Anita Pallenberg

I just saw Anita at the BFI in London...she answered some questions after a screening of Performance. She is going deaf i think? She had to have all audience questions repeated to her...even though the audience had a mic. She wore a long black velvety jacket, tight black trousers, blue scarf, gold shoes with black/silver stripped sparkly socks.

James Fox was also there, He's aged quite well......Anita definitely still has a presence but her looks are...she looks like an old witch, to be honest!!!! I love her, but it's such a shame how she has aged. she used to be so beautiful. Her style is still very cool though.
Wow Malna!!! That sounds like quite an experience. Thank you so much for sharing. Anita has always had a witchy vibe to me. Even before her she began to age.:p
Anita Pallenberg: Beauty Icon

From Russh Magazine Australia Sept/Oct 08 (Issue 18)

my scan
Anita has always had a witchy vibe to me.

Well, you know, some of the tension within the Rolling Stones world back when Sympathy for the Devil was done, was that Anita actually was doing witchcraft...of course that was the basis for the song itself and the Satanic Majesty's Request album...Very strange things were happening back then... :shock: :unsure:
Well, you know, some of the tension within the Rolling Stones world back when Sympathy for the Devil was done, was that Anita actually was doing witchcraft...of course that was the basis for the song itself and the Satanic Majesty's Request album...Very strange things were happening back then... :shock: :unsure:

Yes that was the era that scared me the most regarding the Stones, most

rock band during that era also did witchcraft
Yeah, and I hate how Keith just kind of laughs it all off now...I mean, he had stolen Anita from Brian, and she is clearly seen in Goddards film telling everyone how to do the "WhooWhoo" background when they are recording Sympathy, which is a witches calling up of the spirits- and Keith acts like it all never happened... :unsure:
*please do not quote images*

This must be from somewhen early-mid-sixties. Maybe '64?

I stumbled across a rather recent pic of her, taken in fall 2008 or so, maybe october, and she looked quite wrecked. In fact, and I don't like saying this, she didn't look very good. :cry:
At least she had her gorgous smile on.
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^^ I really hate seeing her pictures these days...:cry: I guess those years of endless abuse have taken their toll..Just like I saw a piece with Maryanne Faithful (who was with Mick when Anita was with Brian and Keith) and she is unrecognizable...Sad to see... :doh:
that picture makes me jealous how effortless she was with her beauty and no matter what she looked amazing! but sadly that's not the same now:(
In happier days, as they say...

Keith Richard, a member of the Rolling Stones, escorts his partner, actress Anita Pallenberg, and their two children to a screening of Rolling Stones' concerts under the title, "Gimme Shelter," May 20, 1971. A thousand teenagers were invited to the show and stamped, whistled and clapped their way through the film.


They were a good looking bunch- even Keith looks healthy there! ;) I was watching an old video of Ready, Steady, Go last night, and Keith was actually sort of cute in the early years...Of course his endless competition in all things with Brian is kind of interesting, since Brian was the ladies man of the group in those days, and the only one of the Stones that you would call good looking, in a traditional way...I think Anita leaving for Keith really was the beginning of the end for Brian....
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