Yay or Nay - Hairstyles and colours

Hanne said:
The girl in your avatar has bangs.. maybe they are called fringes in Australia ?
It's the shorter hair infront of your forhead. If that hair is the same lenght as the rest of your hair it's not bangs tho'.. :flower: Atleast thats my definition.

added: If you did a search for bangs you'd actually find your answer , there are plenty of threads on the subject..I'm in the process of merging 4 bangs threads as it is.

Thankyou Hanne!:flower:

That's right they're called fringe's in Australia. I had one exactly like the one in my avatar actually!

I did I search but because bangs has an 's' on the end i thought it was double of something and a 'fringe' seemed just like one thing:P
this might be a fitting place to post this if not then I am so sorry.

I am really in great need of a new haircut, my hair is starting to ruin my dear love of myself so something needs to be done. as always the trouble is that I have no idea what kind of haircut I'd be fitting in and my stylist is a utter bore who just does the same thing over and over again, I really do not want to change stylist tho. Am really hoping that someone would have some idea for a nice tight cut for boyish man.

my hair is chestnut and rather thin whereas my face is rather geometrical and well-fitted. the standing point would be that I have rather tinted cheeks and blue eyes so i'd be looking to highlight that.
Could anyone pleaaase recommend a hair colour? I've had this colour for ages - and I really really want a change.

I'm very pale, blue/green eyes.

Attached a pic where you can see my hair colour well. Any pictures of shades/colours would really be appreciated. :flower::blush:


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You know, I actually think a nice deep brown auburn shade would reeeeally fit you. Dark red/brown hair looks amazing with pale skin, and it would match your blue/green eyes nicely. I realize it's a big change, but it could be a great one :)
Need your opinion

Hey you guys,

I want to change my color for the sprin/summer..since im maintaining a tan....I want to do something kinda like a dark jen aniston/Gisele bunchden/mischa bartonish......like a dirty blond or like golden brown..but i dont know if it'll work with my color..can someone please give me their opinion? ill attach a few pics for u to judge! one is really close up..but im tanned in it...
Thanks soo much!:rolleyes:


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I wouldn´t change a bit of your haircolour! ;)
It suits your skintone just perfectly.
What do you think of this hair style on long hair?

This pic was taken at H&M Fashion Show and party (i think, according to style.com)
Cintia Dicker and Anna J.

I guess it's a variation of the "selectively crimped" hair style.
I want a new haircut! but I have curly-ish wavy-ish hair that can be super straight or crazy- and it's chocolate brown and shiny but kind of dry- does that make any sense? My grandmother's creole and I inherited her hair (my sister and dad both have black straight hair with a slight wave b/c my grandfather's italian).. ideads anyone?
southerncutie said:
I want a new haircut! but I have curly-ish wavy-ish hair that can be super straight or crazy- and it's chocolate brown and shiny but kind of dry- does that make any sense? My grandmother's creole and I inherited her hair (my sister and dad both have black straight hair with a slight wave b/c my grandfather's italian).. ideads anyone?

You hair sounds quite versatile. How long is it now?
If it's long enough, you can always go with layers; maybe add some side bangs.
^_^ Ok I'm finally going to stop listening to everyone else and get my hair like I want it. I kinda want that two tone look. Keeping the light brown I have now on the bottom and then I want to try maybe a carmel blond on top.

However, I can not find more then the same four pictures of two tone hair.. off of instyle are the ones that keep comming up in my searches. Does anyone have any good sites to look at or maybe pictures or something? Or am I looking up the wrong name, like it wouldnt be called two tone. I did a search on here and read through this entire thread. Just myself and the hairdresser never see eye to eye on what color I should do my hair, haha he likes dark I like light..:lol: So I figure at least if I bring pictures in I can help myself with the battle I'll have to have to get my hair like that. :flower: Thanks for any help!
it's a bit pass my shoulders- like rachel bilson's on the oc i was thinking of growing it out to the haircut she has now on the show...
Hey.. I wanna change my hair color i have been dark for a while now. Does any1 have any good color suggestions for me??

THANKS in advance......


  • rajjjj.JPG
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Twilight, I think you shouls colour your hair brown-dark brown, My hair was a bit darker than yours is now, and when I coloured it dark brown I got so many compliments (I'm very pale, and I have blue eyes as well) ^_^

Kind a like this I thought.



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Acid said:
seriously though.....getting caught into the blonde trap affects millions. there should be some kinda councelling for it

so true. my hair is blonde and i just dont have the balls to change my hair color because im so well known around my town as 'rani - the chick with blonde hair' lol
Hey ...
So no1 gave me advice on my hair color! I got some ligth brown foils similar 2 ashlee simpsons new hair color actually but i only got a few scattered throughout my hair! im still not sure whether to go lighter or whaaaaaaaaaat?? Cuz im tanned sometimes it doesnt look good if u go 2 light??
Tinetush said:
Twilight, I think you shouls colour your hair brown-dark brown, My hair was a bit darker than yours is now, and when I coloured it dark brown I got so many compliments (I'm very pale, and I have blue eyes as well) ^_^

Kind a like this I thought.

Thanks for the advice. :heart:

I've been considering dark brown, I just need to bring an exact shade to my hairdresser. Those were great suggestions, thanks. :flower:
^you are very welcome :flower:

Can't wait to hear about you'r new hair colour when you have been to the hairdresser...
i love this thread. everyone helping each other get haircuts. tinetush, i love the haircut in the picture of your avatar. it's adorable. do you have a bigger picture of it?

<3 me.

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