My bags get stuffed with sooo much junk. I've been wearing my large downtown bag which is huge for the last month and a half and that isnt helping. Switching bags every couple weeks gives me a chance to clean them up a bit, and the size and the durable leather makes it so convenient that I've gotten lazy. My camera is full and I cant find the cord but heres the list...
- AppleCare protection plan I thought I may need to bring to my iphone apt.
- Packaging and receipt from the mouse I just got
- 3 clementines
- Some loose notes from class
- My wallet
- Candide by Voltaire book for class
- Tava "Brazzilian Samba" drink
- CPK to go magnet
- Tiny little gift bag from my brother and the tissue paper that was inside
- Little baby chick earings that my brother and his fiance got me for russian women's day
- Package of extra tissue paper and scissors from the gift I was wrapping in my car
- My parking ticket
- Blood donation pin
- Dwell magazine
- $6 in cash and some loose change
- Icebreakers sours
- "L2 extreme" diuretics
- Ticket for blue man group "How to be a superstar"
- USPS "sorry we missed you" slip
- crest whitestrips that I do in my car
- YSL cards that came with the bag
- iphone backup charger
- mini fredrick feckai Sheer Shine mist
- splenda packets
- Some other meds I take
- starbust wrappers + empty gum packs
- Empty gift card
- bandaids
- tweezers I thought I lost until now
- receipts from tons of take out
- canon digi cam
- makeup bag
- mason pearson hair brush
- pom pom that my cat tore off my scarf that i keep planning to get rettached.
-a tampon
- Guys pizza menu
- sunglasses
- broken iphone charger
- lip blam
- pencil
- book for the research paper
- some appt. reminder cards
- some old mail
No I'm not kidding