Thanks a lot for all the scans, Meidude and Benedict!
Their budget must be something to behold. Vogue China really deserves their prosperity because this line-up is breathtaking: Lindbergh, Demarchelier, Goldberg, Hasset and Hamza, with most of the new models! Lindbergh's edit with Sasha looks like a mash-up of his 'greatest hits'. The lack of retouching is very pleasing here. One can actually see Sasha's imperfections in her close-ups. I dont know whose idea the hair was, it's not a great, but doesnt ruin her shots.
And this is the first time I'm impressed with Katja Rawles' work. Glad she ditched that glossy Terry Richardson aesthetic.
Juliana Schurig looks a lot like Julia Nobis, or it might just be the posing, but I really like the styling in her edit.
Funny how Demarchelier is the most renowned photographer of the lot, yet his work seems the weakest here.
I really hope Jing Wen books a cover sometime this year!