Anyone went to a normal college but now work in fashion industry?


this is what i had on my resume listed for the law office job:

making phone calls, answering phones, faxing, filing, preparing/mailing correspondence, preparing tax information, preparing billing statements

As an intern the duties beyond working with clothing samples and other fashion tasks will be basic secretary like things.

Having work on a resume that put you in fast paced situations helps as well.

Hope that helped and made sense.... I typed it fast
This is the sort of predicament I'm also going to be stuck in in a few months.I'm in ohio with not a lot of money for college so my only real option is going to a university my mom works at and getting free tuition to it(but the major courses there are in business and science).They do have art courses which I will have to get in to to keep my sanity if I do end up going there which is likely.But I do want to intern during college.Is there an overall listing of magazines and such on here that accept summer/regular internships?
I got a 4 year college degree in marketing/advertising.
Thru the second year, it hit me : I hate working in publicity agencies!
So, I did not panic (just a little) and start to wonder what market I would love to work ('cause to me marketing is about selling a brand which I really love).
Now I'm moving to Barcelona, to start a master course in Fashion MKT.I've been working for a year in one of the biggest fast-fashion retailers in Brazil.
I think If you start in a non-fashion course, with some little courses you can totally change to this market and you'll have a lot of experience from other markets (that's what got me hired!)
I graduated from Zhejiang University and USQ, Bussiness Ad. major. I'm working in a clothing and trading company, which supplis clothing services for ZARA, KAPPA... and other small fashion companies, or indepent designers. All my knowledges in clothing are from my mother. haha~!
experience and talent is everything! not a fancy nancy degree from a fancy nancy college/university!

i got my degree in fine art, did an HND (sort of like the first 2 years of a degree) in fashion design, and now i'm a trend forcaster! all qualifications gained in scotland (certainly not the fashion centre of the world!) :) although i do think i'm very lucky - it CAN be done and dreams can come true!!

this is what i had on my resume listed for the law office job:

making phone calls, answering phones, faxing, filing, preparing/mailing correspondence, preparing tax information, preparing billing statements

As an intern the duties beyond working with clothing samples and other fashion tasks will be basic secretary like things.

Having work on a resume that put you in fast paced situations helps as well.

Hope that helped and made sense.... I typed it fast
Great. Thanks. :heart:
I'm currently going to a private art school, and the degree I'm working at is a four year which is all about creative direction/art/business. It's crazy perfect for me, but I'm worried that because my school doesn't offer any fashion courses, I won't look so hot on a resume. =( On top of that, I had my first class of my new semester today, and during my introduction, my new professor pretty much scoffed at my ambitions to work in the fashion industry. I guess I can admire that you're taking such a chance . . . Ugh. I feel like this career path doesn't even exist as an option for the people at my school.
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5 years for Business degree and MBA

it's definetly the financial side for me! ;)
I'm finishing my degree in history this May at a decent school, but nowhere spectacular. I articulated this to Pringle of Scotland in my initial correspondence and they responded the next day (within hours) requesting my cv (and things are going swimmingly). Of course, I have internships, but the most important thing is to show how passionate you are. For a position in PR or marketing, your creativity and ability to speak eloquently, but concisely are going to be key and no degree can teach you that. Those are natural and its how you express them in cover letters and on your CV.
I agree, knightley. Those ineffable, unteachable talents and natural abilities are what actually make people get ahead in the world. A degree is important - maybe vital to some careers - but what you can actually DO ON YOUR OWN RECOGNIZANCE is what really counts. A degree helps get your foot in the door, but from there it's all you & your own initiative that will allow you to sink or swim. Also, fashion is one of the few industries left where there's a lot of 'backdoor entry' (sounds so wrong!); meaning, simply, there's a lot of unconventional ways in that the gatekeepers to other 'ordinary' careers have simply shut out. Thank god for creative industries!
Anyone went to a normal college but now work in fashion industry

i know of a company just hired an ivy leaguer who had a teleconference interview with France and German [offices] as well as in nyc [ny was an actual face to face interview], will be handling 75 + models and assist the VP just this past week. Also, extensive travels included with the position... and is only yes, you dont need a fashion school or design background to work in the industry.
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Now I'm moving to Barcelona, to start a master course in Fashion MKT.I've been working for a year in one of the biggest fast-fashion retailers in Brazil.
I think If you start in a non-fashion course, with some little courses you can totally change to this market and you'll have a lot of experience from other markets (that's what got me hired!)

where are you gonna study that?? i am from barcelona and i'd love to knwo about it... i study business and mba but maybe fashion mkt is next step!
i just met a girl whose friend went to art school, a general BFA, and after graduating got hired at Banana Republic as a visual merchandiser ... I think it's designing window displays? ^_^
I'm going to be attending Walsh University in my town ,and will likely be majoring in communication which includes journalism and things of that nature.Hopefully I can get a good career after that, though I probably will transfer once I can get my general credits done and some other things finished.

I'm a final year History student at the University of Manchester (UK), and next year I'm taking a year out to make my French and Spanish fluent.

Anyway, I'm really not sure what I want to do about my longer term careers plan.

Aside from my degree I've got experience in charity work and working with children, but this has really led me to believe that this isn't what I want to do.

So, to my point, does anyone know of any jobs in the fashion industry that I could do with my qualifications? I like working in busy team environments and I also like being a bit creative.

I'm just trying to find as many ideas as possible.
There's a thread about finding the perfect fashion career ... you should make your inquiry there, too. There's actually a lot of good ideas in that thread, already. Use the advanced search ... keyword "perfect" will probably bring it up ... search thread titles only in Careers and Education and ask for results as threads ... to narrow it down.
Thanks for the info, im dying to get a job or interniship this summer in fashion, im in school right now so i cant really do much.
i went to a normal university and just landed a fashion editorial internship at a top fashion mag.

I had been working at my mom's law office for many years now and the experience i got there as an assistant got me the job.

You could easily build a resume with strengths important for the starting positions

Good luck :)

Aw that is my dream Jiji, to land a fashion editorial position after college. Could you give me more insight on the process? Did you have connections? I am from Washington DC but did not apply to any summer internships in NYC, but I have applied to admin and business positions, as well as an intern for a fashion designer here in DC. I have one more year in college and feel the need to get some sort of experience in a magazine or print setting during the upcoming school year. any advice would be appreciated!!!!

Congrats and good luck with the internship:D:flower:
I went to Northeastern as an undergrad and majored in English Literature. When I graduated in 2006, I knew I didn't want to be a lawyer as I had originally thought.

I did a few internships (unpaid) at a fashion PR firm, Theory, and applied for FIT's 1 year AAS in fashion merchandising program. I completed 1 semester at FIT before finding a full time job as an assistant buyer.

I don't think you need to attend a fashion school unless you're getting into design. Even then, it's not always necessary as long as you learn quickly and figure things out.

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