Anita Pallenberg

She went to Morocco last summer, and I have a couple of private photos of her there with John Dunbar. She looks very peaceful and happy.
The photos are in the 2008 album, courtesy of Marc English, here:
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she aged very much. but she got a great style even nowdays. i always loved her style.
she aged very much. but she got a great style even nowdays. i always loved her style.

Too bad she couldn't have aged as well as Julie Christie or Catherine Deneuve. She had the bone structure for it, if she'd have stayed away from drugs & alcohol and out of the sun. If not for that, she could still be a real beauty.
She went to Morocco last summer, and I have a couple of private photos of her there with John Dunbar. She looks very peaceful and happy.
The photos are in the 2008 album, courtesy of Marc English, here: [URL=""][/URL]

Didn't she had to undergo hip surgery a few times, not only once? She walks with a slight drawl.
And she arguably had troubles with her knee as well. That was the reason why she wasn't at Keith's marriage to Patti. She was invited, but couldn't come because she was in terrible shape in London after she had fallen and damaged her knee and she even had to undergo surgery for that, I think. (Btw, she presented Keith with a beautiful Gibson guitar - I think a Gibson '34 - later on, as a wedding gift ;) )

And wasn't she also just in India two years ago? IF I remember correctly, afterwards in an interview she even said she would have stayed there If it wasn't for her family, or something like that.

Btw, thanks for the Marocco pics with John Dunbar, EvaLaDiva. She looks happy, indeed. :flower: I think it's great she still goes to see the Master Musicians of JouJouka with whom Brian had worked. (They also played on the Stones Steel Wheels album on a track called Continental Drift. ;))
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Please kindly refrain from discussing drug use (by Anita Pallenberg or The Rolling Stones).
Thank you. :flower:
i mean sure, anita's face looks a bit wasted.. but at least she didn't undergo plastic sugery!
Working through Bockris' book on Keith- good Lord, she's lucky just to be alive! Sad story... :(
Working through Bockris' book on Keith- good Lord, she's lucky just to be alive! Sad story... :(

Yep, she really is. I have this book too, got it last fall and I have already red a bit of it, but then I stopped to read TWILIGHT which I'll have finished in a couple days and then I'll continue Bockris' Keith biography.
It will not give me a lot new stuff, I guess, cause I have already read so many other books about Keith and the Stones, but I'm curious nevertheless.
Maybe it was through Anita just being out of the media spotlight, but I always saw her as this chic, jet set chick who stood above the Stones lifestyle and legal problems all those years...Seems more like she was one of the biggest victims of their wicked ways. For all of their brilliant music, they were stupendously irresponsible during the 70s and 80s- ruining peoples lives without any regard for the consequences of their actions... I actually feel sorry for her now... :cry:
Maybe it was through Anita just being out of the media spotlight, but I always saw her as this chic, jet set chick who stood above the Stones lifestyle and legal problems all those years...Seems more like she was one of the biggest victims of their wicked ways. For all of their brilliant music, they were stupendously irresponsible during the 70s and 80s- ruining peoples lives without any regard for the consequences of their actions... I actually feel sorry for her now... :cry:

They were not very irresponsible about other people's lives but also about their own lives. At least some members of the band. Espacially in the 70s.

Hmm......*puts her thinking cap on*
An interesting thing you're saying and it certainly is true in some ways. I'll tell ya what I think. I think Anita to some extent was among those most reponsible for "building" the Stones' image. In a documentary on the Stones - "Just for the record" - there's a guy, and I forgot who said it, but anyway, he said the Anita had something of an architect upon her.
She was an incredible influence in many ways. She may not have influenced the Stones's - espacially Brian's and Keith's - decisions about what to do and not to do and how or how not to do it or whatever, but I'm convinced that she influenced their thinking a bit. I mean, Anita was actually the first woman who could speak her mind and maybe everyone thought she was insane and crazy - Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and the whole lot - but at the same time she had an incredible fascination going out from her. An irresistible fascination. See that quote from Ian Stewart who remembered Anita listening to an early version of 'Stray Cat Blues', the turning to Mick and telling him the drums were too loud or whatever and he rolled his eyes or something like that but eventually he got back to the studio and changed it, recut it. No other woman would have had this influence to tell one of the Stones what needed to be changed - "cause noone tells the bloody Stones how to bloody play!" And most didn't even have the, say, "courage", to face them and say "Listen, this soudns like a load of crap. You need to change this and that." except for their Manager and Ian Stewart.
So, to that point they weren't used to someone telling them they could do better and how to do it better. And Anita did exacly that more than once.
So, I think that was one of those "irresistible" things upon her; she was mysterious in a way and, of course, she looked just fabulous , so many were drawn automatically drawn to her.
I don't know If you've already come that far in the book, Boomer, but there's one passage in which some paragpraphs of Tony Sanchez' book are quoted. Tony claims that Anita once in the 70s found herself alone at Keith's Jamaica estate, was busted because she possessed various drugs and thrown into some Jamaican jail where she was raped. Keith send a guy down there, together with a lot of money, to get her put of the jail and bring her back to London. When she spotted Keith at the airport who was there to pick her up and take her home she "ran into his arms and loocked so wrecked an was just crying and weeping" etc and whatever he writes. Something along those lines.
Well, whether this story of Tony Sanchez is indeed true . you can never know with him - or not, this shows that without the Stones's safety net Anita was more or less helpless. So, saying she as a victim of the Stones' wicked days is certainly true to some extent, but I don't think that's all there is to it.
Anita is just as well as victim of her own life style, not the Stones' alone.
In my opinion, back then, everyone of the "Stones' 70s' 'cast'" got each other on to taking several stupid things and doing several stupid things. It's not the Stones's fault alone. Of course they messed with people's lives as well as they did with their owns, and you can make of it what you want, but there's more to it.
I don't really feel "sorry" for Anita in the common sense. If I said that I would also have to say that I feel sorry for all the Stones' employees (which I probably should - poor guys *lol* ) and the Stones themselves. In a way I do, but I certainly don't have "mercy" or so with any or them. What they did and how they did it and how they lead their lives back in the wicked days is basically their own fault. I know that Mick Jagger, for example, tried to help Keith with his problems, but it wouldn't really work.
Anita was okay, and when keith was home again she would do these things again (y'know what I mean, but I don't think we should express it to openly here, cause I don't want all that I have written here get deleted *lol* ) and it was the same the other way round. Everyone got Each other on things. It was a never ending circle most of the time, so to speak.
Anita carries just as much responsiblity to this mess and Keith and Brian and everyone else did and does.

I hope this makes sense. *lol*
I think the Stones adored Anita. She definitely had an influence over their style (musically and fashion) for some time. As far as their "experiments", it was the 60s & 70s and they are one of the biggest bands in the world. I think Anita is a very lucky woman for her experiences throughout life - the good and bad. She is who she is because of all of them. And I think she ROCKS!!!!:mowhawk:
^^You're right, the boys were fascinated of her and they adored her. And as I said, she influenced them in many ways, she was probably onme of the biggest influences on their whole image. I mean, you can see that with Keith a lot, there's a good example: Around the time he got together with Anita, maybe some months later when his hair finally was really long - like, 1968 the year after they got together, he started putting on black nail polish. Not only that, he also began using black kohl kajal around his eyes. And I think eventually Anita is responsible for this in the first place - like she was the impulse to do this, y'know. (Not that I have a problem with Keith's black circled eyes
gg* To the contrary, he used to look very sexy with that.) I can even picture her kinda suggesting it, although of course I don't know If she actually did. I just assume it, since it started around that time.
So, yes, she influenced a lot of things concerning the Stones.
And, as I said, in Munich 1965, Anita was the one who came backstage and more or less offered the band to start a little experiment with some illegal substances. (Mods, I hope it's alright I say thus far.)
And now I'm quiet. *g*
^^ I think I'll go look at pictures of Cheryl Tiegs and Christie Brinkley... :cry:


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