Ballet flats

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i can't see the reasoning behind the cost of lanvin flats at all...those shoes will damage your feet walking on hard pavements :/
Lanvin's flats actually have a slight concealed raise inside the shoe - this is the secret of their success and their comfort. Providing you re-sole them - there should be no problems either with your comfort or with the shoe when walking on hard pavements. I know I wear Lanvin's elasticated ballet flats 80 percent of the time and pound the pavements of Paris and London. They could hurt your feet however if they don't fit properly.
im now an avid fan of my ZANOTTI banana flats.
they are comfier than my Lanvins for now :)
I got my first pair of ballet flats this past week - never thought I'd find a pair that fit nice - and were comfortable but when I did :woot: - they're so cute. Their faux black patent with a little bow ^_^
So not a fan of these buggers right now. I wore a pair that were more then 2 sizes too small for me today and my feet are feeling it. Stupid me.
The boyfriend is buying me these...

I love them. Capezio has some really cute ballet flats.
23 seconds, I need that pair of topshop flats immediately! They're gorgeous. And statonscarlet, those Capezio flats are lovely, lucky girl.
The Capezios are cute, but they're just actual ballet slippers (not ballet flats) with the studding detail. I can't really imagine wearing ballet slippers on the street.
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^ia, they would kill my feet knowing how much I walk.

They are also basically a knockoff of these Marc Jacobs that came in the same colors:


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^There is a thread here for them, you can search for it. Her line is known as "London Sole" in the USA and "French Sole" everywhere else. I found the quality seriously lacking for the price. The shape and color choice is great, but the construction left me wanting more. The sole on the lowcuts and most all of the shoes is actually thin plastic, and the leather is quite thin although soft. Zero arch support. I don't think I would buy again to be honest.

It's just hard to find a nice plain pair of flats that has a good high vamp.
^wait i'm confused sue london and london sole are the samething? so the london slipper sold on sue is actually the same as the other two 'brands'? I was under the impression most london and french sole flats came w/ a little bow on them. The flats on are plain lanvin esqe. These are all the same company though?
I have black patent leather ballet flats arriving today. I've never worn them before and never really thought of myself as the type---but looking forward to it all the same!
The ballet flat is simple, yet lovely. Someone talked about my ideas about ballet flats like it's a bad thing. Well, at least I'd rather see these than sheepskin boots or open-toe boots. The most surprising thing about such flats is that Christian Louboutin made a pair of $500+ flats! A simple pair of flats for THAT much? I still love seeing these flats worn by femmes. I'd probably even go as far as calling these as alternatives to flip-flops if it's a warm day. Again, simple and lovely. Some even attempt to make these as all-year fashions. Those who normally wear flip-flops go to wearing these flats. Either these, or sneakers.

They're good to see casually. I have also seen some try out such flats with business-like outfits. No matter how you wear these or what kinds you wear, I'm one to give some love for these shoes. As far as comfort goes, I'd imagine that the flat heels mean you can't be out wearing these for too long. Maybe an alternative would be skimmers, since most of these sneaker-like slip-ons have at least some sort of cushioning. But still, these flats are inexpensive style. Unless $500+ Louboutin flats tickle your fancy...
does ferragamo varra signature flats (with bow) is also considered ballet flats? love that ones so much.
I just got my beautiful Repetto flats..^^ I'll post picture later
I'm loving my new flats but I'm not entirely used to them yet. I feel a bit as though I'm walking funny---I just need to break them in.
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