Anne Hathaway

Leaving her home in New York City - April 10, 2015.

Out and about in New York (2015.04.17 )
Out and about in New York City - May 9, 2015.

New York (2015.05.10 )
Seen walking to the public theatre in New York City - May 16, 2015.
I like that outfit with the gingham skirt...the rest is a bit iffy, but I like that she always seems comfortable.
Her candid style is a hot mess. That denim jumpsuit is a monstrosity.

But yes, the gingham skirt outfit is the best of the bunch.
Yes to the gingham skirt and brown suede coat looks. I do feel that these 50's-style skirts look better with a neater and fitted top.
I wonder who masterminded the sheer shirt with leather pants. Looks like she's taken another dive in the style department. It wouldn't hurt to maybe put some effort into her hair as well.
attending the party Flower Power Pacha Ibiza 2015 in Ibiza - August 11 2015
Simplicity works best with Anne. just look how sophisticated she looks in that black dress (not the one with Valentino).
OH Wowzers~!!!! What an incredible, beautiful and slickly-cool shoot!! :wub: Anne looks stunning here.

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