What Are Your Thoughts On Plastic Surgery?


Jan 30, 2004
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I'm seriously considering having my nose done, it's something that has always gotten me down and made me feel really really ugly. People tell me not to worry about it, but hey we are our own worst critics. I'm just wondering, what are your thoughts on people who have plastic surgery to change something they were born with?
In some cases its okay, some its wrong.

Like if a girl whos 110 pounds wants liposuction-there's something wrong with that.

But like you, your nose might be something that you really don't like maybe its too flat or something then its okay to change it. If it'll make you feel better then I say go ahead, but if you already have a good nose but are being too picky with it then its not a good thing.

But for me I say in certain situations its perfectly okay to change something you have with cosmetic surgury. Just don't get hooked...its addicting to most people cuz then they find more and more things that maybe could be a lil better..then they go have it done.
whatever makes you happy!!!

my mom had a nose job and wishes she had got it earlier (she was 35 when she had it done) because it ruled her life forever. With her new nose she got the work (acting/modeling) she wanted and felt 1000000% better about herself. She also researched it A LOT and saved her money for a top notch surgeon and he did a beautiful job.

do whatever you feel is right, but think it through, get a good doctor, and maybe some therapy just in case your nose/boobs/inner thighs arn't really what is making you unhappy (so you don't get mutlple things don a la Micheal Jackson).

I say do what you want.
If you want it done, and you have the money who's to tell you not to?

I figure if you hate your nose you have probably hated it your whole life, and your probably going to go on hating it for the rest of your life. I don't see the point of wasting all those years ashamed of your looks when you can get it done, and feel a lot better about yourself. :flower:
I think its wrong if you were born that way its the way your suppose to be, flawed or not.

I agree with it though, if you were in some kind of physically altering accident.
To each his or her own. If something as attainable as a Nip/Tuck will make a person feel better, I say go for it. Personally, nothing beats a natch set o' t*ts but whatever.

Strippers and p*rn stars have issues though.
Thanks you guys. No, I'm not trying to look like Pam Anderson and buy boobs or anything like that (mine are nice enough on their own), but my nose has been something I've always had issues with, always been made fun of for, and just something that held me back. So...yeah thanks for all your opinions :flower:
I think it is great unless extreme-like people who are addicted to it or who have other serious psych. issues. If it is to change something that you feel hinders you somehow, then I think it is fine. My mother-in-law had a face lift (a reformed smoker), my sister a tummy tuck (after having 4 kids!), and I have had Botox once and a minor nose job.(my brother-in-law is a facial surgeon). The best advice I can pass on is to find a good doctor with a great reputation. Look around for one and have a few different consultations. See which one sounds like he will do what you really want, and who sounds realistic and professional. good luck with whatever you choose to do!
I've had facial reconstruction after falling off a cliff so I really had no choice about the need for surgery. One thing to remember is that all surgery entails significant risk and it's something you have to consider. Surgery is serious business and one must not enter into it lightly. Please, do a lot of research and decide whether a new nose outweighs the risk involved. :flower:
i think that you really take your time and think about your decision.
if you had your nose done and no-one noticed . . but you were happy, would it bother you? if it would you need to ask yourself why you're getting it done for yourself or for other's perception of you.
i know in some cases people have a nose job/boob job and felt really happy, almost like a new person, changed their life blah blah blah
BUT i also know two people who regret their decision to change the way they look and one feels as though she has lost something she'll never be able to put back

just my opinion. :flower: do what feels right for YOU :smile:
my opinion on plastic surgery is that it's probably not the right solution if you think it'll solve all your problems.
personally, i would not go for surgery but each to his/her own, i have nothing at all against people who do it :flower:
My nose is very slightly crooked, I wouldn't mind fixing it; if I did, I'm sure no-one would notice it... Even I don't really notice it that much!

If you have realistic expectations, go for it! It probably won't change your life, but if it makes you feel better, why not? :flower:
:unsure: ..Hhmm right now I'm having so many feelings about plastic surgery...

My mother wants me to have some stuff done. Some basic liposuction/lipoplasty on different areas especially. My tummy and my thighs mostly...I have lost some weight and when I was fat I had a lot bigger stomach than now...its gross that there is skin that is very loose there. Possibly under chin was well.
At first my mom concidered to have my stomach banded(I forgot the name of the surgery, but its not gastric bypass which uses stapling)but I am not morbidly overweight. Just slighty chubby so that surgery is not really necessary if I lose maybe 15 pounds more then did lipo, it would have better effects than banding my stomach.

Mind you, I'm only in highschool and that causes a lot of the conflict. Since I am young a lot of people say that I should just wait later if I ever do it, but thats the reason why my mom wants me to do it now. I am young, she hates the fact that my body issues set me back on a lot of things and if I did it when I was older, its already stubborn fats instead of baby fats that would more likely stay away if liposuctioned out.

I'm too scared to do anything drastic like that,even as much as I want to be able to not worry about my belly hanging out. I have a slight fear of needles and I don't like pain..I'm such a baby..Also, I used to critize girls my age who have things done so it urks me if I become one of them. Hell I'm just confused. :wacko:
I really wouldn't go for it if you don't feel comfortable with the whole thing. While I personally dislike plastic surgery, there are certain people who feel that it's the thing for them. It's really not for me to intervene, but you honestly don't seem like one of them. I would also have to agree with the people who have encouraged you just to stick it out. Even if some of the areas don't ever vanish completely, at least you'll always know how hard you worked for the rest. Sort of a memory of your personal challenge. Also, I would personally never want to get anything done because it just wouldn't seem like "me." Almost faking things, in a way. I do believe that the marks on your body sort of represent different stages and really help to mark your life. Like if you ever decide to get pregnant, it will be another "imperfection" on your body. Just think about what that change symbolizes though! I think that if in the end you still have bit a stomach, it's really not the end of the world. Anyway, that's how I feel. Do what's right for you. :flower:
Originally posted by Sephora_Socialite@Apr 20th, 2004 - 12:12 am
:unsure: ..Hhmm right now I'm having so many feelings about plastic surgery...

My mother wants me to have some stuff done. Some basic liposuction/lipoplasty on different areas especially. My tummy and my thighs mostly...I have lost some weight and when I was fat I had a lot bigger stomach than now...its gross that there is skin that is very loose there. Possibly under chin was well.
At first my mom concidered to have my stomach banded(I forgot the name of the surgery, but its not gastric bypass which uses stapling)but I am not morbidly overweight. Just slighty chubby so that surgery is not really necessary if I lose maybe 15 pounds more then did lipo, it would have better effects than banding my stomach.

Mind you, I'm only in highschool and that causes a lot of the conflict. Since I am young a lot of people say that I should just wait later if I ever do it, but thats the reason why my mom wants me to do it now. I am young, she hates the fact that my body issues set me back on a lot of things and if I did it when I was older, its already stubborn fats instead of baby fats that would more likely stay away if liposuctioned out.

I'm too scared to do anything drastic like that,even as much as I want to be able to not worry about my belly hanging out. I have a slight fear of needles and I don't like pain..I'm such a baby..Also, I used to critize girls my age who have things done so it urks me if I become one of them. Hell I'm just confused. :wacko:
:angry: No, no, no, no, NO! :angry:

NEVER, EVER have plastic surgery of any kind because someone ELSE thinks it's a good idea. You are much too young for the kind of surgery your mother is proposing. Your body is still changing and developing. And in case your mother doesn't know, women are supposed to have rounded bellies. It's one of the things that makes us female and feminine.

Frankly, it seems to me that your mother's attitude is much more likely to cause you "issues that set you back on a lot of things" than anthing your body is doing. :hardhead:

I rarely jump into people family quarrels and as you can see, this one has made me :censored: :censored: :censored: :angry: .
Thanks for your inputs purple and tealady.... :flower:

It means alot...

I'm seriously thinking everything through, I think if I do do something like that I'd wait til I was old enough.

I'm gonna just go have a very big scar lasered off...its really noticeable so just anything to make it lighter would be nice and electrolosis done..I want some hair removed :ninja:

Lipo is a very big big deal. It's very much a life changer...A life changer I don't think I find I want right this moment..Plus, again I critize the teenage plastic girls walking around my school...I dont necessarily wanna jump to be one of them. :shock:

Plus I went to the gym today and I loved it...maybe it I give the gym a year I could get results good enough that I wont need any surgery. :wink:
im very anti-surgery these days

i used to want to have some things done, but i realised how non-healthy mentally and physically it is for yourself.
even people who've had sucessful surgery make me feel a bit sad, its so invasive for a surgeon ( raking in MILLIONS every year) to be playing with your body.
90% of people who have surgery dont look very different anyway, its just a quick fix, a temporary boost.

dont fall into the trap, its expensive, addictive and destroying
i only condone surgery if it because something needs fixing...

ie in my case i messed up my nose walkin into a wall ... so it needs puttin back
( i find it hard to breathe sometime wen i sleep)

but if people are born with a nose they dont like.. they shouldnt change it... its wat god n ur parents gave u... its 100% natural...its who u r... u shouldnt change that!
I dunno, I don't want to change anything about myself :D, but again, if it affects you that bad in your daily lifestyle, go ahead and do it, but dont get a full on body surgery, a la Swan... :doh:
i've got mixed feelings about surgery..
i'm too much of a wuss for it. i really wanted to get rhinoplasty cuz my nose shape looks awkward, but then again, it's part of who i am and what i look like, and if that's how god created me, i shouldn't mess with it.

but if it really is bringing you down..do it. but i think natural beauty and confidence and love for yourself is [/I]truly beautiful.

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