ew.

Stick to Steven, Edward. Anything outside of Meisel's contributions to this magazine is a complete waste of time and this may easily be the worst cover they've done since Dua Lipa.
It looks like a floating head, to be honest. One of their weakest covers under Edward.

I'm not liking Vogue UK this year so far.

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