Australian Street Style

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to be honest i really only visit this thread to figure out what NOT to wear.:ninja::innocent:
^^haha. at least it serves ONE purpose. :)

out of the WHOLE thread, i just fancied ONE outfit (which wasnt even THAT great)
I feel disgraced! I really don't like Australian fashion although I live in Australia. I tend to follow the international catwalk trends more.
haha okay i just found this thread and have seen so many people i know/am friends with already, especially from the pics from kink and inthemix..oops. remember the extra skank is provoked by the intense amounts of alcohol at these places haha...its the "scene"...what can you do.....but dont worry i still dress in my own way ;)
haha now i just hope i never see myself on here!
I live in fear of ending up in this thread :lol:

I know what you mean about the skankiness and being in the scene or whatever - I'll admit that I do partake in the skankiness that is kink, tank, moulinrouge, dragonfly, mylk etc... but I like to think I dress with more insight than most of the outfits posted here... :innocent:
i loved that last post on the last page... "i so want that purple jacket"

I ought to go to Melbourne these holidays. It has the most stylish Kidz and supre almost seems non-existent.
I hate the fact that were always 2 seasons behind and even when we do get in new trends all the retail stores rip them off and make them look terribly cheap by adding too many polka dots that our eyes become crossed....

Bags : always too many studs, even on the more high end retail bags.
shoes: cheap shiny 2 dollar hooker looking, Made in china (therefore the fit can sometimes look ridiculous) even some $80 shoes are made in china!
Swimwear: if you buy bikinis from a store like e.g. ice the fit will often look like "t*ts +"

Lately i've noticed that stores like tempt and valleygirl being basically the same store anyways. The fits on just about every piece of clothing are just wrong.

You used to be able to sometimes get something decent for your money . But now it seems you only get what you pay for and sometimes less because most of the fabric is probably gathering up your bum or on your boobs and the stitching breaks after about one wash.
It's sometimes the same with some of dotti's clothes.
madrid_qon said:
You used to be able to sometimes get something decent for your money . But now it seems you only get what you pay for and sometimes less because most of the fabric is probably gathering up your bum or on your boobs and the stitching breaks after about one wash.
It's sometimes the same with some of dotti's clothes.

If someone buys cheap clothes then they cannot be surprised when the stitching breaks or the quality does not perform. I think Australia has some good retailers who provide good quality clothes that are in line with current trends (local and international)

Dotti's clothes are cheap, the fabric is cheap, the colour is cheap and the manufacture is cheap. I think its fine that you get what you pay for - I would rather spend that little extra money and get a quality garment with a good cut, manufacture and a dye recipe that performs to proper colour fastness standards.

Clothes from places like Dotti are fine as they provide the right product to the right demographic, but people should not be surprised when they don't last.
perhaps this site has already been mentioned:

a few from there




A better-than-average threethousand edition.


I particularly like 1 and 2 and 5 is the best!!!
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Weird! I have the same bag as the 7th girl in post 513. I bought it in Valu Village in Guelph Ontario...on the other side of the world!
i don't like some of them but the 5th all black outfit is cute! :woot:
thankyou for posting :flower:
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