Vanity Fair March 2011 : The Hollywood Issue by Norman Jean Roy

great for mila :wub: I love anne but I don't think it's her moment to be on the cover. the same for ryan and jake :huh:
^Natalie was supposed to be on the cover, I would guess in Anne's position, but she/they? decided to opt out because of the pregnancy and over exposure :flower:
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omg robert duvall:wub:
i dont understand why they didn't put more oscar calibre actors on this cover. most of these people have more shitty films than good ones.:ermm:
sorry couldn't edit fast enough, here's the original source:

Natalie Portman had been scheduled for the shoot, but the word is her pregnancy prevented it. (Maybe she had morning sickness.)

so, annie liebovitz is no longer photographing these huge covers for vanity fair?
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Olivia's dress is Vionnet Spring 2011


Noomi's dress is Yves Saint Laurent Spring 2011


style, coolspotters
Jeez, why does everything have to come with an argument about race?

Sometimes it's just nice to see some people that look like you be called talented and beautiful... though I suppose it's easy to forget that when you always see people that look like you called talented and beautiful. :wink:

Poor Olivia Wilde... it's as though the woman's body is allergic to clothing.
^you took the words right out of my mouth. It certainly must be nice to have the privilege to not have to care. but I do, it matters to me.

love Anthony Mackie and JGL on this :heart:
Sometimes it's just nice to see some people that look like you be called talented and beautiful... though I suppose it's easy to forget that when you always see people that look like you called talented and beautiful. :wink:

Poor Olivia Wilde... it's as though the woman's body is allergic to clothing.


I do think Olivia looks good though lol
i want to like this cover, but i find myself drawn to certain parts of it and not scene as a whole...
jesse eisenberg, mila kunis, and JGL look so cool in their posing and eye immediately went to them...
rashida, garrett, and noomi are a close 2nd although garrett's body is completely missing...
andrew garfield just looks like he's hanging out as does ryan reynolds (although i am happy to see them both! :brows::crush:)

ultimately, the shot that most people will see on the newsstand (with ryan, jake, anne and james) is the most boring...
and i'm actually glad to not see natalie...:ninja:
Sometimes it's just nice to see some people that look like you be called talented and beautiful... though I suppose it's easy to forget that when you always see people that look like you called talented and beautiful. :wink:

Poor Olivia Wilde... it's as though the woman's body is allergic to clothing.

You have no idea what my own ethnicity is, so that could be seen as being really quite presumptuous.

It's not an all white cover. There are different ethnicities and even nationalities in there, and I'm sure even more will be showcased throughout the issue itself.

Vanity Fair simply picked who they believed are the hottest talents of the moment, whoever they deemed them to be.. I can't imagine there was any form of racial motivation behind the decision is all.

It's a nice selection, and I really look forward to seeing the issue itself.
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All of the actors and actresses here look absolutely stunning. Norman Jean Roy did a fantastic job as photographer
James, Jake, and Anthony all look so handsome in their tuxedos.

You have no idea what my own ethnicity is, so that could be seen as being really quite presumptuous.

Um you pretty much just confess to the forum what your ethnic background primarily consist of by getting defensive to that last statement.:lol:
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Sometimes it's just nice to see some people that look like you be called talented and beautiful... though I suppose it's easy to forget that when you always see people that look like you called talented and beautiful. :wink:

Sometimes it's just nice to see some people that look like you be called talented and beautiful... though I suppose it's easy to forget that when you always see people that look like you called talented and beautiful. :wink:

.. I just had to quote this again, and again :lol:.. short and easy, and I applaud.

*sighs*.. it's basically about representing well, especially when you're huge and bold enough to go for such comprehensive titles such as 'Young Hollywood', 'THE Hollywood issue', when Hollywood, despite its reputation, has already doing its homework by embracing a lot of people for its talent and not faces.. or race :lol:.. good thing they're a bit shy and haven't gone for 'THE America' issue yet.. but still, what they're presenting is not accurate, not in terms of diversity and not in terms of current talent either, I don't work in the industry but if I did, I'd be horrified to see the real (and just as good-looking) talent being left out in favor of a girl that created buzz for her incredibly challenging portrayal of irony in legs for around 20 minutes in Black Swan.. or the insipid guy in that amazingly relevant story about facebook whose acting skills range from 'face when I'm playing GTA' to 'face when I'm uploading photos on flickr'. So yeah, it's just Vanity Fair being Vanity Fair, quite vain.. but even vanity can be smart, sometimes.
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all this talk about racial diversity made me think of latin or african american people starring in big HW movies last year, can´t think of anyone. Who should have been there?
there was Halle Berry for Frankie and Alice. it was small movie, but she received praise for acting and was even thought as a contender for a nomination for the Oscar.

didn't watch the movie, but didn't For Coloured Girls went pretty good on the boxoffice? all i remember that there was some award talk, but as soon as the movie came out everyone went hush.

about the cover itself - i feel as if the whole shoot was booked way before December and is made of the stars in movies everyone thought they'd rule the boxoffice throughout December - hence Tron stars and Jake/Anne (tho Anne being on the cover, in the middle of the Oscar hype, is fine by me) and from that perspective it failed. on the other hand, i'm glad Ryan R. is getting some talk for his role in Buried and Noomi being there, but i seriously can't help wondering what is Wilde (even if the movie didn't suck at the boxoffice) is doing there (in the middle of the pic)? seriously, i can't see her relevancy for film industry in 2010 at all (i know she works steadily, but come on). also, wish Hailee and Javier made the shoot! also, Michelle and Ryan? Helena doesn't cut it for the main page? Tom Hardy comes to mind as one the had a break through last year and yet he's nowhere to be seen.
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The cover is alright but I'd like to see it up close. I think Anne Hathaway looks great.

It would be nice to see actors of varying ethnicities and races on the cover but I don't think you can place all the blame with Vanity Fair for this lack of diversity. Vanity Fair is just placing the actors who are the young stars right now and I think the actors they've used deserve their place on the cover. Hollywood should be the one that takes an active role in giving more big acting parts to people of colour etc. It's already been noted in this thread that most people can't even think of a black, hispanic asian etc that has had a big movie role this year. I think it's more insulting to resort to tokenism than not to have any people of colour on the cover at all.

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