Celinechic, in my opinion, Anna Wintour deserves much WORSE than just a pie in a face....
First of all, I am must start off by making myself clear.... there is a CLEAR difference between eating meat and wearing fur... one is a need.... while the other is ONLY ONLY ONLY a superficial investment... I could ask a thousand fur wearers WHY they wear real fur instead of faux fur.... ...and most of the time, the reasons they'd come up to me with is because it's soft, beautiful, it's warm, it's uncomparable to faux fur..... I don't qualify that as an argument, because all they want is the luxury of real fur... ...is that enough to justify the killing of TONS of animals for a fur coat!? I believe it is not...
I do not question Peta's way of getting their message through, they do what they believe is best to showcase their cause, and believe it or not, it is working... there are tons of other animal protection organisms out there... could you name me at least 5 of them (without using an internet search engine
) just like that?! i don't think so, because not most of the time, but ALL the time, busy people do not have time to pay attention to causes which they feel is a waste of time...
People are looking for anything with shock value... that's what Peta does.. they desperately need attention for their cause, it's such a good one, and what they've done up till now is passable..... Ok so throwing a pie on someone's face is low... I AGREE. but anna Wintour is INDIRECTLY causing the killing of so many animals for stupid fur accessories/clothes... she deserves much worse than just a pie in the face... and the real purpose of it is public humiliation.... and it works..... !
At the end of the day, what does organizations like Peta really want?! they want us human beings who think we're on top of all things, to think about those poor animals' rights.... they do deserve to live their life without being killed JUST FOR THEIR FUR!!!!
To be perfectly honest with you..., Peta could do MUCH WORSE and i'd still support them, because seriously how harmful is it to be thrown a pie at, or being a designer and having your runway invaded by peta people.... compared to being skinned...... and sometimes skinned ALIVE.... how horrible is that...!?
To be perfectly honest with you guys, this subject pains me so much.. it's just NOT RIGHT to kill a poor animal for your own superficial inner fur fantasies....