UK Vogue February 2023 : Priyanka Chopra Jonas by Zoe Ghertner

She looks like someone (or something) salvaged from the sea…but not before it grew a weird type of yellow fungus.

One of those people in American entertainment that just makes me wonder: how are they still relevant?
I love reading all the comments at the bottom of a thread... and then slowly scrolling up to see the actual cover.

The cover shot isn't great, and the design doesn't help to improve it.

I kinda get there could be a feeling of yellow raincoats and stormy weather, but she's standing in a studio. Let a beauty queen look like a beauty queen, not like someone who works in a lighthouse.
that ‘I’ve survived a shipwreck’ hairstyle was a choice.

she’s a beautiful woman and for a British Vogue cover deserved better.
I'm amazed at the volume of covers she has landed with such little results on the Western box office and television. She must have booked nearly every major US and UK cover at this point and I'm betting most people would need to look up IMDB to see what exactly she was in.
There was a good idea in there somewhere but it failed in execution. The lighting just isn't there, it really should have just been a portrait shot. The rest of the shoot was just bland. Had the execution been right it would have made up for the lack in posing and expression out of Priyanka.
Who’s bright idea was it to put a yellow coat against a yellow background is what I want to know.
Made for Vogue US landed in Vogue UK. Because Anna said...
Who cares about Priyanka Chopra nowadays? Especially in Europe.
What is Priyanka doing on the cover of British Vogue besides ticking another diversity box for Edward? At least she's representative of Britain's largest ethnic minority I guess. Which you would never guess from reading most issues of British Vogue.
I can't believe they think this art design is good.
This is lazy....the hair horrendous...the posing basic...and the photography catalog-esque and not in a good way....layout useless....

How they think to improve if they give us this??? and you see good editorial design in Europe, even from a commercial pov.....anyway...

Instead of jumping around for other magazines, Edward should have overseeing better this...because it's not on the level expected....
The hair makes me so uncomfortable. Photoshop is obviously an industry standard, but once again zooming in, I can see it's been done in very amateurish way.
He mentioned in a recent editor's letter that it's been five years, and with the publication of his book, and promotional moments like the Paper cover, it's a wave of momentum for him that - if not capitalised on - will dissipate. If something doesn't happen, he'll end up as the long-running editor of a magazine where the list of "firsts" is running out and the sameness of the content will become more apparent over time.

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