Weinstein buys Halston and hires Rachel Zoe

liberty33r1b said:
a halston documentary should be interesting at least....

there have been documentaries on him (E! True Hollywood Story did one), there is also a book by Stephen (steven) Gaines, as i am unsure of the correct spelling right now tited "Simply Haston" which gives a detailed and emotional account of his spectacular rise and Sad fall. He is probably the most iconic designer of american fashion, he was a close friend of the Sinister and Calculating ( i might be hated by some for saying this) artist Andy Warhol, who in a non business way,ccontributed significantly to the demise of Halston the man.
I think at this time the book is a must read for anyone who wants to know more about him and his company.
He was from the south, (missouri, i think, cant really remember right now) came to NY and became a milliner at Bergdorf Goodman...........
his first brush with fame came when as a milliner he designed the "pill-box" hat worn by Jackie Kennedy.
He transitioned into clothing and took along with him a minimalist aesthetic that he had about headwear............
He was one of the five american designers to at the famous versalles fashion show ( Ann Klein, Bill Blass, Oscar de la renta, and the black fashion Icon Stephen Burrows being the other four)
He had a Spanish (south american) Boyfriend by the name of Victor Hugo, who was called "Victor Huge-O" (you can image the reason here)
Hugo was a mercurial unpredictable personality who was cruel to Haston (who seemed to loved being victimized and abused)
early in his career , Halston (Born Roy Haston Frowick) was a workaholic and a homebody.......... It was later on in life that he became a party animal after visiting Studio 54 and developing frienships with Warhol, Liza Minelli, Babe Paley, Elizabeth Taylor, Bianca Jagger and a Ton of other celebrities at the time.
He sold his label and became a Mega Millionaire, eventually lost the rights to his name and was (probably the only designer that was) paid not to design...........
there was also an issue where he started a cheaper line with JC Penneys that seriously damaged the image of his company.....( this is a warning for some of these designers who are eager to go the cheap mass market route)

His Favorite fabric was Ultrasuede (it was argued by some, as stated in the aforementioned book) that he stole it from Issey Myake , after seeing Issey in a shirt made from it at a party one night.

In my opinion I dont neccessarily like the team they are assembling, as much as i know who Rachel Zoe Is, i know very little about her work (as i dont really care to know) to comment on it.
It would be realy nice to see Narciso designing the Label, as i think his work fits perfectly with the Haston Aesthetic............and would be right for today.
However I dont know how this would work, as I couldnt really understand Narciso Working in this kind of environment with so many high profile people around him who would want to be the "Franchise" and not a "Role Player"
The best years the Label had since the death of Haston in 1989, or 1990 was when it was designed by Randolph Duke and Ultimately Kevan Hall (whowas Dukes assistant iand beleived to be was doing most of the work when Duke was there , which ultimately led to Dukes Firing by the owners)
^ Thanks for all the great info ... I didn't know the pillbox was Halston's!!!

Btw, Missouri is not the South ;)
fashionista-ta said:
^ Thanks for all the great info ... I didn't know the pillbox was Halston's!!!

Btw, Missouri is not the South ;)

Im Jamaican, I still havent learned the continent as yet:lol::lol:
Too add to what Zamb said...yes Halston killed himself (as in the label) by overextending his franchise to all sectors of the market.

Also, about designers being paid not to design (called a non-compete which is very common in the cosmetics industry)...that was the case for Jil Sander for 3 years when she first left her label after Prada bought it.
Somehow the idea of Narciso, Rachel Zoe and Tamara agreeing on an aesthetic is incredibly implausible to me. He's such a minimalist and they're both kind of the antithesis of his look. I always took Rachel Zoe for a more is more kind of girl.

I hope whoever they go with is competent as thats the most I can hope for in this instance. Who does seventies glam redux the best? Lots of designers have tried their hand with that look but who can personify it / who can they feasibly get? Its going to be a tough call.

Oh Harvey, why couldn't you use your cash to do something useful like bringing Helmut Lang out of hiding.
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Luxx said:
Somehow the idea of Narciso, Rachel Zoe and Tamara agreeing on an aesthetic is incredibly implausible to me. He's such a minimalist and they're both kind of the antithesis of his look. I always took Rachel Zoe for a more is more kind of girl.

I hope whoever they go with is competent as thats the most I can hope for in this instance. Who does seventies glam redux the best? Lots of designers have tried their hand with that look but who can personify it / who can they feasibly get? Its going to be a tough call.

Oh Harvey, why couldn't you use your cash to do something useful like bringing Helmut Lang out of hiding.

I dont think the label should be about " 70's Glam Redux" One of the beauties of minimalism is that its designers are for the most part about modernism, and what is of the time period in which they live.
this is the reason why Halston was such a success, He provided (like Zoran) clothes that women who lived a certain kind of lifestyle could use in multiple ways......... they could travel, they could party and they could feel comfortable without wearing something that was as heavy as military body-amour.
Narciso is that kind of designer , providing beautiful practical clothes for now, for today with very little or no rerto references.
Also , i could see the Brand becoming something completely different from what it originally stood for.
I think that buying an old label (like balenciaga ) you buy the History and the legacy of the brand, and as the owner you can use this to do what is best for the brand today........
and sometimes this means a complete chance in aesthetic..........
^ True. I absolutely agree that those are Halston's strengths and ordinarily I would say that it doesn't have to be about 70s glam but I feel that with someone like Rachel Zoe around that look is going to play a part in the overall vision of the house. She seems to live for that sort of very disco influenced type of style and I'm sure that if she has anything to say about it there will be at least some of that reflected in the clothing. I hope it isn't too literal. I would love to see some of the wearable chic that Halston himself infused into his clothing and Narciso would be a very smart choice for that. I just feel as though (and I could be very wrong on this) he would have a very different vision for Halston than that of Rachel Zoe.
fashionista-ta said:
^ Thanks for all the great info ... I didn't know the pillbox was Halston's!!!
that is not actually true---
there is some dispute over said item with oleg cassini and halston both claiming credit for the hat in question...


who knows???

any legitimate east coast or european fashion designer is going to have problems dealing with the hollywoodization of halston---
so whoever they get-it's going to be a real culture shock and challenge for them...

PS- patrick robinson is not currently employed...:innocent:...
i agree softie.

They are basically trying to buy their way into the fashion industry. But I think at least the buyers have some sense and are wary. Look at trying to revive Biba (which i think in many ways is similar to halston. not in aesthetic but in other ways) which I don't think has really gone all that successfully....
yikes. Rachel Zoe is taking over? this should be interesting.. and when i say interesting i mean a train wreck! Hopefully she doesnt destroy the label with her pereception of fashion.
softgrey said:
any legitimate east coast or european fashion designer is going to have problems dealing with the hollywoodization of halston---
so whoever they get-it's going to be a real culture shock and challenge for them...

PS- patrick robinson is not currently employed...:innocent:...

Do you think Robinson would really take this Job?
i would really be surprised if he did (providing they would offer it to him, which i think is unlikely)
Luxx said:
^ True. I absolutely agree that those are Halston's strengths and ordinarily I would say that it doesn't have to be about 70s glam but I feel that with someone like Rachel Zoe around that look is going to play a part in the overall vision of the house. She seems to live for that sort of very disco influenced type of style and I'm sure that if she has anything to say about it there will be at least some of that reflected in the clothing. .

And isn't Halston most famous for dressing the Studio 54 crowd?
Meg said:
i agree softie.

They are basically trying to buy their way into the fashion industry. But I think at least the buyers have some sense and are wary. Look at trying to revive Biba (which i think in many ways is similar to halston. not in aesthetic but in other ways) which I don't think has really gone all that successfully....
yeah- but biba was never as 'mass' as halston...
biba was basically a thing in london and some parts of europe...
the potential market for halston is HUGE...
and with the built-in stable of actresses looking for sexy slinky dresses to wear that will get their pics published in every rag possible...
this project has some real legs in terms of reaching the public...

the greatest thing weinstein can do is hire a team that understands the celebrity market and then keep his nose out of it...
cause let's face it- he knows nothing about how to run a fashion house...
and it is a specific business model...

zam- why shouldn't patrick robinson do it?
he worked at ann klein and that was a much stranger fit...
based on what he was doing at paco rabanne- i could actually see it working..plus he is an all-american designer- which halston sort of needs in order to keep it's image correct...
and his marital status certainly couldn't hurt- and i don't think weinstein would ignore the potential there either...
only thing is that robinson doesn't really do sexy or slinky- which the new halston will have to be...

i actually think that norma kamali would do some nice stuff--*the jersey line she does now is very much in that old halston aesthetic...
but she doesn't have the 'cool' factor they are going to need...

**they will def need someone who is not camera shy- cause they are going to parade that person all over town!!...:lol:...

***zac posen?....hmmmmm.....

Zac Posen would be perfect for Halston. Though I dont want to give him anymore power as I already can't stand him....Patrick Robinson is a no. Narciso would work magic at Halston, though he has far too much integrity for them, they want candy and Narciso isnt candy.

Ugh, Rachel Zoe, she looks like a scrotum in person and refered to her Lanvin and YSL as "Alber for Lanvin, Tom for Yves" I was like...Stop trying to be pretentious, you either got it or ya dont! I didnt recognize her and asked her what she did...Haha, that was hilarious...

Anyways, this is gonna suck either way.
Missouri is in the south go there and you'll realize once youstep in the state lines.

And it's sad that the celebrity cancer that is Hollywood is infecting fashion more and more. I can only see the ugly prom dresses that the company will crap out. Hopefully they'll pick a good designer who will be able to hold there own to Zoe's and Tamara's bling bling trashy low quality styling.

Zac Posen or Isaac mizrahi woul d be a good fit.
I can't wait to see this. I can't really say anything bad about Zoe, people seem to love to hate her though. This will definitely be interesting though.
why can't hollywood stay out of fashion?!?!
I understand why TWC wants to diversify...but damn! there are other markets......
Originally Posted by softgrey
zam- why shouldn't patrick robinson do it?
he worked at ann klein and that was a much stranger fit...
based on what he was doing at paco rabanne- i could actually see it working..plus he is an all-american designer- which halston sort of needs in order to keep it's image correct...
and his marital status certainly couldn't hurt- and i don't think weinstein would ignore the potential there either...
only thing is that robinson doesn't really do sexy or slinky- which the new halston will have to be...

Maybe at this moment i am not being as objective as i should.......
Maybe design wise Robinson would be a Good Fit , and Yes because of his connections at Vogue (he is married to vouge editor Virginia Smith) that would definately help with publicity,
the thing is i can see this becoming as much a disaster as it has the potential to do well.
I think he has been in so many bad situations that i would love to see him in a situation that is safer and more "respectable" than this one.
the thing i hate about this is as i have said before, there are already two people here (Zoe and Mellon) who will want to be the "IT" and not a supporter. I dont know which designer will be able to coexist or at least survive, in this kind of situation.....
Posen would be a good fit (at least on paper, for reasons of celebrity and support) but i dont know if he has the kind of talent (which seems to be less important in fashion nowadays) that is required to design two lines and keep them with distinct identities...................
as much as i dislike zac, i think his aesthetic could easily adapt to halstons, and like zam has stated, already in with the celebrity crowd

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