This thread is making me angry because so many people are missing the point. One poster stated that Peta was like a "terrorist organisation" and another stated "you can't impose your beliefs". Well I tell you what, it's fine to have beliefs, but when it affects somebody or SOMETHING then I think it is absolutely necessary to stand up for what you believe in.
It isn't just that Anna Wintour believes fur is acceptable, she openly promotes the use of fur and therefore the suffering of millions of animals. Come on, have you ever seen a fur farm? I've visited a rabbit farm and however terrible it was, it wasn't even the worst there is. Peta do not HURT anybody physically, they challenge people to think about their actions and for them to be compared to a terrorist organisation is pathetic and small minded. They have an uphill battle because meat eating and fur wearing is ingrained in the psyche of people every day from a very young age. I'm sure throwing a pie isn't exactly the best message but isn't it easy to understand their frustration from 30 years of campaigning and still facing the same struggles every day? Don't forget that this is their job, their every day life.
Furthermore somebody else stated that Peta was dangerous because "they value the life of animals over human beings". For a start i'm not sure where you got that from, but it's completely ridiculous. Peta's policy is that "NO SENTIENT BEING SHOULD SUFFER". That means every animal on this planet, every human, whether rich or poor, every animal whether big or small, should be allowed the same basic rights and standard of life. Secondly, there are so many organisations dedicated to human rights. Now, if Peta dropped everything to join this massive number of charities it wouldn't make much difference. Honestly it wouldn't. I'm glad that thre are people who monitor the horrible abuses that needlessly happen in society, to intelligent capable creatures. Their belief is that if people learn to respect their bodies, the animals around them and the planet then this world will be a better place, and with a vegetarian diet it will be easier to eradicate life threatening illnesses and extreme hunger.
Peta does go over the top and i've sent them e-mails (and had replies incidentally) but it's equally as bad to buy into the anti-peta propaganda, and trust me there's a lot of it out there. The fact is they've done a lot of good, and they're doing a lot of good and just because somebody throws a pie out of frustration it doesn't instantly turn them into terrorists.
And about the misinformation argument, seriously, this company doesn't have anything to gain from lying about the abuse to animals. Neither to the other hundreds of dedicated organisations out there who spend all their time doing undercover operations and exposes. Just because somebody cares why does it instantly negate their view? I'll never understand this stance. When you've SEEN the treatment of animals for yourself and when you've looked at evidence other people have found then you realise there is a gross disrespect for life on this planet.
And as for the person who started eating meat again and dropped any principles just to 'get back at peta'..well..what can I say..I feel sorry for you i'm not even going to say it. I just feel sorry for you. That's pretty petty and pointless. You should have done it because you really couldn't survive without meat, because you'd thought long and hard about it and realised that morally you were fine with eating meat. So..yeah i've said my two cents and they're a bit incoherent because i'm really tired but eh...