Vanity Fair exposes Sienna Miller

I dont see the big deal.....
she looks like some cute little Hollywood brat having fun,so?
they are surely reaching!!!!!
Who is Tara Summers?
I bet it was part staged, part the girls. She likes to kiss her friends while she is drinking, remember photos of Helen McCroy (spelling???) . Nothing really wrong with that when u consider the most things that can happy at a party. She is young, happy and kind of a free spirited girl. Who cares.....and who knows. How do we know what else goes on at these parties???
Don't you all understand she is doing it

- FOR the attention
- FOR the scandal
- FOR the promotion?


This is not just a fun afternoon with the girls, this is perfectly calculated.

If Sienna Miller is not known for her acting, and she breaks up with Jude, she has to be known for something else to stay famous.

And THIS is it.

Open your mind a little bit. Things are never EXACTLY as they seem. This is Hollywood.
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oolie coco said:
Don't you all understand she is doing it

- FOR the attention
- FOR the scandal
- FOR the promotion?


This is not just a fun afternoon with the girls, this is perfectly calculated.

If Sienna Miller is not known for her acting, and she breaks up with Jude, she has to be known for something else to stay famous.

And THIS is it.

Open your mind a little bit. Things are never EXACTLY as they seem. This is Hollywood.

Ok i get that we're entitled to our own opinion and crap, but are you joking? speaking of opening one's mind....maybe that would be a good thing to do w/ sienna. i dont see how this would get her any positive publicity or anything that would help her career. there have been manytimes where i have made a complete fool of myself publicly while drunk, and its embarrassing, but you hope that people understand and don't dwell on something so insignificant. no matter how odd this sounds, i find it amazing that she got drunk (if she even did) at the VF party and just said screw it and had some fun....she's having a good time so who cares about the rest. people are probably jealous bc she seems to genuinly not give a sh*t about what others think. in addition, when has sienna ever given the appearance of being a publicity seeking attention wh*re-she never asked to be famous or to be plastered all around for her style-all she did was fall inlove at 21 w/ somebody who was really famous. are people so cynical that they can't just believe that and have to think that even her relationship w/ jude was just part of her deviant plan to get famous by any means necessary? give the girl a f'ing break
If she was just having fun, and doesn't care about what people think, why did she smile into the camera, and then begin to lick her toes?! :) The people I know who hate attention would NEVER do something like that!

People who hate attention don't want to be famous. Someone like Robert De Niro is an example of this. Not Sienna.
Also some people genuinely believe that 'no publicity is bad publicity'. People are talking about Sienna because of this 'scandal', and COINCIDENTALLY....


Oh, what a charming innocent coincidence!!!!!! :):) She is such an innocent flower... :) Who doesn't care about fame at all... :)

If I didn't care about fame, dating Jude Law would be my first choice... okay..... hahahahahah
oolie, all she did was get drunk and have a fun time, the amount of anger you seem to have reserved for her seems completely disproportionate for her behiavour.
oolie coco said:
Also some people genuinely believe that 'no publicity is bad publicity'. People are talking about Sienna because of this 'scandal', and COINCIDENTALLY....


Oh, what a charming innocent coincidence!!!!!! :):) She is such an innocent flower... :) Who doesn't care about fame at all... :)

If I didn't care about fame, dating Jude Law would be my first choice... okay..... hahahahahah

When is a movie of hers coming out soon? I was under the impression that Factory Girl wouldn't be out for months? Even if it was publicity all of this will be totally forgotten by then.
I don't have any anger.

Look at all my smilies, I think Sienna-worship is hilarious.
^ oolie i totally hear ya.

Its convenient that the movie coming out is Edie.. edie is tragic goes to parties gets drunk makes a bit of a t*t out of herself, Sienna who can't lose the look goes to parties, gets drunk makes a bit of a t*t out of herself and meanwhile we are all talking about it and her movie gets noticed that little bit more

so oolie totally agree with ya mate
Has anyone seen that semi-p*rn film/docu thing that was discovered a few days ago? She was on a modeling shoot and she's walking aorund semi nude and then her boob pops out and she pretends to put it back in and then just shrugs and points at her bare breast laughing while the women she's next to does the same thing.

^i think we know she's not SHY....she's an absolute exhibitionist....
and no-one has said she doesnt care about fame....
i dont think anyone trying to make it in hollywood DOESNT care.....

i think whats being questioned here is the big deal VF has made out of it...
and those 'outraged' at her behaviour.....
like this sort of thing has never been done by a young actress in hollywood before....
who cares if her intent was to get attention?!.....

the stupidity of this story is that it's spun like some kind of NEWS..... its news that sienna miller and every other 20-something hollywood actress like her wants attention and will do almost anything for it?....
i dont think so.....
its not sienna worship-i think the people defending her just dont want her to fail miserably for no apparent reason
well it was a party and she was havin fun! wats the fuss??
I'm no Sienna worshipper but I don't think it was to promote a movie. Herself maybe. The thing is no one couldn't care less if it was in Bungalow 8 or Boudoir etc, getting drunk and doing silly things with friends is expected there. But this is the Hollywood party of the year, a really classy event with the most powerful people in town there, not a night out with your friends, and there definitely is a difference. This is a really bad example but if you are invited to the White House for a party you don't get trashed and have someone start licking your toes in the East Room, its still a party but different "rules" apply depending on what type of party obviously. Since there are hundreds of other IT girls jumping at the chance to take her place, at this point in her career she does need to make a good impression on studio execs, which she possibly she may not be at the moment. That said she could very well have been asked to pose for a photographer possibly as Edie, and got stitched up over it by the tabloid press and probably the whole thing blown out of proportion. Regardless this will probably be forgotten soon and the media will move on to the next Sienna "scandal". :rolleyes:
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TessaB said:
This is a really bad example but if you are invited to the White House for a party you don't get trashed and have someone start licking your toes in the East Room, its still a party but

Grace Slick was going to dose Nixon with LSD from under her fingernails when she got invited to the White House by some past high-bred female mix-up. She didn't go through with it, too bad.

Anyway, those who've commented on the possibility that this Sienna VF thing is a movie PR set-up, I forgot, but you're likely right. Or the "truth" is somewhere in the middle.

I can't keep posting on these boards anymore. My brain is turning to mush.

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