Your Favourite Fashion blogs to READ

also lovvvvvveee Sea of Shoes, Luxirare, Luxe Noir, Atlantis Home, Lulu and your Mom, and Fashematics.
This is a new blog that I have been following. It's really good!
Faux Fuchsia :heart:
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I love Style Bubble, Kingdom of Style, Flying Saucer, Happy Because, Gem Fatale, Fashion Daydreamer, Intrinsically Florrie, Clothes to Heal a Btoken Heart, Hi Fashion SL.

I also write my own two blogs, one about my personal style and one more general fashion news, trends etc.
A blog I've really come to adore over the last couple of months is A Slowboat To Mediocrity. The author, Yui, is Australian-born but lives in Tokyo, and I like reading her posts- it's refreshing to see a fashion blog that isn't based on outfit posts.
I like, and sometimes I go through thesatorialist, :)

I just don't like going to people that are than me's blog. ^_^' Either I get annoyed or think it's a bit pathetic... (when they are realllllyyyy young)
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My favorite is Jak & Jil :heart:

I also like The Sartorialist, Anywho, Addiction to Chic, Delightful, Sea of Shoes and Angeli.

I mostly read blogs that gives me inspiration
Mermaid Hair: This one isn't exactly new, but it's written by a girl who graduated Parsons this year and works at the BLACK CdG store in New York. She does lovely illustrations, and I like the fact that her blog isn't all "oh, look at me and the stuff I bought today". It actually deserves higher praise than that, but I'll settle for it getting more love.
Are there any asian blogger or bloggers of asian descent that has a more utilitarian or minimalist style?
I'm trying to find blogs that are in some way inspirational, either through things they are currently doing (eg. travel, work, etc) rather than those OMG!I want! Will kill for those! or look what I bought recently blogs.
^I really like A Slowboat to Mediocrity and Mermaid Hair, as mentioned above and previously on this thread- the former is written by an Australian-born Japanese girl living in Tokyo, the latter by a Parsons grad of Japanese descent- they're not very personal-style focused, but I find them highly inspirational and not 'look at me' at all.

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