Vanity Fair March 2011 : The Hollywood Issue by Norman Jean Roy

:lol: I can't decide if it's better or worse than last year's.

A better quallity cover
same source
Cover models: Anne Hathaway, Ryan Reynolds, James Franco, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jesse Eisenberg, Jennifer Lawrence, Noomi Rapace, Anthony Macki, Mila Kunis, January Jones, Joseph Gordon Levitt, Andrew Garfield, Rashida Jones, Robert Duvall, and....

Edit: I forgot Olivia Wilde and the last person is Garrett Hedlund.

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I really want to see the portraits inside.

And ofcourse James Franco.
Okay okay, proper list of names.... I made a few mistakes. Now in order:
Ryan Reynolds
Jake Gyllenhaal
Anne Hathaway
James Franco
Jennifer Lawrence,
Anthony Mackie
Olivia Wilde
Jesse Eisenberg
Mila Kunis
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Andrew Garfield
Rashida Jones
Garrett Hedlund
Noomi Rapace
Robert Duvall @ the back

NO JANUARY JONES. LoL. Mistook Olivia Wilde for her. D: D: D: D:
so Hollywood's just a bunch of boring white people? oh, and Anthony Mackie and Rashida Jones... sure. some ****ty narrow-minded casting if you ask me.
so Hollywood's just a bunch of boring white people? oh, and Anthony Mackie and Rashida Jones... sure. some ****ty narrow-minded casting if you ask me.

Hey, they included two more people of colour than they did last year. :lol:

The 2011 Hollywood Portfolio
by Annie Leibovitz


Jeez, why does everything have to come with an argument about race?

I really like the cover, nice concept. Go Anne for being the only girl on the actual front cover too. She looks amazing. Guessing Natalie Portman's inside the issue then? I remember it being said she was shot for the cover however..

I'll definitely be buying this one I reckon.
so Hollywood's just a bunch of boring white people? oh, and Anthony Mackie and Rashida Jones... sure. some ****ty narrow-minded casting if you ask me.

So who do you think should have been on there? It's a very good list of relevant people who are in Oscar nom/big box office movies right now.

I love this cover. It looks like they are finally going back to normal instead of just actor/director portraits which were sometimes very flat.

HCB pic is awesome. I'm surprised Nat Portman isn't there too but I'm sure it's cause she's inside.

Will be definitely be getting this.
okay! this is excited cover, and amazing cast ever! :wub:

jesse, andrew, and joseph geezzz! :wub:

and olivia's dress makes her body looks so sexy... and anne also! too bad there's no natalie..
This is mind-blowing! I LOVE Mila perched up onto the bar, in what looks like Louis Vuitton.
I wonder if Natalie isn't there because she/they probably would have known she was pregnant at the time they shot the cover. They probably didn't think having a pregnant actress on a "sexy young Hollywood" cover would go over so well. :lol:

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