BEST fashion school? -Closed! See Post #1 for Instructions and Related threads.

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A lot of what you get in school are the connections, internships and relationships which can help you career when you get out of school. It is such a competitive field with thousands of students our there competing for the same entry level jobs. Those graduates without good connections have 2 stikes against them. That is why attending the "right" school in the "right" city is so helpful.

No ... attending a "lesser" school is not a total waste of money at all but it may not give you everything you need to be on the same level to compete with the others. Your chances are lessened ... but some obviously still succeed. It will probably take something extra ... better work, more networking, more talent, and lots of "chutzpah" ... to get the attention of the major fashion houses.
reese06 said:
People are knocking these trade schools such as FIDM and while I do agree that since it's so easy to get in(You mostly just have to show them that you have a general interest in fashion design) they all teach you the same skills. And you don't have to go to a school that's in a fashion capital. I actually have quite a few friends who have gone to school where I live at at the moment, Nashville, TN and one received an internship with Roberto Cavalli and is now employed with them and the other(a set of twins) received an internship with Vera Wang and both were offered jobs but declined and now own their own Bridal boutique that is doing very well(selling gowns starting at 5,000 dollars).
While fashion design is about networking, it's also about creativity and skills. IT IS NOT A WASTE OF MONEY TO GO TO A SCHOOL THAT'S NOT IN A FASHION CAPITAL. You are being taught the same skills and sometimes at a cheaper cost and you still can compete and receive the same job over someone who went to one of these well established schools.

It's hard enough to get a job in the fashion industry living in Manhatttan and going to a famous design school, so why would you suggest that someone go to school in Nashville? I'm not sure what school you go to, but reputation and connections count for alot in this business and if a FIDM student went up against a Parsons student for a job, who do you think would get the job? And even if your friends got internships with Roberto and Vera, didn't they have to move to NY to do them? Or is there a Cavalli showroom in Tennessee?
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AmericanBaby said:
It's hard enough to get a job in the fashion industry living in Manhatttan and going to a famous design school, so why would you suggest that someone go to school in Nashville? I'm not sure what school you go to, but reputation and connections count for alot in this business and if a FIDM student went up against a Parsons student for a job, who do you think would get the job? And even if your friends got internships with Roberto and Vera, didn't they have to move to NY to do them? Or is there a Cavalli showroom in Tennessee?

I don't recall suggesting that someone go to school in Nashville but I said that if someone was unable to attend one of these famous fashion schools then they are not completely shut out from the fashion industry. People like yourself on these boards seem to condemn people that go to these schools and I'm just saying that it's possible with hard work to do very well without having to go to one of these Ivy league fashion schools. Also, internships require you to move sometimes. People that go to Parsons and FIT sometimes get internships in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, etc. but they didn't study there and attend school in those cities. The point is that they did not attend school in a fashion capital ... not where they did their internship. There is no reason for you to ask me if there is a Cavalli showroom in TN when it's obvious that there isn't. Come better next time please.
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reese06 said:
I don't recall suggesting that someone go to school inNashville but I said that if someone was unable to attend one of these famous fashion schools then they are not completely shut out from the fashion industry. People like yourself on these boards seem to condemn people that go to these schools and I'm just saying that it's possible with hard work to do very well without having to go to one of these Ivy league fashion schools. Also, internships require you to move sometimes. People that go to Parsons and FIT sometimes get internships in Paris, Milan, Tokyo, etc. but they didn't study there and attend school in those cities. The point is that they did not attend school in a fashion capital ... not where they did their internship. There is no reason for you to ask me if there is a Cavalli showroom in TN when it's obvious that there isn't. Come better next time please.

This is a thread about the best fashion schools, to post on it about schools which evidently aren't amongst the best is nothing but a provocation, which is obviously going to lead to a rebuke.
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Good point, Prince ... let's get back on topic. It's about which is the best school for fashion ... give your opinions and state why.

If you wish to discuss shcools in general or ask questions about curriculum, applications etc. ... there's several threads for different locations ... the US, Paris, Canada, Europe, Austrailia and a few others. To find the others, please use the advanced search and type in "schools" ... seach thread titles only and ask for results by threads. YOu'll find a good selection.

I just moved a couple of posts from here to the USA fashion school thread ... in case you are looking for them.
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Hi, I am currently an industrial design student, but after I finish college I'm planning on starting a fashion studies MA in London, but I don't want to be a fashion designer, I'd rather take a course that focus mainly on fashion studies, or fashion styling, does anyone knows wich schools offer courses like this and wich are the best ones please?
I will explain here my problem because I think it wont be necessary to start a new discussion for that.
Well, I'm from Spain and I would like to study in a fashion university. The problem I have is that I think Spain doesn't have a good level if we talk about fashion, so I'm interested in studying outside, in France or in England. I would like you to say me what universities are the best in those countries and in Spain. I'm really lost, I don't know where to study and what to do. I will be pleased if you tell me what the steps of becoming a fashion student are, what I have to do, if I have to send some of my drawings, the places of the registration...

Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.
^^ i heard the school in Barcelona is really good.
Well, I'm from Spain and I would like to study in a fashion university. The problem I have is that I think Spain doesn't have a good level if we talk about fashion, so I'm interested in studying outside, in France or in England. I would like you to say me what universities are the best in those countries and in Spain. I'm really lost, I don't know where to study and what to do. I will be pleased if you tell me what the steps of becoming a fashion student are, what I have to do, if I have to send some of my drawings, the places of the registration...

Thank you. Looking forward to hearing from you.

This thread is about the "best" fashion schools world wide just to get an idea about which are considered the top schools ... but it is not about the details of admission, the curriculum offered or about various careers.

There are better threads for what you seek. Back up to post #245 to learn about specific schools in each area ... there are links provided in that post.. There is also information in these other threads about what there entrance requirements are for those schools.

You can do an advanced search for threads about various careers (keyword/ career or careers). There are lots of ongoing theads with ideas for you ... and they often discuss the schooling rwquirements to get into those careers. I think that this may be better information for you ... if you don't know what career you want, it's impossible to select the best schools for it.
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Thanks, I'm new here and I haven't posted a lot...
Anyway I don't find those threads. I will look for them.
And in Spain, what the best universities are? Anybody knows??
Anyway I don't find those threads. I will look for them.
If you need to learn how to do an Advanced Search for threads (it's important to know how ... we have thousands on ongoing threads on any one day that are very difficult to find, otherwise), you can go the the Member Support Forum ... at the bottom of the forums list ... and pinned near the top, there's a thread called "Seraching for Something? .... How to narrow down Search Results" which will give specific instructions about how to set your predefined search to make it fairly easy.
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I just moved a conversation about schools in Paris to the appropriate thread and have deleted a bunch of other off topic comments.

So, I am closing this thread, because it was continually going off topic. despite my request that it stay on topic. I think that all the "Best" schools have been mentioned in this thread and no one seems to be adding more information that furthers the topic.

Doing a good advanced search using some carefully selected keywords, will help you find the appropriate thread for your question. There is a thread pinned at the top of the Memeber Support forum with specific directions about how to do an effective Advanced Search .... so you get fewer and very precise results and are able to quickly find what you need. Use it, please.

Here's only a few of the threads out there that you need to know about when discussing schools ... and I found them all doing an Advanced Search. There are more ... so if it's not here .... search for it.

Groups of Schools by geographic location:
Paris fashion schools
USA Fashion schools
Canadian fashion schools
London & UK fashion Schools/Colleges/Universities
European Fashion Schools
Australian fashion schools
Designers, Schools, And Environment In Miami
Dubai fashion schools

Some of the more popular Schools have their own threads:

Parsons School of Fashion ... New York
Central Saint Martins
London College of Fashion
FIT / Fashion Institute of Technology, Fashion School in New York
Japan-Bunka Fashion College

There are also threads about:
All About Financing Fashion School or College - loans, grants, scholarships, etc.
High School Students, How to Prepare For Fashion School
Visual Arts and Graphic Design Schools
Home Study, Summer and Online/Virtual Fashion School Courses
How Important are Grades when Applying to to a Fashion School?
Anyone went to a normal college but now work in fashion industry?

If you wish to learn about what type of schooling you need to have a career in a certain profession in the fashion industry ... there is probably a thead dedicated to that, too. Use the Advance Search function to find your profession by using the name of the profession (just don't use the keyword "fashion" ... you will get too many results).
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Moderators' Note:

Merged to the existing thread about this subject. Please always do an advanced search before starting a new thread. Most of the time, we already have a thread about your topic.

This thread has been closed ... see this post on the previous page for an explanation: #253 It also lists other threads about specific fashion schools in various cities and countries, if you wish to discuss details about any particular school.
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