Your Favourite Fashion blogs to READ

Although I'm not very good at the french language, I adore this blog. Not much fashion going on in it, and you might say that she buys stuff just for the brands, but the photography combined with couture is why I love it.
If anybody knows any good fashion blogs concerning men's fashion (Particularly young men's fashion), please let me know! I've been looking around and just about every blog covers women's clothing exclusively. Thanks in advance!

iluwfashion is pretty good!

Just google it
I started my blog because of

I also read: Fashiontoast, Sea of Shoes, Deep in Vogue, Madaboutfashion, Olsens Anonymous, The Sartorialist, Zanita, Sacha Hilton (i love him!), Jak and Jill, I see Jane Mary, Coco's tea party and fashionologie.
I lovelovelove LibertyLondonGirl, and I don't know if its ok to ask this - maybe someone can PM me if they know, but who IS Liberty London Girl? Its driving me mad, does anyone know?
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I lovelovelove LibertyLondonGirl, and I don't know if its ok to ask this - maybe someone can PM me if they know, but who IS Liberty London Girl? Its driving me mad, does anyone know?

She does value her anonymity, but if you really badly want to know you can always ask her directly via email- that's a bit more respectful than one of us telling you who she is behind her back.

On topic, I really love reading disneyrollergirl and I'm thrilled to death that Mrs Fashion ( has started blogging again. It's really great to have that 'insider' perspective on fashion. And I know a lot of people just look at the pics on Style Bubble and Kingdom of Style, but I really enjoy reading Susie and Queen Michelle's posts.
She does value her anonymity, but if you really badly want to know you can always ask her directly via email- that's a bit more respectful than one of us telling you who she is behind her back.

Do you think she would tell me via email? I would never intend to be disrespectful, I just love the blog and wanted to see her other work :flower:
I didn't mean to imply that it was disrespectful of you, just that it would feel a bit like snitching if someone other than LLG told you who she was, given that she takes some pains to keep her identity anonymous. :)

She did say a while ago on the blog that if people really badly wanted to know who she was, they could email her or something- and I recommend doing that, she's really nice.
Oops, sorry mods...I didn't mean to lead the thread off topic!

I like reading what Garance Dore has to say on her blog about the people she photographs- I know the Sartorialist takes the opposite approach but it's fun reading her.
Thank you, maybe I will do that. Or maybe I'll guess a bit longer, I don't know maybe that's half the fun!
i love:
sea of shoes
hautedesign by Sarah Klassen
do any of you read ?
i was hoping julia frakes, the girl behind it, would have a thread here
she has fabulous style
Luxirare is an amazing blog. The girl is a genius.

Also love Kingdom of Style, Fashion Toast and Sea of Shoes.

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