Best long lasting makeup (No budge - No smudge, No Transfer, Waterproof)

strobe cream doesn't really replace blush. it's a white-ish. glimmery, iridescense cream. I'd say go with the strobe cream first before you apply the blush.
I know what it is...I just don't highlight and contour at the same time, only when going out ^_^ And strobe cream doesn't have gigantic glitter-flakes, but it still highlights very well. I really need to buy one soon.
^ :lol: :ninja: My personal favorite is actually the "Everything's OK" alarm.
If you have difficulty with having your eyeshadow stay on your lids (like i did), I definitely recommend Urban Decay's Primer Potion. It works WONDERS. Your shadow will stay on forever.
Yes, the advice here so far has been great. Primers are wonderful. They have a whole slew of them out now, for your face, for your eyes and even for your lips. Revlon Colorstay foundation is really great because it stays on your face and looks fresh for like 12 hours. I know it gets many many raves over on MUA and they are picky over there!
if your skin isn't textured (meaning there's no bumps or big pores) then you can just do is prime (fix+ from mac is fabulous) spot cover up uneven skintone, use a very light reflective foundation, and then while the foundation is wet, just seal it on the cheekbones and jaw line with some fabulous mineral skinfinish with some sort of iridescence. That will give you a flawless, glowy look and you probably won't need nothing else but FIERCE SKIN.

cause that's all you'll want to have, then just brows and lashes :wink:

I've learned that those mineral powder foundation are super lame on most people, especially if you tend to have the slightest oily skin, it will all be absorbed or rubbed off easily.

Just wanted to comment that MAC's primer breaks me out big time :innocent: And I love your term "textured" Alejandro :lol: After using MAC primer for a couple days, my skin was significantly more "textured" than before :D

PS I want to hear what you think should be done for textured skin ... just an intellectual curiousity of course.
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ok, :lol:

as for textured skin, and that applies to me most of the time, MATTE makeup is your best friend.

look at Oprah, and most drag queens, their skin is matted out to conceal any flaws or textures on their skin. That doesnt mean it can't be contoured with blush, it can all be done, but most preffered in powder based product like powder eyeshadow, blush and foundation.

for those that'd like to add a bit of glow onto the skin, if you feel your higher cheekbone area, is smooth, i'd use a beauty powder or some iridicent powder that works for you, and use light strokes with light amounts of product, basically polishing in that high cheekbone area to create some glow. same thing on as a very thin line right down the nose, to create a bit of 3d effect, so its not a completely matte look.

that's what i do most of the time. but definitely matte skin hides any imperfections, and you can sorta get away layering more makeup with matte skin cause its not as visible as a greased out foundation.

but same process applies, prime with something lightweight, layer on foundation (using thick sponge) then brush off excess or add more if you'd like, then seal with blot powder, then paint on.
did that make any sense?

btw which MAC primer broke you out? Fix + or prep + prime?
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^ Well, now that you mention it, I think it was prep + prime.

I start off matte, but I still have very oily skin, so I have become accustomed to the glow :wink: I would say probably my biggest issue is old scarring from previous "texture."

I use Prescriptives' Custom Blend foundation, and the coverage is not all I could wish for. I'm just about to get a new batch, so I need to chat with them about that. I don't like to use too much concealer as I don't think my skin loves it and I want my skin to breathe. The area I'm concerned with is below my cheekbones, down to my jawline ... I don't know, what do you think?

PS As I reread your post ... maybe I should be using a 2nd layer of foundation in the problem area?
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ah you're wealth of knowledge, alejandro ! :P

i wonder if the makeup really shows up though ? i have seen some guys with makeup --probably just foundation-- and their skin is matte, but you can TELL they're wearing makeup... it just looks too perfect, and not exactly in the best way :ninja:
but like in some model's photos, they don't look like they're wearing makeup especially those with very fair skin
well, for me and most people i've worked with, powder foundation works best for oily skin, especially cause liquid foundation will not "stick" to your skin as powder would.

to be quite honest i have yet to try a good matte finish liquid foundation, the liquid ones just leaves me showing pores and it dries quickly so you can't really blend well.

so I dont know if you want to try using a lightweight oil free mattifying moisturizer, then use a powder foundation.

Studio fix from MAC is good for oily skin, but its not so good for pictures, unless you're pale, because there's an ingredient in it which basically causes your skin to look white in pics when the flash hits. but if you're planning on everyday wear, studio fix is fine, its what i wear. As for coverage, its buildable, you can use a brush for light application, or a sponge for heavier application. I love sponge under the eyes although it might dry you out eventually, but the look is so fierce cause its all smooth and paled out :ninja: :lol:

powder foundation, just like liquid, they all need pressed powder to seal the foundation, just cause its powder it doesn't mean you have to skip the setting step, because powder foundation will "melt" into your skin a few minutes after being applied.

pressed powder is not the same as blot powder too. blot powder you should carry with you for touch ups, because it doesn't build up and it will just mattify your skin. pressed powder will build up like loose powder and it will just make you look ghostly eventually.

as for the primers, prep + prime is awful on me as well, that's why i swear for fix + cause its a mist that you can either apply before makeup or after or both, to seal it all up. its great and it hasn't clogged my pores to this day, and its been like two years i've been using it.

your concern about that cheekbone/jawline area is is that the makeup dissapears in there or you need more coverage?

in that case, try this at home for awhile and see how your skin acts to this, but i sometimes use liquid foundation as my "primer" and seal it with powder foundation, that's for emergency pick ups when i either havent shaved and need to conceal the beard or i got a breakout... basically its double layering, and it can work best with just using powder. liquid on liquid is gonna be a mess girl :lol:
ah you're wealth of knowledge, alejandro ! :P

i wonder if the makeup really shows up though ? i have seen some guys with makeup --probably just foundation-- and their skin is matte, but you can TELL they're wearing makeup... it just looks too perfect, and not exactly in the best way :ninja:
but like in some model's photos, they don't look like they're wearing makeup especially those with very fair skin

well on my side, i strive for the makeupless look, but the drag queen inside wants out :rofl: :lol:

again these male models that look like they're not wearing any makeup, are probably wearing alot of it. maybe looking at the detail shots on can show you that some of them do wear lots of it.

but the secret is to spot touch up, with a tiny brush and concealer to match, you go cover up over the pimple or redness. and lightly brush under the eyes and pick up excess with a sponge through the face after you're done, so its all even and whatnot.

soemtimes they will seal the makeup with pressed powder, sometimes they wont, it all depends on the models skin.

just put it this way, guys are supposed to sorta look rough on the face, so maybe undereye concealer isn't so necesary, if anything, using a darker beige creme eyeshadow or somethign to rub under the eyes lightly, will create that natural ish look on guys, so they dont look like they're wearing anything. same thing with cheeks, if its too white and dead looking, even if you're not wearing any makeup, you'll look like you are. just add some creme bronzer and rub it in as where the sun will kiss you, not like contoured blush
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well, for me and most people i've worked with, powder foundation works best for oily skin, especially cause liquid foundation will not "stick" to your skin as powder would.

to be quite honest i have yet to try a good matte finish liquid foundation, the liquid ones just leaves me showing pores and it dries quickly so you can't really blend well.

so I dont know if you want to try using a lightweight oil free mattifying moisturizer, then use a powder foundation.

Studio fix from MAC is good for oily skin, but its not so good for pictures, unless you're pale, because there's an ingredient in it which basically causes your skin to look white in pics when the flash hits. but if you're planning on everyday wear, studio fix is fine, its what i wear. As for coverage, its buildable, you can use a brush for light application, or a sponge for heavier application. I love sponge under the eyes although it might dry you out eventually, but the look is so fierce cause its all smooth and paled out :ninja: :lol:

powder foundation, just like liquid, they all need pressed powder to seal the foundation, just cause its powder it doesn't mean you have to skip the setting step, because powder foundation will "melt" into your skin a few minutes after being applied.

pressed powder is not the same as blot powder too. blot powder you should carry with you for touch ups, because it doesn't build up and it will just mattify your skin. pressed powder will build up like loose powder and it will just make you look ghostly eventually.

as for the primers, prep + prime is awful on me as well, that's why i swear for fix + cause its a mist that you can either apply before makeup or after or both, to seal it all up. its great and it hasn't clogged my pores to this day, and its been like two years i've been using it.

your concern about that cheekbone/jawline area is is that the makeup dissapears in there or you need more coverage?

in that case, try this at home for awhile and see how your skin acts to this, but i sometimes use liquid foundation as my "primer" and seal it with powder foundation, that's for emergency pick ups when i either havent shaved and need to conceal the beard or i got a breakout... basically its double layering, and it can work best with just using powder. liquid on liquid is gonna be a mess girl :lol:

Thanks for the advice, Alejandro. :heart:

Well, I have another problem I didn't mention :P I am very pale, but not very many pix being taken either, so no problems there :lol: But, my skin is very pink and hard to match. Back before Prescriptives had custom blend, I would try and try and try and finally find something that matched my skin & was OK with oily skin ... and then they would promptly discontinue it.

So I don't know if I'm going to be able to find a powder foundation to match my skin. I've noticed a lot of mineral makeup skews to yellow. If I wear something yellow, not only does it not match, but often it will start to go orange as my skin starts to "glow" :innocent: I did try MAC makeup for awhile when I was dating someone who was allergic to Prescriptives ... when I went to the counter I explained the color of my skin, I want the cool not the warm, etc. ... what happens but I get home & she's given me the warm :rolleyes: Anyway, I don't consider the pink skin a flaw at all, it is what it is, I like it, just want to match it (and I wasn't able to get a good match at MAC--for one thing, their concealer & makeup in the same shade don't match).

So yeah, I know what you mean about it coming off, it would if I touched it, but I pretty much don't, so it just stays there & glows :innocent:I do use blot powder as my only powder (not counting powder blush), but, I will just tell you right now I am too lazy to take it with me & touch up. (Part of the issue is, I use a powder brush at home, but it takes just a couple uses to gunk up the powder puffs. I just hate that ... gross.) I do touch up if I'm at home and going out again, but otherwise not. It's all I can do to keep up with my lipstick :lol:

But yes, that is the issue, I would like more coverage without having to use concealer. My custom blend used to have more coverage, but they discontinued some of the ingredients. Now that they are making concealer again, I want to talk to them & see if there's something else they can put in ...

Sounds like the fix+ primer won't cause me issues ... I imagine it would help me get better results from the foundation I'm using now? I think I will try it ...

Btw, as far as layering liquid foundation, I think it can be done, but I grant you, not easy :lol: I read a trick once in this old 1950s book for when you're going out ... 1st layer of foundation, lie down & take a cat nap for 20 min, 2nd layer, then powder, etc. I've tried this & it works ...
what kind of mac foundation did you try? if you're pink, you should stay within the NW shades not the NC's.
ok, :lol:

as for textured skin, and that applies to me most of the time, MATTE makeup is your best friend.

look at Oprah, and most drag queens, their skin is matted out to conceal any flaws or textures on their skin. That doesnt mean it can't be contoured with blush, it can all be done, but most preffered in powder based product like powder eyeshadow, blush and foundation.

for those that'd like to add a bit of glow onto the skin, if you feel your higher cheekbone area, is smooth, i'd use a beauty powder or some iridicent powder that works for you, and use light strokes with light amounts of product, basically polishing in that high cheekbone area to create some glow. same thing on as a very thin line right down the nose, to create a bit of 3d effect, so its not a completely matte look.

that's what i do most of the time. but definitely matte skin hides any imperfections, and you can sorta get away layering more makeup with matte skin cause its not as visible as a greased out foundation.

but same process applies, prime with something lightweight, layer on foundation (using thick sponge) then brush off excess or add more if you'd like, then seal with blot powder, then paint on.
did that make any sense?

btw which MAC primer broke you out? Fix + or prep + prime?
I agree with the matte makeup. Even if I wear a cream foundation in the winter, I still have to use powder to matte me out or else it doesn't look nearly as perfect as it does if I leave it dewy.
How do you get under eye concealer to stay? I have a hard time keeping it from sitting between the (tiny) wrinkles under my eye. I use a very fluid and light concealer (touche eclat from YSL) on the entire under eye area, and then MAC Studio Finish concealer on my dark circles...touche eclat doesn't cover my dark circles. How do you smooth out the eye area so that the concealer doesn't sit between the wrinkles?
BTW I do use setting powder (Les Meteorites from Guerlain).
i mean, if you have those little lines, its gonna be hard to eliminate the buildup on that area. I have that problem and what i do is i use powder foundation heavily under that area. other than that, its hard to control.

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