my fashion dislikes
perhaps I am not going ten years back, but these are the trends that irritate me the most:
-fanny packs, like a lot of people have said.
-thongs showing
-large, brightly coloured plastic earrings with oversized sweaters (that have geometric designs on them) and jeans, a la DJ Tanner from Full House.
-italian charm bracelets with a gazillion charms on them
-high-heeled sneakers, stilletos with baggy capris (mariah carey),
-obvious lipliner, caked-on foundation, dark chocolate brown lipstick on pale people (grunge trend)
-plaid flannel prints
- poor hygeine
-wearing clothes 2 sizes too small just so that you feel better wearing a six than an eight or a two than a four....
-bulging fat (which ties to the previous)
-large cubic zirconian (or the real deal ) diamond stud earrings on me
-baggy pants worn WITH belts that still sag to the knees and show boxers
-gangbangers and 'homies' wearing their jackets backwards. I accidentally laughed out loud at someone doing this before I knew it was common place...they wear the jackets so the zipper is at the back.
- high waisted pants, tucking shirts into pants (except in office wear)
-30 bangles on one wrist, 30 necklaces around one neck
-'bling' rings on every finger
-too short, over-sexed, too revealing clothing (Im all for sublte hints of cleavage or legs, but nothing too trashy or over the top)
- those 3 tiered, ruffled denim skirts from the 80's ( i had one...but i claim ignorance due to age! )
- young pre-teens over-sexing themselves, wearing trends that 20 somethings and highschool girls are wearing...trying to grow up too quickly and feel 'sexy' at such a young age.
- large rapper-style bling necklaces
- hiking boots with skirts
- people that wear 600 dollar Arc'tyrex jackets to starbucks in their goretex northface hiking boots with a patagonia pull-over shirt, and who will never step foot on a mountain with this clothing
(some people think taking their dog to starbucks is an extreme sport in least, the yuppies do). they own these jackets because it has become a status symbol, and have zero knowledge of the revolutionary designs and engineering that went into them (sorry, perhaps this one is slightly personal for me...)
I could go on, but I have one more main issue. and Im not trying to ruffle any feathers I just want to point something out, and i hope no one takes offense...
but as much as I dislike the general style of a LOT of celebrities (britney, christina, paris, mariah carey) et all, I also dislike it when someone says 'everything britney wears' - only because i have seen these celebrities wearing things that CAN be appealing, or tastefull, or glamorous....and it is often over-looked because they are that lindsey lohan. some people earn a bad rap that automatically discounts anything decent they know?
I have also noticed that there are some people out there that can wear the trends that i absolutely despise, and wear them well! even the ones I have just mentioned. So its all about the person wearing them, in the end. I can also recognize when something is NOT my style at all, but is well put together for the type of trend/style that person likes or is following...
does this make sense to you guys?
Im still a bit nervous of voicing my opinions on here, but there you have it, my .02 cents (Canadian no less...haha.)