Why Do You Own Both Authentics & Replicas?

Baga, it sounds like from what you've mentioned before that your work places you in situations where it would be a negative thing if someone thought you were carrying a rep. If I were in your shoes I would make the same choices that you did!

I work in an industry where nobody knows and nobody cares about fashion. In fact, for my profession we're expected to dress very conservatively and not particularly dressy, so I do that accordingly and don't carry a different blingy bag each day of the week. It's all about what is appropriate for each person in his/her profession/walk of life.

I like to hear what everyone else has to say about reps, because it makes me think more about my own beliefs.
ShoestringTravel, I too work in a conservative atmosphere, where, my NBF's are the flashiest I've been able to get by without some strange looks. I feel most comfortable with Bottega Veneta, which I think isn't repped very well, so I have times when I want to get rid of all my replica bags and get authentic ones. But, the authentic ones I want, are not entry-level designers...lol. Bottega!
I started off buying only auth bags. A good friend of mine fell in love with one of my bags and wanted to buy the replica as she didn't want to pay so much for the auth. While helping her check out replica bags, I stumbled across the ioffer thread in this website and was intrigued by how the members were gushing over T&D's Bal reps. The more I read, the more I was drawn into the hype of NBF bags, so I decided to take the plunge by getting my first NBF bag - Black GGH City. The second bag soon followed - Magenta First. Then came an avalanche of many NBF bags within a year or so. And then I also discovered Jacky and Catty. From that point onwards, it was a slippery slope for me! Within a short span of a year and a half, I purchased at least 15 replica bags from NBF and other sellers.

I bought (and still buy) rep bags because considering the price point of a rep bag, I could afford to buy several reps per month, compared to one auth every few months. I think I'm just addicted to shopping and the thrill of acquiring new purchases. ;p I used to think auth bags were of excellent quality, but I was proven wrong when the snap button of a new bag I'd just purchased from the boutique fell off after just *a few hours* of gentle use. I was horrified, to say the least. The bag cost me well over $1500! Surely such bags are built to last? Well, evidently not!

I cannot say that I love all my rep bags. Some have proven to be huge disappointments. Buying rep bags is really a gamble. You win some, you lose some. Ironically, the first 2 bags I bought from NBF proved to be the worst in quality (plasticky leather, hardware of the wrong colour/tone, etc) and I have since given them away. I keep only the rep bags I truly love and carry them with a sense of quiet pride. My rep bags are regularly thrown into the mix with my auth bags, and none of my colleagues or friends know any better.

With rep bags, I don't stress out over the weather, if the bag will get scratched, etc. I live in a crowded city where the concept of personal space is almost non-existent, especially in town area on weekends. As far as possible, I avoid carrying my auth bags to crowded places.

Some find it immoral to own rep bags. Well, it was all thanks to NBF bags that sparked off my interest in buying auth Balenciaga bags. I'd always thought I would never pay for an auth Bal bag since the design looks soooo simple and easy to rep. Ha, I was wrong yet again! I have truly fallen in love with Balenciaga bags, which I enjoy carrying more than the other auth bags I own. Since my last NBF bag, I have purchased 2 auth Balenciaga bags and will be buying more in future. I will also continue buying NBF bags, but will be more selective.
i have both auths and reps. my budgeting has changed due to the economy (still make the same amount of money but, spending less) but, my shopping habits haven't. consequently, i still have the same shopping urges but, with less to work with. reps fill the void. before, i had no problems paying almost a grand for prada nylon, etc. but, my perspective has shifted. i want more bang for my buck and with handbags, i find the value in reps.

my husband is aghast that i choose to buy reps but, sort of changed his mind when i took him shopping and showed him the price tags. he's okay with me spending a couple of thousand on a bag but, expects me to only buy one per year. unfortunately, i love variety, so that won't work for me. champagne tastes on spumanti budget!

i gifted my mom a tnd bag. she carries auths (lv, prada, miu miu, ferragamo, fendi) and she's since ignored them for her nbf! her anthra bag has become so soft and smooshy from constant use. she doesn't encourage me to buy reps but, can't help herself from loving her nbf.
champagne tastes on spumanti budget!

My dad informed me that I had champagne tastes on a koolaid budget. :p Unfortunately, he's right!

Here's a link to an interesting article about a study about replica bags funded by the EU. They concluded that reps as a whole don't negatively impact brands nearly as much as the brands think, because most rep buyers wouldn't buy the authentic due to price. Another point the article makes is that customs agents should spend their time hunting down the replicas that hurt people, like rep. drugs/medications, rep. airplane parts, rep. weapons, etc. The article didn't have much to say about the labor issue, however. No word on who is making the bags and labor laws/black market issues.

The thing about reps are that while they are much less expensive than the auth, they end up being pretty pricey too. In the past three months (which is when I've started this rep buying business) I've spent around $1200.

It might not be a lot for some of the ladies on this forum but for me, I'm actually wondering where I found the money.

For $1200 I feel like I could have bought a really nice auth bag and not worry about the hardware, leather...etc. But then I look at all the different rep bags I have and I love them too...

Esp all the tnds i've aquired (3) LOVE.

But I must say, my auth MBMJs, linea pelles, michael kors there is something about them that no rep can compete with. Maybe it's the nice packaging it comes in and all the spot on trappings. And part of it has to be carrying the branded shopping bag in the streets for everyone to see that "YES I'VE JUST BOUGHT SOMETHING FROM ------" :) That I love haha.
The thing about reps are that while they are much less expensive than the auth, they end up being pretty pricey too. In the past three months (which is when I've started this rep buying business) I've spent around $1200.

It might not be a lot for some of the ladies on this forum but for me, I'm actually wondering where I found the money.

For $1200 I feel like I could have bought a really nice auth bag and not worry about the hardware, leather...etc. But then I look at all the different rep bags I have and I love them too...

Esp all the tnds i've aquired (3) LOVE.

But I must say, my auth MBMJs, linea pelles, michael kors there is something about them that no rep can compete with. Maybe it's the nice packaging it comes in and all the spot on trappings. And part of it has to be carrying the branded shopping bag in the streets for everyone to see that "YES I'VE JUST BOUGHT SOMETHING FROM ------" :) That I love haha.

I totally agree with you:flower:
I started to add up all the $250's i was spending on reps and thought...wait a second..If i passed on 2 of these reps i could have a brand new Rebecca Minkoff or a Linea pelle..and SO AGREE with you that the feeling of carrying a known authentic brand is simply the best feeling.
As you say..you never need to worry about any of the trappings as they are exactly how they should be..coz its the real deal.
I to own auth Marc Jacobs, Gucci Linea Pelle and Rebecca Minkoff and Kooba and Foley Corrina and Micheal Kors and Coach, and Cole Haan..and I would much prefer to have an authentic $500 auth bag than 3 reps for the same money that I don't feel 100% about (thats me tho)

I have since sold or given away 20 of my rep bags:woot: and feel great about the change of heart..I had 18 months of buying reps that i totally enjoyed, But those days are behind me now..I just have 5 NBFS in my collection that I use now and then in rotation on a rainy day....yes thats right i use my NBFS when I am going somewhere that i dont care about getting it beaten up and dirty...I have no worries if they get ruined now.
I think for Christmas i will be buying an authentic Black Bal for myself as thats what i think i will really use the most. And i will enjoy the experience by going into Balenciaga and deciding and trying them all on....You can't beat the feeling of luxury IMO.
Or making that one big purchase a "special" ocasion..that you will rememeber forever...priceless <3
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I think for Christmas i will be buying an authentic Black Bal for myself as thats what i think i will really use the most. And i will enjoy the experience by going into Balenciaga and deciding and trying them all on....You can't beat the feeling of luxury IMO.
Or making that one big purchase a "special" ocasion..that you will rememeber forever...priceless <3

Hope you share some pics with us when the time comes!

/\ You know I will shoestringtravel!
check back at Christmas time on the bal or new purchase thread..or both:lol:
But I'm sure i will buy something else before then...I already have my eye on something on Ebay...If i win...there will be a new pic or 2 on the New Purchase thread.:flower:
The thing about reps are that while they are much less expensive than the auth, they end up being pretty pricey too. In the past three months (which is when I've started this rep buying business) I've spent around $1200.

It might not be a lot for some of the ladies on this forum but for me, I'm actually wondering where I found the money.

For $1200 I feel like I could have bought a really nice auth bag and not worry about the hardware, leather...etc. But then I look at all the different rep bags I have and I love them too...

Esp all the tnds i've aquired (3) LOVE.

But I must say, my auth MBMJs, linea pelles, michael kors there is something about them that no rep can compete with. Maybe it's the nice packaging it comes in and all the spot on trappings. And part of it has to be carrying the branded shopping bag in the streets for everyone to see that "YES I'VE JUST BOUGHT SOMETHING FROM ------" :) That I love haha.

I began reading this thread cause it peaked my interests and honestly what you said here struck a cord with me. I agree 1000% with you. With the amount of money I've wasted on reps..I seriously could've purchased 2-3 authentic ones and on top of that I could've paid a little more attention to my wardrobe (clothes, shoes, and other accessories). All of my 'fun' money (which is the amount of money i allocate myself every month to shop with from each paycheck) goes to rep bags and honestly how many bags does one really need?? I question myself this all the time but this in itself is a horrible addiction and honestly saving up and buying 1 authentic....i would imagine is so much more rewarding because 1.) you'd most likely baby it and use it often 2.) it'd become your #1 go-to bag and your favorite bag 3.) you do not have to worry about it's authenticity and you can dress however way you want because you are at peace with it because you know your bag is real. Also I find it very interesting how someone commented on how whenever you carry your rep bag...you have to dress up a bit to prove that it belongs with you and/or your lifestyle. I sometimes unknowingly do that and I didn't even think about it until someone pointed it out in this thread. I don't know..this is a very interesting thread...it's kind of opened my eyes a little. Thanks for starting this discussion :flower:
Hey Lovedbychanel!!!!xoxo
Just wondering...for all those with the NBF Ipad clutches/covers and who work in a fashion industry or environment, with people or friends who know there Bal bag shizzle and handbags and accessories, Has anyone ever asked you or commented on where did you get your cover? Do you tell them on line at a place called NBF? If so they will know that your bags are from there as well..I was wondering if this has ever come up with anyone..as whenever I take anything out of my bag, keys, purse, wallet in front of a fashionista or someone who works in the fashion industry I always get a "oooh where did you get that from" cute ***** who makes it kinda thing. People go gaga over my bright pink Linea pelle wallet..always ask where i got it. (for example)
I know Coco works in a corporate financial business setting where most of her colleagues don't know there Bals from there ****! But I was curious.:flower:

have a good day everyone:D

I never disclose where I get my reps from. I usually just say I got it as a gift from so-and-so...they're usually uninterested after that and just continue to gash about the bag/shoes/whatever.:flower:
I never disclose where I get my reps from. I usually just say I got it as a gift from so-and-so...they're usually uninterested after that and just continue to gash about the bag/shoes/whatever.:flower:

haha that is what i do too! Or I say I got it from ebay, leaving it open ended whether it's a rep or not (i could have been one of those poor souls who got suckered into buying a replica when they thought they were buying the authentic.)

I own both authentic and replica bals, and my feeling is that the minute I start to get obsessed with the details of my rep bag, I should just buy the authentic. But for me, who knows. Whether I'd rather get a rep or real comes and goes.

As for the other reps I own, I got them because I like the bag but not enough to care to have everything "perfect" and to pay whatever amount the authentic cost.

And I am jealous of baga that she has a balenciaga store near her. I've bought most of my bals as phone orders from Bal Las Vegas or BalNYC so I miss whatever "excitement" comes from an in store purchase. The stores near me that have balenciaga never get the colors or styles I prefer
/\ Sucre..thats what i do with my reps...I say I won them or got them on Ebay or Bonanzle...(I also could have been one of the poor souls that got a lemon:lol::innocent:)
Its a BLESSING and a CURSE to live walking distance to Barneys,And W57th Street..I live around the corner from Intermix and wink which is even more of a curse:lol: But its great for research...:rolleyes:
There is something VERY special about buying a luxury item...makes me feel like a million bucks!
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i've had my fair share of fakeys. =)

hi. in my case, my first designer bag was a coach. i was in my teens. at that time coach was enough. FAKE stuff never crossed my mind. however i got to know about goyards and other high end brands, which are beyond my budget. i bought 2 fake goyards and 1 fake chanel caviar flap. i was happy for a while but in the long run i started to hate them. something's just missing. i ended up selling them at a fairly good price still. since then, my love for balenciagas started and since i was working already i could now buy the real balenciagas. never had fakeys of those.

then i found out bout NBF! i wanted to give it a try. was happy with the 1st purchase but the 2nd one, i wasn't so happy bout. those are the only 2 fakes i've gotten so far and i don't think i'll be getting any soon. i paid almost $500 for those 2 fake bags. and for $500 i'd rather get an authentic Linea Pelle or some other lower end designer brands. i don't know. personally, nothing beats the authentic.

i can say that when i was a teen what urged me to buy fakeys were lack of funds. and now that im in my 20s what urged me to get those NBFs were curiosity. and if budget is to be an issue in my life now, i think i'd get an authentic bag of some other more affordable designer than spend dough on a fake.

those are just my sentiments! :heart:^_^
/\ I totally agree with you...But am way older than you:cry::cry::lol:
And it's so true...having bought about 15 Reps..one day woke up and decided with all the money I have spent on these bags..I to was never happy either for one reason or another...And like you would rather avoid buying 2 or 3 reps and get a gorgeous mid priced designer bag.
But thats me..everyone is different.:innocent:
The confidence, and the joy I have when carrying an authentic anything beats the feeling of carrying a replica for me, And that makes it all worthwhile.

I would do A LOT of research on any rep before I ever bought one now:D
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hi. in my case, my first designer bag was a coach. i was in my teens. at that time coach was enough. FAKE stuff never crossed my mind. however i got to know about goyards and other high end brands, which are beyond my budget. i bought 2 fake goyards and 1 fake chanel caviar flap. i was happy for a while but in the long run i started to hate them. something's just missing. i ended up selling them at a fairly good price still. since then, my love for balenciagas started and since i was working already i could now buy the real balenciagas. never had fakeys of those.

then i found out bout NBF! i wanted to give it a try. was happy with the 1st purchase but the 2nd one, i wasn't so happy bout. those are the only 2 fakes i've gotten so far and i don't think i'll be getting any soon. i paid almost $500 for those 2 fake bags. and for $500 i'd rather get an authentic Linea Pelle or some other lower end designer brands. i don't know. personally, nothing beats the authentic.

i can say that when i was a teen what urged me to buy fakeys were lack of funds. and now that im in my 20s what urged me to get those NBFs were curiosity. and if budget is to be an issue in my life now, i think i'd get an authentic bag of some other more affordable designer than spend dough on a fake.

those are just my sentiments! :heart:^_^

OMG are we the same person?! haha. My first designer bag was Coach too. Then the first time I bought a rep was when I couldn't afford a Balenciaga in college. So that started the buying of reps.. as I started to work I felt like I did not want to spend all that money on reps anymore. It was after I bought LV reps for the first time..I felt sick because I realized I didn't want quantity over quality anymore. I felt like I wasted money and could have just saved up a little bit and bought an authentic one.

Now I buy the auths of what I truly want because I feel better knowing I worked hard and earned it to buy a truly well-made bag that I love. I do still look at reps but I can't help but think that when I spend money on reps, I could save up and get an LV easily.. or save up a little more and just get a Balenciaga or a Chanel.
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OMG are we the same person?! haha. My first designer bag was Coach too. Then the first time I bought a rep was when I couldn't afford a Balenciaga in college. So that started the buying of reps.. as I started to work I felt like I did not want to spend all that money on reps anymore. It was after I bought LV reps for the first time..I felt sick because I realized I didn't want quantity over quality anymore. I felt like I wasted money and could have just saved up a little bit and bought an authentic one.

Now I buy the auths of what I truly want because I feel better knowing I worked hard and earned it to buy a truly well-made bag that I love. I do still look at reps but I can't help but think that when I spend money on reps, I could save up and get an LV easily.. or save up a little more and just get a Balenciaga or a Chanel.

I think you hit it on the head pinky with your comment about wanting QUALITY not QUANTITY....And the feeling that goes with it.
Why when I was buying 4 rep NBF works in 2 months didn't I STOP and think hang on a minite...I can get an authentic for this much money...:shock::doh:
I would have had 4 or 5 authentics instead of 20 reps..Oh well you live and learn..right.:blush: Fortunatley I have re-homed the 15 reps and feel much better:heart:
Interesting conversation came up last night for me when my husband questioned why I was buying a brightly colored Treesje bag, after seeing me selling off all my brightly colored NBF bags (about 10 in total)
He said" I thought you didn't like your bright leather colored bags" And I said without even missing a beat..." "I do if there authentic"
For me carrying a replica bag in a bright pink or blue or whatver (anything other than black) was drawing attention to the bag and tempting scrutiny from savvy fashionistas, Again this is what I personally feel and experienced.
I can carry a rep black NBF or a LV from Catty for example and feel more confident (I guess it blends in more)...but for some reason I felt very uncomfortable with rep brights..anyone else feel this way? Or is it just me?:flower:
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i feel the same way. i bought reps before and they're usually in bright colors except for a fake chanel caviar flap which is in black. i chose black for the chanel because i thought to myself black is a general everyday color which is practical for someone to choose for such an expensive bag. i mean, i'm not rich. so if i'm gonna get a chanel, i'd get a color that would suit any wardrobe and won't get dirty easily. so i thought black looks more authentic.

i am super duper tempted to buy fake bags until now, but i have self control. even if it's super duper hard. especially after looking at some pictures. hahahah! i thought to myself, if i were to consider buying a fake in the future (BUT I VOWED I WON"T ANYMORE!), it would be black because you're sure that the color is spot on to the authentic.

I totally understand not wanting to ruin your bag in public transport etc... I should know because 2 people already spilled coffee on my clothes on the way to work... one of them was a new cream sweater I've only worn once... but instead of buying replicas I buy heaps of non designer bags... canvas, market finds, APC... and I use them for when I don't want to be cautious and precious... even though I know if the replica is good not many people can tell... but I know... and I guess that's what's important for me from the beginning I wear designer bag for myself not for other people so when I know that I'm wearing replica it beats the purpose... I was only able to buy my first designer bag when I was 25... before that I wear non designer bags...

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