What annoys you about your body?

- My metabolism because im very thin and I eat like a pig and don't gain weight
- Freckles
my curves, I'm have a really skinny top half and long skinny legs, but my hips are curvy and I hate it. Think it makes me look out of proportion
my short legs. i want more definition to my somach. and it'll be nice if i have a longer neck.
and im sick of ppl telling me, ure so petite, ure so small,and the worst, u look like u can topple by a mere blow of the wind. anywayz, im 5'3.
Elegance.Is.Refusal. said:
i want to be skinny........but i love food too much:ninja:

Oh hush woman.

The fact that when I do get at all tanned, there'll always be bits that aren't tanned....unless I conform and go to a tanning salon.
this is rather gross ... i hate all that flatulence that make my tummy bloat :blush:
^eww. lol

perisacooper said:
and im sick of ppl telling me, ure so petite, ure so small,and the worst, u look like u can topple by a mere blow of the wind. anywayz, im 5'3.
Same here.:cry:
My skin. It annoys me so much that i'm the only person in my family without perefct skin! grrrrrrr....
Bluestar07 said:
this is rather gross ... i hate all that flatulence that make my tummy bloat :blush:
How wonderfully open you are! And dont feel bad.....i can get quite gassy myself...:innocent:
jadedomega said:
-I would like a thicker neck
-I don't know if this counts but I hate my profile.
I hate my profile too! I wish I had a smaller butt, people feel the need to grab my ***, I really hate it (and its not like I wear skin tight pants either). Plus, I think my clothes would look better with a smaller pomme pomme.
-my long body I wish it was shorter and my legs were longer
-my weird stomach shape.....for example if you measured my waist it'd be like...quite thin..when I stand sideways its got like a BUMP between the waist and the hips
-my boobs...i wish i was flat, they are annoying because I'm sporty
-my hips are a bit wobbly and something needs to go!!

otherwise....i'm happy theres nothing else that i can't fix with a bit of exercise...infact some of that can be fixed too!!
My butt and legs. I walked past a store window the other day and caught my reflection. I thought the wind was making my skirt billow out, but when i went to feel back there I realized it was just my butt! Boo hoo.

I would love long slim legs, i just think they look so elegant in pants.
^....awww Assembler, i'm sure your butt is lovely and lots of butt-less skinny girls like me envy you!!
mademoiselle_ said:
- My metabolism because im very thin and I eat like a pig and don't gain weight
- Freckles

Mademoiselle, I love freckles! I want to have them so much!

I like in my body: long legs, shoulders, stomach (:lol: ), fingers and mouth

I don't like: hair sometimes, nose, foots (too long!)

Today that's it :lol:
.....what annoys me is that I CAN'T SEE IT THE WAY EVERYONE ELSE SEE'S IT!!!!!

I get changed into my bathers everyones like..WOW....your skinny, I sit down and everyone's like...HOW DO YOU NOT GET FAT ROLLS??!!!

people think I've got a six pack..:wacko: erm no...

they think i have NO fat on my legs:cry:
why can't i see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's driving me carraazzzyyy!!

I'm really not THAT skinny!!..well from what I can see:cry:
I am too skinny and if I gain a little weight I lose it again a few weeks later.

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