Vanity Fair March 2011 : The Hollywood Issue by Norman Jean Roy

So who do you think should have been on there? It's a very good list of relevant people who are in Oscar nom/big box office movies right now.

I love this cover. It looks like they are finally going back to normal instead of just actor/director portraits which were sometimes very flat.

HCB pic is awesome. I'm surprised Nat Portman isn't there too but I'm sure it's cause she's inside.

Will be definitely be getting this.

race is relevant only because the hollywood issue got SLAMMED last year because it had absolutely no diversity represented on the cover. not placing zoe saldana on the cover last year -- she did play in both box office hits star trek and avatar -- remains a black eye for vanity fair.

this year, one could make the case for yaya dacosta given her roles in the blockbuster "TRON" and oscar-nominated "the kids are all right." also, is there any representation for the latin or asian communities?

i think it's a great cover, but i do think the question is relevant after all of the hubbub last year.
^ no good point I was just interested in who else aaronatjoey thinks should be there. The people that are on there though are relevant to the films of the moment so I can see why they were chosen.

I also was really impressed by Yaya Dacosta in TKAAR. She's come a long was from top model. Good for her. She would have been a great addition to the cover.

Those BTS pics are great. The back of Noomi's dress is so gorgeous.
so Hollywood's just a bunch of boring white people? oh, and Anthony Mackie and Rashida Jones... sure. some ****ty narrow-minded casting if you ask me.

It's always " ****ty narrow-minded casting" every year they do this Hollywood issue.

... and a portfolio of Oscar contenders? Isn't James Franco the only nominee on the cover?
... and a portfolio of Oscar contenders? Isn't James Franco the only nominee on the cover?
Portfolio of Oscar contenders will be inside the issue. Jesse Eisenberg and Jennifer Lawrence are also nominated.
Wasn't Natalie Portman going to be on the cover? :ermm:

Olivia Wilde's legs is sooo photoshoped on the cover. :shock:

Just noticed a little lion ( it's a lion, right? ), sweet.
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Amazing! One of their best to date! The main cover is well enough for me! Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gylenhall, James Franco & The forever sultry Anne Hathaway! I love it! The fold out is amazing too!
JGL, JESSE, MILA, AND ANDREW IN ONE SHOT :clap::buzz::heart:
Now if they put Emma Stone, it'd be a super perfect cover for me.
Ryan Reynolds & Jake Gyllenhaal should have been where Joseph Gordon Levitt & Andrew Garfield are and visa versa. Anne, Jennifer and Rashida look amazing. Don't get Olivia's appeal or think she's that talented tbh.
Now if they put Emma Stone, it'd be a super perfect cover for me.

oh yeah, you're right! how come i forgot this girl! she deserved to be in here too. maybe next year! after spiderman movie release..
WOW fantastic cover!!! Wish to see Asian and Black faces represent also on the Hollywood scene but I really like the image
I spot Rashida Jones wearing Tom Ford?? I think the cover is fantastic, love the plum and gold colours... Natalie Portman should've definitely been on the cover. And considering Robert Duvall is the eldest one in the bunch, Colin Firth was a must as well in my opinion!
I love it. Love the cast, for the most part. They all look great.

My favorite part though is Robert Duvall in the back. Haha, totally cracked me up.
Uhm, I thought Natalie Portman was going to be on the cover? What happened to that? In my own honest opinion, she should have been on Anne Hathaway's place. But I guess it's becuase of the Oscar-hosting gig promotion that's why she got that part and is on the cover. Good thing she looks gorgeous on the cover. ^_^:D

Anyhow, I think this looks good. Not that spectacular like the past Hollywood issues though. There are many reasons to love this cover and they are James Franco, Ryan Reynolds, Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. :wub::wub::wub: Both Mila Kunis and Olivia Wilde look so efforltessly sultry. But the ultimate surprise in this one is Robert DuVall. :lol::lol: Like..WHAT THE HELL??!!??

But the real shocking thing here is that it wasn't shot by Leibovitz! :shock: How come???
oh yeah, you're right! how come i forgot this girl! she deserved to be in here too. maybe next year! after spiderman movie release..

Well she was on the cover just last year, so they probably thought it silly to put her there twice.

As for the race thing, Vanity Fair is merely reflecting Hollywood itself. Who was left out that should have been on here? The only person I can think of that's anything other than Caucasian is Hailee Steinfeld, the Oscar nominated actress from True Grit, who is part part Filipino and African-American. I simply can't think of any young Asian actors or actresses that were significantly featured in Hollywood this year. People mention Yaya DaCosta, but although she was very good in The Kids Are All Right, her role in TRON was so small. She had one very short line. There's plenty of other people just as or more deserving of a spot that also weren't featured. In my opinion, when we're scratching our heads trying to think of people of color who should have appeared on the cover, it's not a good thing. It's like the whole thing of "tokenism", I guess I'd call it. Deserving people should make the cover no matter what their ethnicity. There should not be people of color on the cover for the sake of having people of color on the cover, but rather because they deserved it. Which, in my opinion, the people on this year's cover did.
Ryan Reynolds just can't help how sexy he always looks. Sexy, but in a classic kind of way.:wub:
^ no good point I was just interested in who else aaronatjoey thinks should be there. The people that are on there though are relevant to the films of the moment so I can see why they were chosen.

I also was really impressed by Yaya Dacosta in TKAAR. She's come a long was from top model. Good for her. She would have been a great addition to the cover.

Those BTS pics are great. The back of Noomi's dress is so gorgeous.

it's simplistic to say that race is relevant "only" because Vanity Fair got slammed last year. as a publication reflecting our society, the magazine should always strive for a proper representation of the world we live in. Not just because they got in trouble last year. you don't start acting responsible just because someone called you irresponsible, ya know?

it really sucks that I don't get to see many movies so I don't have much of an idea who should be featured, but there's gotta be Hispanic, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. worth championing, right? Javier Bardem for example would have made sense had he not been on this cover in 2008. if we all just take this as it is, and say, "Well, of course it's all white people on the cover... because that's all that did anything good in movies this year" then that's just sort of a shame, isn't it? I'm not saying Vanity Fair should be strung up and quartered for something like this. And I'm not saying we should feel crappy if we want to read or enjoy this. All I saying, I guess, is... the editors should have tried just a bit harder.
^ Good point, but I think Hollywood is really the one to blame, not Vanity Fair.
Only two people I care about are Andrew and JGL.:ermm:


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