Moderator's Note:
In order to improve site performance, long threads that are draining our loading time will be closed and we are going to be periodically starting new threads. This should help pages load faster.
Please remember that not everyone is on a fast connection, or has a large screen, and keep your picture sizes to 800 pixels or less in the largest dimension. This will also help with page load speed.
The old thread can be found here
Here they are! They fit perfectly and feel so comfy. I love them and am just waiting for the rain to stop so that I can wear them out.
[my pic]
In order to improve site performance, long threads that are draining our loading time will be closed and we are going to be periodically starting new threads. This should help pages load faster.
Please remember that not everyone is on a fast connection, or has a large screen, and keep your picture sizes to 800 pixels or less in the largest dimension. This will also help with page load speed.
The old thread can be found here
Here they are! They fit perfectly and feel so comfy. I love them and am just waiting for the rain to stop so that I can wear them out.
[my pic]
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