This is a great thread! I'm definitely happy it was started and would love to chime in with my 2 cents!
I'm 24 and have been buying replica bags since I was 17. At first they were horrid selections right off of Canal Street, but at 20 I discovered the world of iOffer which then led to Catty which then led to Jacky, etc etc. I would buy the bags and love the idea of carrying something that was so highly coveted. But then as I got deeper and deeper into the rep circle, and as a member of forums like these, my expectations became greater and I began to scrutinize more and more.
Personally - I own several authentic bags but more of contemporary designers (Minkoff, Wang, etc). The higher end luxury authentic bags that I own have been vintage finds that I've either scored on eBay or thrift sales etc. But as for all of my current hi-end designer handbags, they are almost all replica. I choose to buy replica because I honestly feel that the handbag industry is so insanely tricky. While I do make a decent salary and could afford it - I just feel like the styles and trends come and go so quickly (sometimes faster than I can keep up) that I would just hate to pay $1K+ on a handbag only for a better one to come out 6 months later. Unless it's more of a timeless piece like a Chanel flap - which I have an excellent vintage auth of - then I just don't ever see myself forking out four digits worth of cash for a hand bag. I just can't do it.
Now it's weird though because shoes on the other hand - I own TONS! Chanel, YSL, Louboutin, Lanvin, etc etc. I probably spent close to $15k on shoes in the past 12 months alone, so far. It's an addiction I have. But with shoes, for me it's a bit different. I feel like shoes can truly transcend and withstand their style for many, many style seasons to come. So while I don't mind spending money on shoes, I do think twice before spending on a bag. And, besides for those wondering - I never, ever buy shoes for retail - I ALWAYS wait for end-of-season sales. The only time I did, was when SATC2 came out and I bought the now sold-out Brian Atwood Loca's for full price, which I've never worn and will probably put on ebay.
Anyhow, great thread girls. Sorry I got off topic a bit, but I'm so glad we're in here discussing this!