Welcome to the Fashion Spot, MadeManYi!
It's really hard to recommend a bag for any woman ... especially for one who we don't know. It's a very, very personal choice ... a woman uses a bag as a visual statement about herself and also it has to function the way she needs to use it. You need to know the woman and you need to know what she prefers in bag styles.
I would say that first, you have to know if she wants the real thing ... a designer bag, which can cost up to thousands of dollars. Or if she like the look of certain designer bags ... but would mot mind getting a replica. Or if she doesn't care about whether or not it's a popular designer or not ... and just goes for what she likes. This site looks like just random bags ...not designer stuff. A few are inspired by known designer bags ... but you would have to know them well, to tell which ones.
So, the next question is what type of bag does she usually carry? And for what purpose will this bag be for. Everyday? Or something for a special night out? The fancy bag can be small and pretty ... because she won't need to carry a lot of stuff. If it's for everyday, most likely it will be bigger, and have a good strap for hauling stuff around in it.
Other things to consider are:
1. What kind of handle does she like? Does she usually carry clutches (no handle at all), or short handles (to be held in the hand), shoulder straps (usually about 12 to 18 inches long), or a cross body bag (longer strap so she can cross the strap to the opposite shoulder from the side she has the bag).
2. Does she like structured or non structured bags? In other words, stiff sides and the bag sits upright without bending, or soft leather that just sort of folds over?
3. Does she like a lot of detail on her bags? Do she like lots of patterns or hardware on the outside? Or does she prefer tailored, classic shapes without much ornamentation?
4. How big a bag does she usually carry? Small ... just enough room for a cell phone, keys and a lip gloss. Medium .... enough to carry a few other things like a wallet and maybe gloves plus a few other items. Or a large tote bag ... room for a laptop and maybe an extra pair of shoes ... or things for the baby or kids.
5. What pockets does she like on bag ... for example, I want an outside pocket for sunglasses, and about 2 or 3 inside pockets for things like my phone, my keys, my small wallet ... so I can find things easily. Some women don't care ... are happy with a wide open interior ... and don't use a lot of pockets.
6. What type of closure does she prefer? How secure does the things inside her bag need to be. Does she like zippers? Clasps? Magnetic clasps? or can the bag just be open at the top?
7. Does she prefer neutral colors such as beige, black, grey etc.? Or does she like to spice it up with her bag colors ... red, orange, teal, metallic, prints/patterns?
So ... before you consider any of these bags ... I strongly suggest that you take a good long look at what she carries now and what she has stashed in her closet (every woman has other bags stashed somewhere, whether or not she actually takes the time to get them out and use them) and find something similar ... but perhaps just a bit nicer.
Get advice from a couple of her friends or female relatives ... they may have a much better idea about what she would like.